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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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12 hours ago, Scrappy said:

Omg that opportunistic little vermin. No! Back off! Thank you, but gtfo. You’ve made your bed, now sleep in it you lying dog. 

Wow that's harsh :pieceofwhat:

lier? what did he actually said? cause i remember the "i'm a mom now" thing he spoke about but was there something else? :disappointed:

either way, he's a great choreographer and dancer:madance:


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1 hour ago, nwonder said:

She was able to get herself a decent hairstylist and maybe some work done looks like, with Brinnys coin.



Whilst Britney's hair always is messy , unhealthy and looks like a nest . " her dad and team have her best interest" yet no one can say " hey brit u wanna go get your hair done with me" ? Since she's crazy and cannot function   right??? 

Isn't that what you'd do if you were getting paid to "care" for someone? That's literally the slightest thing. "

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I’m curious (pun intended) to see if these “look at how great I’m doing” IG posts continue after May 10th. Until then I’m sure we’ll be getting something like this every day or so. It seems as though team c-ship is working overtime, probably to prove that Britney is “thriving” under their control. Don’t be fooled. :nochillbrit:

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1 hour ago, PokemonSpears said:

I think it was @BrittonJeanSpears


1 hour ago, Shrekney said:

@BrittonJeanSpears your imagination gave me so much life ty :tifftear:

It wasn't me. It was @Yumjaël, they claimed that they were from 2030, and were aiming for 2005 Exhale but got 2015 Exhale instead. LOL I however was the one who kept that thread alive, bumping it all the time and constantly asking about different popstars, all of whom became political figures. If I remember right, Taylor Swift was a war criminal, Beyoncé got beheaded, Katy stopped being fake and started fighting for the good side, and Britney and Madonna were massive political and spiritual figureheads.

The thread I created was the Exhale parody of American Horror Story, which I personally thought was a masterpiece.

Both threads got deleted a long time ago. I think it was as a result of switching to new servers. I remember we used to have threads going all the way back to 2007, but unless you go to General, we don't anymore. (Since Britney was one of my characters, it was allowed to stay in the Britney forum, which ended up sealing its fate.)

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2 hours ago, Shrekney said:

I’m starting to think the photoshoot post was a honeypot for everyone who thinks the conservatorship should end, I can’t comment on the yoga one which leads me to believe I can’t comment on any future post anymore from now on. They’re so f**king stupid :cackling: do they not know it takes less than 3 minutes to make a new account? :tiffcackle: Loucifer/Larry we have all the time in the world to expose y’all, and it won’t stop until y’all are either charged and sentenced for something, or proven innocent. These braindead fans though... good lord :wontcry: I was lurking through some of their insta accounts (:jj:) and jfc, like how can anyone be that basic? :jlostare: These people seem like they don’t know themselves at all and only go with what’s presented in front of them. No depth whatsoever. They make Britney’s Instagram page look like some edgy avant-garde artsy fartsy type of **** :orangu:

Dude I think you are right about the comment thing. I commented ‘hi’ on her newest post just to see and I was able to find it fine until after a minute. Once I refreshed the post it was completely gone...

i mean, I guess it could’ve been just lost in the oblivion of comments, but normally any comment you make personally is always easily accessible no?

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