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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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I haven't caught up with the thread but Britney is "kind of" on German TV now. Yall know America's next Topmodel? We have the same thing in Germany (presented by Heidi Klum). This week the girls have to perfom along with Drag Queens as Lady Gaga, Cher, Aretha Franklin oorrrrr Britney Spears :orangu: The two girls who have to perform as Britney are the best ones so maybe some of the teenage girls are going to tweet about it and we can Britney on trending again. 

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26 minutes ago, Shadow2003 said:

UNBELIEVABLY well said, my friend.

I also do agree, a mentally ill person would be more likely to be a target for control than a healthy person. With Brit's case, they could manipulate her through something related to her anxiety or the custody over her kids.

The third paragraph just sums up something we should all be aware of and know of.

I'd also like to point out the rich vocabulary used. It's a very nice touch.

Overall, I feel like this deserves a:

Final rating: 10 / 10 :clap:

You made my day; I have always loved being graded, but unfortunately these days I am the one doing the grading rather than the one receiving the grades. 

This was an unexpected treat. 


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50 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Both parents are objectively terrible. Lynne has sold her daughter out, time and time again, with onset at approximately birth.

However, Lynne’s depths of depravity arguably have always been best illustrated with her ridiculously self-absorbed “expose” on Britney, prompting her to go on a press tour airing all the Spears’ dirty laundry (while defending only herself) at the same time her daughter was the most hated woman in America, publicly falling apart and had purposely estranged herself from said criminal parents:


(Also, the fact that no one ever brings up Lynne’s total perfunctory “btw, I killed a kid!” admission in the book is flabbergasting; what the **** is wrong with her)?

And, in 2008, she was telling anyone who would listen that Jamie was an abusive alcoholic and had no relationship with Britney. Less than one year later, however, she was back on the payroll, (which she has always denied despite documents proving otherwise), and released several public statements wholeheartedly endorsing Jamie as the conservator. 

Both parents are opportunistic, pathological liars; the only difference is, Ms. Sunday School Teacher Lynne is very cognizant of keeping up appearances as a “good, southern Christian mom,” while Jamie obviously doesn’t even attempt such a facade.

Edit: And despite Jamie’s greed, laziness, and abusive behavior, I don’t believe for a second that he would’ve been pushing Britney into child beauty pageants if it wasn’t for Lynne. It was clearly her mother’s dream for Britney (and by extension, herself), and that’s painfully obvious. A THREE-YEAR-OLD CHILD doesn’t “know they are meant to be an entertainer,” or whatever BS they always stated. A three-year-old has no awareness of career pursuits in the slightest. They just respond, and continue to execute, behaviors which provide them with positive reinforcement by their primary caretakers. Their entire story has always been patently absurd to anyone who understands basic child development.


-Lynne brought sam to britney as she admitted in her book he knew she needed money (!!) and invited her to endorse a product (that didn’t exist). All to get close to britney

-she continues to post about selling Rodan and Felds, conveniently missing out that she gets paid $2,000 a month from Britney. (Last c ship expenses posted), she lives in a home britney owns and she and JL often post photos of their Destin condo or Jamie’s LA condo that britney also owns, (Jl once posted a video of the destin condo calling it ‘our Home’ and I said commented it’s britneys ?)

-she almost sent Jamie lynn to mercy ministries (mentioned in the book) but apparently backed out the night before she was due to go,




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3 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

Question though. Hasnt Brenda apparently been around since 2016? And dont they have a status hearing every August? So would Brenda have ruled to continue the c-ship in both 2017 and 2018?

I read somewhere that she was appointed but didn't sit in the bench until late 2018. 

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13 minutes ago, Nels64 said:

Question though. Hasnt Brenda apparently been around since 2016? And dont they have a status hearing every August? So would Brenda have ruled to continue the c-ship in both 2017 and 2018?

adding to what @Goneforever said, I think Andre Wallet quitting influenced too. Some people said it was because of the #FreeBritney movement but I don't think she can or should call a hearing based on social media movements or what tabloids say about Britney (unless she's somehow a stan lol ) 

In any case, it would be unusual this hearing in May instead of waiting for the usual August one. Plus there is that motion filed by "Britney" in March, whatever it was. 

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this judge is our last hope

it's not greed that makes them hold on to c-ship...at this point they have enough money but afraid of what Britney is gonna say when she's free 

if there was indeed an abuse then oh boy....the jail is coming 

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