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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 minute ago, ILikeChillinWithYou said:


It was a big day today. Got into a motorcycle accident. Survived with minor injuries and a fractured left arm. At the hospital right now listening to Hold On Tight. Just got my phone. I couldn't do the recap so sorry. I promise you as long as I have a fully functional right hand, i will deliver it to you. Gonna start working on it. Sorry for the delay, please excuse me.

Get better soon :hugs:

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7 minutes ago, zxcvb said:

I don't think her sister deserves death threats at all but Larry deserves vitriol 100%

Beyonce's father built Beyonce's career but she fired him at some point.  Larry 'helping' land Britney a solo career and perfumes (even though he has been an utter failure outside of Britney and can only be seen as a 'good' manage forr Vegas acts pitbull, Aerosmith etc...) doesn't mean he doesn't deserve intense vitriol for a lot of the price of fame for Britney.

Larry should be inundated with vitriol indefinitely 

I, unfortunately, have to extend that to Jamie as well, at least to the point of death threats-- because he's family. But I WILL very insistently point out that I have always one hundred and twenty percent agreed with Johnny Wright, and know personally how the dynamic changes when you work under or above family in a professional atmosphere (I think I even discussed it here before this all broke out): and if everything is pointing to this man money laundering/embezzling big time with Lou Taylor, Larry, and the other crusty f*cks, then I DO vehemently wish he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, just as swiftly. Because this, sir, is ******* bullsh*t.

But I agree.

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5 minutes ago, ILikeChillinWithYou said:


It was a big day today. Got into a motorcycle accident. Survived with minor injuries and a fractured left arm. At the hospital right now listening to Hold On Tight. Just got my phone. I couldn't do the recap so sorry. I promise you as long as I have a fully functional right hand, i will deliver it to you. Gonna start working on it. Sorry for the delay, please excuse me.

get all the rest you need and get well soon :hugs: 

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Not relevant, but I just remembered the thank you notes from her latest albums


Britney Jean thank you note:


Well here we are, we made it! "Britney Jean" has been a labor of love for me. Now I get to thank some of the folks who played a big part in it. Thanks to my management team, Larry Rudolph, Adam Leber and Flo Tse for all you do. Miss Robin Greenhill, thank you for always keeping me on point and for everything you do for me. Lou Taylor and my team at TriStar, Seth Lichtenstein, Ken Hertz, Rob Light, Jeffrey Azoff and my entire team at CAA, Jeff Raymond, and everyone at Crowd Sur[...]

Glory thank you note:


I would like to thank my manager of almost 20 years, Larry Rudolph - he's been there for me through thick and thin. To my Robin for sticking with me even when I disagree with her completely... Martinelli's and strawberries all the waaaay! I love you dearly. To Karen Kwak A&R for always keeping things fresh and creative, and making me feel like what I do is a dream, not work. To all the talented producers and songwriters I worked with on this project who are so insanely gifted - you inspired me and gave me new insight and perspective on music. To all of my fans for always sharing their love - it means the world to me! To my incredible team of people who believe in my dreams: Maverick Management - Larry, Adam, Flo, Miss Lou, Robin, Deedra, Cindy, Laura, Rummy, Wayne and Sarah [...]


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10 minutes ago, ILikeChillinWithYou said:


It was a big day today. Got into a motorcycle accident. Survived with minor injuries and a fractured left arm. At the hospital right now listening to Hold On Tight. Just got my phone. I couldn't do the recap so sorry. I promise you as long as I have a fully functional right hand, i will deliver it to you. Gonna start working on it. Sorry for the delay, please excuse me.

Oh, my God, get better soon! Rest up and get well first!

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6 hours ago, Kiey said:

Btw I'm not sure if Britney is truly being held against her will.

She's too big of a celebrity to be conspired against like that.

Because if she's actually being controlled, then it means her mother, sister, brother and all her relatives must be in on it.

One tweet from them or her publicly and everything would crumble. It doesn't look like Jamie Lynn and Brian would be in on it but they remain tight lipped. Everything we hear about her situation are from outsiders who don't know her situation.

She must have a very unique or grave mental illness that she doesn't want to disclose. Maybe it's episodic and maniac and must be monitored in order to not cause her to self harm.

Or maybe she's very easily stressed and would rather the structure around her to deal with her massive money empire.

Think about it, she's made the video to declare her situation on instagram basically saying "stopping making it worse for her"

she's appearing in multi staged candids to calm the fans. She's in on it too.



You are soooo naive :tiffeyeroll:

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41 minutes ago, zxcvb said:

But something remains unclear.

That first trip to the hospital I remember distinctly on tv. But the second one is the one a month later I don't remember as clear but that was the one that triggered the conservatorship. 

Was the second one a planned bid to take control over everything????


I was following the JFX site closely at the time.

As much as fans hate Adnan, he had a lot to say about how the conservatorship was created. He was still on the "inside" at the time and then was booted out by Jamie once they had accomplished what they needed him for.

Everything Adnan said about Jamie has proven to be true.

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1 minute ago, Steel Magnolia said:


I was following the JFX site closely at the time.

As much as fans hate Adnan, he had a lot to say about how the conservatorship was created. He was still on the "inside" at the time and then was booted out by Jamie once they had accomplished what they needed him for.

Everything Adnan said about Jamie has proven to be true.

His interviews make him so ****. I can totally see why she liked him :badgirl:

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4 minutes ago, Goneforever said:

His interviews make him so ****. I can totally see why she liked him :badgirl:

think he was very gentle when they, as a horde, were chasing her and that catch her attention :yeahsure:I still don't find him appealing and those interviews make me just sad.

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13 hours ago, Meaner03 said:

ATARA TOURS INC (Nevada company used for POM residency) has been updated on the 4/3/2019 and Britney has been named President and director of this company . 



2 interesting points, if it was possible to appoint Britney as a President and Director of Atara Tours Inc even under the c-ship, why was it not the case for all the others companies that remain under Jamie power ?

Atara Tours Inc is still an active company under the state of Nevada, so what about Bellatori Tours Inc that was created last year, what was it for ? Domination ? Couldn't they have kept going with Atara ? if not why didn't the stopped Atara activities and went for Bellatori Tours Inc .



On another note , after all my research i have still not found employees that claim to work for any of Jamies companies, while we can find lot of employees who work for the few companies Beyonce, or Rihanna have with real adress and offices.


On 4/29/2019 at 4:44 PM, BKSTYL3 said:

report tax fraud by mail


Sample letter:

  Reveal hidden contents

[your name]
[your address]
[city, state, and zip]

April 29, 2019


Attention: Criminal Investigation Division
Internal Revenue Service
Fresno, CA, GA 93888


Re: Notice of Fraudulent Tax Filing


Dear Sir or Madam:

I have attached a list of companies opened by James P. Spears and believe them to be fraudulent.

Enclosed are copies of the following documents: list of company names, date companies have been opened, company tax ID's, addresses, and each company’s description.

I am requesting that the IRS investigate all of these companies opened by the same person and any illegal activity. I request that the IRS take those measures. I look forward to written confirmation that the IRS has addressed my requests.

Please contact me at the above address if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be contacted by phone at [phone number]. I may be contacted by email at [your email].


Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.







[First & Last name]

Print this document:


mail to:

  Reveal hidden contents

Attention: Criminal Investigation Division
Internal Revenue Service
Fresno, CA, GA 93888



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48 minutes ago, ILikeChillinWithYou said:


It was a big day today. Got into a motorcycle accident. Survived with minor injuries and a fractured left arm. At the hospital right now listening to Hold On Tight. Just got my phone. I couldn't do the recap so sorry. I promise you as long as I have a fully functional right hand, i will deliver it to you. Gonna start working on it. Sorry for the delay, please excuse me.

You don't need to ask sorry, please just rest, relax and forget it. I know we've been saying how we're not sleeping well these days, but your health comes first. Don't worry and thank goodness you're well. 

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3 minutes ago, UnyewsualYew said:

this came up on my phone but I cant open in UK. Can you post the narrative?

RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned Britney Spears parents are trying their best to protect her, but the “Toxic” singer isn’t having it!

“Things are getting tense between Britney and Lynne right now,” a source revealed. “

The reason?

“Britney wants to do an interview because she knows her fans are so worried but she’s up against opposition due to the fact that every interview she’s done after a meltdown is always a hot mess,” said the source.

While Spears’ father, Jamie, is her conservator and always has kept a tight leash on his 37-year-old daughter, this time it’s her mom who’s creating the most waves.

“Lynne literally shut her down on an interview and also is talking to Britney like she’s a little kid,” noted the source, noting Spears’ mom “is up her *** 24/7.”

As Radar reported, Spears is currently undergoing intensive outpatient treatment following her recent release from a 30-day stay at a mental health facility, where she had checked into in order to stabilize her medication and cope with her father Jamie’s deteriorating health.

“Britney knows if she doesn’t follow the rules she could lose the progress she’s made,” said the source, adding, “Britney just wants her mom to leave her alone and the more Lynne pulls the more Britney pushes.”

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