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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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17 minutes ago, jokobitch said:


The girl on the far right is very close to someone who knows Britney, she says she knows Britney and her father have not had the best relationship and there has been plenty of times Britney has not been happy with the conservatorship but she says there has been MAJOR changes to Britney’s health, which warrants the reporter to believe that she needs to stay in it... smh

Bumping bc everyone should watch 

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3 hours ago, RehabSucks. said:

.....And people wonder why she doesn't like her fans at times. Smh.

Y'all literally rushing to praise and defend a guy who if I'm aware, after TEN YEARS. still has a restraining order against them for; drugging, manipulating and isolating her. 

I've been involved with people exactly like him. This is exactly what this asshat wants; they constantly keep an ear to the ground for any little disagreement with a family member, then start to put signals out there to worm his way back in. The fact any of you are even entertaining him is mind-boggling.

No one praised him you mind-bogglingly dumb cow.

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8 minutes ago, Applejack said:

Lutfi's history with Brit! Are we forgetting he drugged her, abused her physically and psychologically and basically kidnapped her? Love's history just corroborates it, not the other way around. 

We shouldn't entertain him. And if she ever gets her life back, she shouldn't even entertain the thought of opening up again to this trash. 

No ones proposing he contact her or she open up to him. We want him to tell the FANS what he knows. Then we can choose whether or not that information is worth adding to the evidence. I probably won’t believe it, but who cares? Just brings more attention to the story and gives major news outlets more to report on. 

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hear me out. i get that we're all so keen and invested in this #FREEBRITNEY movement and in many ways, it's free publicity for our girl, but do any of you feel that all of this could somehow backfire?

for Britney, as a human being -- first and foremost, we need to remember how delicate her self-esteem is/was, especially since 2008. that being said, it really wasn't until the past 5 or 6 years that she was able to detach herself from the stigma of her breakdown and be slightly more consistent with her confidence again.

that leaves me wondering -- could this #FREEBRITNEY movement reset and negatively impact her emotional and mental well-being knowing that much of the world is beginning to speculate, talk about and re-examine her personal life? this has always been a sensitive subject for Britney and i know how much she has expressed how she doesn't like the media or the general public being so invested in her personal life so what it makes it okay for all of us to be so invested in this when there is so much we don't know? 

if anything, i feel like this can not only impact her personal life, but affect her public display and how she's been portrayed. i want Britney to be respected in her decisions but I also feel that many of us are jumping to a conclusion that is simply based on speculation. nothing has been confirmed and as a result, much of this could ultimately backfire. anyway dahhlings....let's just hope and pray that Britney is doing well. by the end of the day, her personal happiness should be a priority. 

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13 minutes ago, jokobitch said:


The girl on the far right is very close to someone who knows Britney, she says she knows Britney and her father have not had the best relationship and there has been plenty of times Britney has not been happy with the conservatorship but she says there has been MAJOR changes to Britney’s health, which warrants the reporter to believe that she needs to stay in it... smh

12 minutes ago, Goneforever said:

This proves she hates it, she also laughed in the first video when one if the reporters said Britney and her dad were close.

Then why the hell is she performing????

They ****** up after the Circus era with this.  But again, even after that era and everything else she should not have signed up for another residency so quick.  I've always said the hiatus should have come after the Piece of Me Tour or Residency.  If she announced a new residency a year or two later that would have built up some type of anticipation to new changes rather than the recent type of performing that is fresh in everybody's minds.

She had already made enough from the first residency to pay her bills indefinitely(including child support), in addition to the fact that she already gets royalties from one of the best selling perfumes in the world for an additional steady income.

Putting her on stage all the time with increasingly deteriorating skills is ridiculous.  Maybe the new show would be different; but there needed to be a real hiatus for actual anticipation.

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5 hours ago, jordeezy said:

But she was also "for" the conservatorship at one time as well but something has shifted and we need to know.

We all were during the time, but clearly it’s worn out it’s welcome. It’s been 11 years. I get the outrage. But don’t attack her family and align with Sam Lutfi.

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6 minutes ago, Pfefferminz said:

Oh, boy! "Her father was also seen at a party on March 10th in perfect health and he reportedly lied about his disease to cancel her residency."  :unreal:


All the misinformation running around and presented as fact I- :mcorangu:

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Just now, zxcvb said:

Then why the hell is she performing????

They ****** up after the Circus era with this.  But again, even after that era and everything else she should not have signed up for another residency so quick.  I've always said the hiatus should have come after the Piece of Me Tour or Residency.  If she announced a new residency a year or two later that would have built up some type of anticipation to new changes rather than the recent type of performing that is fresh in everybody's minds.

She had already made enough from the first residency to pay her bills indefinitely(including child support), in addition to the fact that she already gets royalties from one of the best selling perfumes in the world for an additional steady income.

Putting her on stage all the time with increasingly deteriorating skills is ridiculous.  Maybe the new show would be different; but there needed to be a real hiatus for actual anticipation.

This exactly, which is why I'm not entertaining the "maybe she needs it" excuses. Either she is so sick and cannot take care if herself, therefore should not be going on world tours (which are crazy stressful) and they have been using her for money. Or she does not need it and they have been using her for money.

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