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Exhale Reacts: Britney Spears Cancels 'Domination'

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2 minutes ago, nonoiseplz said:

I understand where you're coming from. But my father passed away in 2013. I spent a lot of time with him and I am very grateful for that. Still, I wish I had taken the scares that led up to his death more seriously and been there for him the way I knew I could.  Britneys father is one year younger than my dad was when he died. When she loses her father, he will be gone forever and  that is a sad scary thing for a child who loves their father to realize. I had no idea Jamie was hospitalized 3 months ago.  This 'statement' sounds like a nice way of saying "my daddy is dying so **** this pop **** until I know he's going to be better!"  :kyliecry:


That poster really didn't get the point but I'm glad you did. Losing a parent is one of the biggest life tragedies for anyone. The only thing I'm inclined to "doubt" about that statement is that they're downplaying his condition.

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11 minutes ago, ShadyBrian said:


Oh no no no honey :tifflmao: Since when upvoting means "I understand what you said"? For all I can see, especially in this thread, everybody is dragging the user "the Greatest Show", she/he has an Xtina avatar and you said Xtina is lying as well. Yes exactly. that's how little upvoting means here. 

And what did you say about repeating something over and over again? you have talked about my low comprehensive ability at least 10 times. which just shows how pathetic and pressed you are. 

back in reality and about my valid point. I said your words which were "everybody lies for marketing purposes" and what you actually meant are not related AT ALL. but you keep your head in your *** post after post, as if you're not even reading my reply and are eager to post again about my comprehensive ability  :tifflmao:

I said everyone including Xtina had a history of lying. I never once mentioned "she is lying" at the moment. The fact that you could confuse "Xtina and everyone had a history of lying to market their products' with 'Xtina is lying as well". Wtf is Xtina lying about now? lol

what I said merely defends Britney's credibility because everyone has a history of lying about certain things. Your low comprehensive ability was only mentioned because you demonstrated it again in those responses. If you start reading things as they are written instead of adding your personal assumptions to twist things, then I will stop mentioning it. If I mentioned it 10 times, that's because you demonstrated your inability at least 10 times.

In addition to that, I have mentioned everyone has a history of lying (has lied at some point) for marketing purpose, but somehow you made it seem like I said "everyone would lie about anything for marketing purpose", which is a completely different thing. And, it's definitely a stretch to assume I claimed Britney lied about Jamie's illness, especially on a literal level.

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Just now, f**knfurter said:

That's what bothers me. They're already plugging the Stronger thing....

I'm going to ignore this for the rest of the night. I don't like all the calculations I think I'm seeing from NappyTabs.

It’s really a poor time to even say stuff like this. 

Say in two months they were like we are changing the name to Stronger... it would be less suspicious. 

There is no reason Domination couldn’t just be used later unless it was never the plan to us it. Like would the whole creative direction be based around the theme? If it was so fantastic why change it. 

Team Britney should tell them to stop tbh 

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I hope everything is okay for Britney and her family firstly, and agree generally with the posts about Jamie being in charge of finances etc so it being difficult. 

There does seem to be some things that don’t link together though...like a few weeks ago she posted the insta with the Christmas tree saying “2018 has been a great year for me” if her dad had been hospitalised and nearly died the month before, therefore still really fresh in her mind, why would she say that? Like if it had been in Jan and he’d gotten better then fair enough. But they are saying it’s recent. 

Secondly, the fact Nappytabs posted just before the announcement seems a little odd. 

I don’t doubt that Jamie has been ill but I just feel there could be a little more to it. 

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Just now, Spearsfan said:

It’s really a poor time to even say stuff like this. 

Say in two months they were like we are changing the name to Stronger... it would be less suspicious. 

There is no reason Domination couldn’t just be used later unless it was never the plan to us it. Like would the whole creative direction be based around the theme? If it was so fantastic why change it. 

Team Britney should tell them to stop tbh 

I agree; its been seeming really unprofessional from the moment they posted the, "Oh, btw, here's what you would have gotten" tweet, and then the Stronger thing, and now this too....

Team Britney should shut them up, definitely. They are not doing anyone any favors.

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2 hours ago, Chico101 said:


That poster really didn't get the point but I'm glad you did. Losing a parent is one of the biggest life tragedies for anyone. The only thing I'm inclined to "doubt" about that statement is that they're downplaying his condition.

It really is a tragedy and it will have a great effect on Britney when it eventually happens. I believe I read a comment that said Jamie was hospitalized "over 3 months ago!" and that " he is 'getting better!" as if that is a reason why she shouldn't pause the pop ****. Like I said, I didn't know Jamie was ill. If she's putting her pop career on hold then it probably is a lot worse than they're making it seem. If Britney Spears wants to finally put on the brakes on her pop career then it must be serious.

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17 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

yeah not even a week ago they put that story on her Instagram asking fans what did we want to see in the show


further proves that this is a sudden decision and not something planned due to low ticket sales, nor a senseless pity strategy.

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2 minutes ago, nonoiseplz said:

It really is a tragedy and it will have a great effect on Britney when it eventually happens. I believe I read a comment that said Jamie was hospitalized "over 3 months ago!" and that " he is 'getting better!" as if that is a reason why she shouldn't pause the pop ****. Like I said, I didn't know Jamie was ill. If she's putting her pop career on hold then it probably is a lot worse than they're making it seem. If Britney Spears wants to finally put on the brakes for pop career then it must be serious.

Agreed, and given the sudden nature it means that this is serious. I've lived experiences where one day the person is "recovering" and literally the next day they're in a coma or f**king dead.

People on this forum are taking this wayyyyyyyyy too lightly.

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are like ********, everyone has one...


But truth be told, people want to believe what they want to, regardless of the facts or circumstances. Her show was not flopping, even Piece Of Me had many shows sell out the day of. I am more in the thoughts of, her dad has been sick and they did not have the proper time to pull this off and fear she's an insurance liability with all of this going on, as in if something happens to him or with him she may be a no show, which would be 100x worse with people buying flight and hotel accommodations. Has nothing to do with sales.. So that's my opinion *******. :nynod:

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5 minutes ago, Daxx said:

further proves that this is a sudden decision and not something planned due to low ticket sales, nor a senseless pity strategy.

And the suddeness of it might further suggests a sudden decline in Jamies health...or msybe a crisis in Britney's mental health that they want to keep on the down lo...until she can come back STRONGER.. ???

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4 minutes ago, ShadyBrian said:

oh god again, how dumb are you? seriously I'm concerned at this point. "I said everybody including Xtina lies, I never said she is lying" hypocrisy at it's finest.

I AM reading things as they are written, you're the one who needs to write things down as they come into your thoughts. We don't live in your closed tiny brain. If you write a sentence that completely means something else and expect people to interpret it exactly like it was supposed to be in your mind, and then they don't, it's YOUR problem. not them. 

I can not stress enough on how DUMB you sound. saying this over and over again. I GET YOUR POINT DUMMY. But the fact that you expect people to read your mind is just ridiculous. you write a sentence, people interpret, is it right? Great. Is it wrong? correct them. Don't attack them. Seek psychological help ASAP. you definitely have a problem. 

So you're telling me there's no difference between claiming everyone has lied in their career / or their life and claiming someone is telling a lie at the moment? This is why education is very important. You still don't understand the difference between past and present. How old are you?

My statements did not contradict one another. I'm not sure I'm the one who needs to seek help. The fact that you cannot dissect my post properly without attacking me on a personal level LOL

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4 hours ago, Slave_4_u said:

If she does I wouldn't blame her, she should be able to find peace in her life. She gave us many years of music but if it doesn't bring her joy anymore then why should she do it? I mean financially she is set for life. 

I don’t blame her. Considering her situation and how hard it is to make money in the music industry nowadays, I’d make my coins selling perfume.

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4 minutes ago, CrystalDorris said:

And the suddeness of it might further suggests a sudden decline in Jamies health...or msybe a crisis in Britney's mental health that they want to keep on the down lo...until she can come back STRONGER.. ???

Well, we will either hear of his passing in the next few weeks or her hospitalization (spa getaway).  Either way the real deal will become clear.  Might even find out from a blind item lol

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2 minutes ago, Invitation said:

So you're telling me there's no difference between claiming everyone has lied in their career / or their life and claiming someone is telling a lie at the moment? This is why education is very important.

My statements did not contradict one another. I'm not sure I'm the one who needs to seek help. The fact that you cannot dissect my post properly without attacking me on a personal level LOL

That poster's inability to use caps locks properly is driving me crazy.

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3 hours ago, Livin4art said:

I'm sorry about her feather........... but honestly I hoped she would end the residency at some point and maybe it will elevate her music quality ....... because the past 5 years have been a  mess . good health and good luck Brit

I feel sorry for her feather, too.



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I wish her the best, same for her family.

But it feels like this is a valid reason also used to cover something else. Lack of preparation and maybe low ticket sales?

If they have known her dad's health issues for months, why did they announce Domination and started the rehearsals?

Team Britney is hiding something (as usual). :frenchy:

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Just now, If U Seek Me said:

I wish her the best, same for her family.

But it feels like this is a reason used to cover something else.

If they have known her dad's health issues for months, why did they announce Domination and started the rehearsals?

Team Britney is hiding something (as usual). :frenchy:

So you mean to tell me that her father being ill is not a legitimate reason???????????


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1 minute ago, Chico101 said:

That poster's inability to use caps locks properly is driving me crazy.

It's crazier to me that he/she thinks that I claimed Britney would lie about her dad's illness for marketing purpose simply because I agreed Britney had a history of lying aka claiming she sings live in her shows.

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1 minute ago, Scrappy said:

Well, we will either hear of his passing in the next few weeks or if her hospitalization (spa getaway).  Either way the real deal will become clear.  Might even find out from a blind item lol

We might not hear about if she had a mental health crisis. A lot of crisis work can be done at home, behind closed doors. Hell, with the right money people can do rehab at home. A depression or anxiety that leaves her unable to work, would still not necessitate a hospital admission, but a package of care at home.

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