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Surprise! Beyonce Is Featured On Eminem’s New Single “Walk On Water”

Jordan Miller

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Just remembered the random dream I had a week or so ago where I heard the premiere of 'Eminem's brand new single' in some office building, Eminem was there in person and my friends were all there and we were dancing to it. All I remember was that it was uptempo and featured some sort of comical lyrics about going crazy or whatever, a bit similar to Berzerk. Walk On Water sounded nothing like it which is kinda disappointing. 

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5 minutes ago, button said:

but at the end of the day, what we do is listening to music. if it's not sonically/lyrically good then there's no point praising it. i'm not (and you're not) going to listen to Walk on Water regularly because of the vulnerability and self-depreciation it contains (which he has always done and on actually good songs btw).

Well, that's just a matter of personal taste. For me, I love music that resonates with me emotionally, and as someone who has been suffering from bouts of depression and anxiety recently (largely due to feelings of inadequacy brought on by the stress of grad school and resultant "imposter syndrome"), I actually have already put this song on repeat because it's just clicking with me on a visceral level. 

But I completely understand what you're saying, and suspect many will agree; thus, I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of his only leads that fails to smash.

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I really don't go out of my way to say anything one way or the other on or about Beyonce, so I'm kind of speaking more about Em here... the paper turning, crumbling, all the scribbling... it's pretentious as hell to me. And it distracted me so much that I barely paid attention to anything but Bey's parts, at first. (Those were nice. This is also me admitting I'm not listening to the words until right about now because I'm typing as I listen, so I'm simply speaking only about her vocals. All right, the words are meh.)

I don't know how I feel about all the self reflection. Also, nice contradiction at the end there.

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8 minutes ago, cheri said:

hopefully it is his last record, but i doubt it will be because let's face it, he sells like hotcakes. encore was supposed to be the end of the journey rsz_bxwwlz0_1.png

beautiful is really ******* bad, it suffers the same fate as this track. and also i dont believe his bullshit about "guyz when i was younger i was just putting up a "front" but now im older and reflecting, this is da real me" what would've been real to me is quitting when he said he would instead of returning with that piece of **** relapse album. not making 4 albums after retirement, all largely centered around how he looks back at his older self. how boring. proof's death truly ****** him up.  rsz_bxwwlz0_1.png

Agree with you re: death of his friend.

I actually love "Beautiful," but we obviously have different tastes when it comes to this. :) 

And I honestly do get it, my ex-boyfriend was black, and he used to say that growing up Eminem was the biggest inspiration for him and his friends, which was the only white guy they could ever say that about, but since he got clean and started collaborating with the likes of Rihanna and getting played on Top 40 stations, they totally lost respect for him. (Obviously, I have no idea what race you are, and it's ultimately irrelevant, but my ex was adamant that the black community had taken him in, embraced him as their own and essentially felt betrayed by albums such as MMLPII). 

So either way, you're definitely not in the minority regarding your thoughts on post 2010 Eminem.

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1 minute ago, cheri said:

feminem and marilyn manson faced their expiration dates around the same time. from an artistic pov, they should just stop.  rsz_bxwwlz0_1.png

Admittedly I have not kept up with Em since... crap, I think his first "comeback"? So I can agree on Marilyn's part -- and I do -- and that I wasn't impressed with this song from first listen. This was just sort of a really? :wyd: for me.

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59 minutes ago, danny1994 said:

Also, really Eminem? Saying “this is ********” in 2017? Keep it classy :tiffcackle:

I’m so offended by that. Can’t believe people still believe he’s so talented.:gross:

i do Wanna ask though, why do y’all hate on him in this thread? Not trying to bash you guys for it, as I’ve never really liked him, but I am curious

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4 minutes ago, cheri said:

yeah that's how it is....lupe fiasco even tweeted out that back in the day, songs like rock bottom were crazy....now the "eminem code" is cracked, it's more normal...kind of like suicidal thoughts by biggie too...same sort of deal..once you break that barrier and the initial shock wears off, people become immune to it...i didn't mind the love the way u lie collaboration, rihanna's part was so minimal too, but i get why it bugs people...though i understand why he chose her obviously as opposed to random girls like in **** ballad, superman. it had a purpose. it isn't like eminem really needed the radio exposure from rihanna, he's way bigger...but i'm sure the pairing helped, no doubt. and that song was a new branch eminem had never really touched on before, it was always the other way around.

but he definitely started falling off around this time. actually earlier than that, but i think the success of that track gave him leeway to start being as cheesy as  ever rsz_bxwwlz0_1.png

I will concede that "Love the Way You Lie" resulted in his single cheesiest line EVER: 

"Now you get to watch her leave
Out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane."

I love the track but that makes me cringe.  :gross:

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13 minutes ago, cheri said:

his "comeback single" we made u was when i was like "yep he's done" rsz_bxwwlz0_1.png

i will say he's released a few tracks i've liked since then, and that's why i say in my ideal world, he would've axed albums and focused on strong singles every now and then. but alas rsz_bxwwlz0_1.png

and don't get me started on marilyn :bang:

I had to look, that's how little I know: I stopped paying attention around Without Me. It's the last video, aside from maybe Love The Way You Lie, I remember from him. And I didn't hate it, and would like what I would hear on the radio usually... I just wasn't looking for him anymore, and that kind of says it all for me personally. :yaknow: So I can definitely agree with that. 

Oh, no-- same. I'd say we'd have to go all the way back to his upsurgence in covers and The Golden Age of Grotesque (I said upsurgence specifically because I know it's always been a thing of his, but I'd go all the way back to Tainted Love) for that. :groovin:

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