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These three things must happen


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I hate to say it, but she needs a collab with a big name to bring in more listeners. Taylor Swift would be an instant smash, even though I cant stand the *****. IF not for her lead single, then she needs a buzz single to get her name out there again. A successful singer will also give her higher chances at radio play because radio doesn't tend to support older artists. 

Second, she needs to release on a major show or channel. Womanizer was released on ABC after FTR, Work ***** - CW release,  S&S - The X Factor, 3 - Elvis Duran, even HIAM - MTv though it didnt have as much success it was bigger than MM. All those singles went number one or had major success. LWYMMD was released at the VMA's and we all know how successful it is. Britney probably wont see those numbers, but she can do A LOT better than 60 mil views. 

Lastly, if you look at all her peers they have matured where she still sings solely about ***. Pink, JT, Beyonce, Xtina, Jlo, ect. all sing about liberation. Its ok to be ****, but she needs to sing music with more substance lyrically. I think if she is going to sing about ***, it also needs to have more mature content such as TOMH, or BOM. No more IUSA, 3, Clumsy type of stuff. You can also hate her peers all you want but they all carry success till this day.

Add all three of these things up and I guarantee success.  

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To answer your proposals:




Obviously a little switch up from the usual *** romp bangers wouldn’t be a bad thing. She could tool an album around the experience of being a celebrity ala the way Beyonce tooled Lemonade around her marriage to Jay. There’s a lot of themes that can be involved and taken advantage of.

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1 minute ago, BoyToySoldier said:

To answer your proposals:




Obviously a little switch up from the usual *** romp bangers wouldn’t be a bad thing. She could tool an album around the experience of being a celebrity ala the way Beyonce tooled Lemonade around her marriage to Jay. There’s a lot of themes that can be involved and taken advantage of.

She could tool an album of so many things. She needs to find inspiration through something in her life besides ***. Also I'm not here for another collab either, but I do think its necessary until she can carry her name alone again. I'm not one of these "just enjoy her music, who cares about success" fans. 

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4 minutes ago, Black_Out said:

She could tool an album of so many things. She needs to find inspiration through something in her life besides ***. Also I'm not here for another collab either, but I do think its necessary until she can carry her name alone again. I'm not one of these "just enjoy her music, who cares about success" fans. 

I’m tired of having all these ugly features, I’ll pass. :gross:

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31 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

To answer your proposals:




Obviously a little switch up from the usual *** romp bangers wouldn’t be a bad thing. She could tool an album around the experience of being a celebrity ala the way Beyonce tooled Lemonade around her marriage to Jay. There’s a lot of themes that can be involved and taken advantage of.

How do we know Britney's not going to retire after her residency, which she hinted at in the past?

Although if she were to release another album, how you described it would be pretty much perfect, she does have more backstory than just about ANYONE.

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5 minutes ago, zxcvb said:

How do we know Britney's not going to retire after her residency, which she hinted at in the past?

Although if she were to release another album, how you described it would be pretty much perfect, she does have more backstory than just about ANYONE.

She can’t retire, she’s under contract for more albums.

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13 minutes ago, zxcvb said:

How do we know Britney's not going to retire after her residency, which she hinted at in the past?

Although if she were to release another album, how you described it would be pretty much perfect, she does have more backstory than just about ANYONE.

If she was to retire they would have used it to sell final tickets of POM. 

8 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

She can’t retire, she’s under contract for more albums.

Do we know how many albums she has left? I'm pretty sure they do remix albums and GH and reach that but I'm not certain  

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18 minutes ago, zxcvb said:

How do we know Britney's not going to retire after her residency, which she hinted at in the past?

Although if she were to release another album, how you described it would be pretty much perfect, she does have more backstory than just about ANYONE.

She also said she still has about nine more albums to go!


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15 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

She can’t retire, she’s under contract for more albums.

How many albums are left?

- - - - - -

Taylor, are you serious? lol  :nocomprende:  

I'm not here for colab anymore, it's usually a flop and it's not like they're exactly my "favourite songs". What Britney needs is to use those contacts she has and get smash after smash .

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1 minute ago, RAITEI said:


How many albums are left?

- - - - - -

Taylor, are you serious? xD  :nocomprende:  

I'm not here for colab anymore, it's usually a flop and it's not like they're exactly my "favourite songs". What Britney needs is to use those contacts she has and get smash after smash .

Shes could release her next Toxic and it wouldnt matter because she isnt on anyones radar. Thats why a collab with a big name would help push her name out there, and get her radio play. 

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20 minutes ago, Black_Out said:

Shes could release her next Toxic and it wouldnt matter because she isnt on anyones radar. Thats why a collab with a big name would help push her name out there, and get her radio play. 

I agree with your point because for example Slumber Party went under the table, however there're songs that don't need her to do anything, but maybe to get them she has to do something so... 

I personally think she'd look a little bit desperate, that's not her style. She'd be known as the woman who remembered she has met taylor before just  when she needs a collab with her (for success according to your thread):icant1:

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2 minutes ago, RAITEI said:

I agree with your point because for example Slumber Party went under the table, however there're songs that don't need her to do anything, but maybe to get them she has to do something so... 

I personally think she'd look a little bit desperate, that's not her style. She'd be known as the woman who remembered she has met taylor before just  when she needs a collab with her for success:icant1:

There were songs that didn't need her help back when ppl cared about her but now that isn't the case she has been out of the spotlight too long. 

Now she basically has to start like a new artist to the younger generations 

She doesn't need Taylor for that she needs good visuals and good promo PROMTING THE NEW MUSIC 

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31 minutes ago, Black_Out said:

She also said she still has about nine more albums to go!


Omg this interview is hilarious

Interviewer: *talks for ages, asks long question*

Brit: "What's your question?"

The way she just ended as well, "K gotta go catch a plane byeeee" 

But I loved the 'world will never get rid of me' bit. :flawlessbye:

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5 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

There were songs that didn't need her help back when ppl cared about her but now that isn't the case she has been out of the spotlight too long. 

Now she basically has to start like a new artist to the younger generations 

She doesn't need Taylor for that she needs good visuals and good promo PROMTING THE NEW MUSIC 

Oki, I keep thinking that with the right choice and a really good song she can still have success without doing anything (maybe she'd had to agree with promoting terms so it'd be the same) but that's not the point nor what I want, she should be implied as you are stating. :paper:

The good thing about collabs not having success and floping so hard is that she won't be the person who's after actual artist time after time :woopsie:

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1 hour ago, zxcvb said:

How do we know Britney's not going to retire after her residency, which she hinted at in the past?

Although if she were to release another album, how you described it would be pretty much perfect, she does have more backstory than just about ANYONE.

We're talking about a woman who said she couldn't see herself doing this at forty, and then, either a week later or within the same week, claimed she wanted to do ten more albums.

What I'm saying: Never trust anything Britney says. It should be the first rule of being a Britney stan.

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