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Just now, Derrick said:

 I totally agree! I literally have no opinion on Sam. The only thing I care about is Britney and if Sam makes her happy then I'm happy for her. As long as he respects her and treats her right, that's all I care about. She's a grown woman now, if she wants to date a d bag well... we don't have a choice :hype:


I care if he makes her happy and has true intentions not just trying to get ahead in his career and use her and then throw her away in the end.. just because someone makes you happy doesnt mean they are going to be good for you. But we definitely dont have a choice, just opinions. :verycool: I've seen a lot of good loving women get ****** over due to shitty ********* men. They told themselves they were happy but had their lives practically ruined for a few minutes of false happiness with loser dudes. And after K-fed, you cant blame me for being so cautious about guys she's dated. I know my opinion doesnt even matter in the grand scheme of things but I really dont think Brit has good taste in her men.

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7 minutes ago, IAmMonaLisa1981 said:

cause you know its only alll about how someone looks right...nothing else...shallow *** kids...

It is funny to see such a comment in a topic about a guy who basically lives in the gym. :triggered:

He is Britneys whatever, so i don't have to find him attractive and actually i don't find him attractive however: You all acting like you've never made bad men decisions. :sassybrit:

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40 minutes ago, Justney said:

He's not that good looking to me. And it's shitty to tell people they are delusional or dumb if they dont find him attractive lol. Like yeah he's got muscles, but so what? There's many attractive muscley men out there, especially men who can serve actual emotions in their faces. His face is always the same and he likely has botox in his face to keep him from creasing. Maybe he'd be more attractive if he didnt think homeless people were lazy and agreed with his little fuckboi buddies that he should have run them over or laugh over fat people. Maybe he'd be more attractive if he didnt just date older rich semi famous/famous women in order to get ahead in his career.. I think overall his personality just from glimpses we've seen is not good. And you know what, you can be the most beautiful person on the outside but still ugly as **** on the inside and that will always matter more than the outside. If you're only shallow and think with your eyes then you'll never feel real human connection. Britney wants to find true love, her fairy tale and this guy is NOT it no matter how much you want to push his "attractiveness" factor.


someone being logical 

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Its not the true tea if its an opinion. Im sure there are people that find you ugly to.... and me and the rest of this **** hole. 

I dont find him good looking either but i would never say hes ugly. She clearly finds him attractive and MAYBE he actually is a nice guy? thats all that matters. 

There is someting in this world that you call different opinions... just because someone thinks something doesnt make it right and dont mean evrybody else is wrong or delusional like many people here say if you have a different opinion :quirkney:

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Guest StrawberryKisses

Y'all gays are always judgemental though :otears:

I think you're just letting his behavior and speculation etc influence your opinions of him.

Like if he was some dude on the street who asked for help with changing his tire, I doubt you'd think he was ugly. :orly:

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It's not nice to say such a rude things about person that you don't know. Until he proves that he is bad influence for Brit, I will respect her decision to date who ever she wants. 

It's one thing to discuss Brits career and to be unhappy about her career moves, as a fan you have that legal  right. But its very rude and childish to discuss her private life. 

Fans should know for boundaries.

I'm very vocal about how much I'm unsatisfied with how  little effort she puts in her career, but I would never discuss her taste in men in such negative connotation. And nobody should.

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I just realized Britney has been with (rumored)(take "with" how you want) every type of guy almost. Asian is the only one I can't say she has been seen around. 

She has been with business men, pap, rocker, dancer, broke person, wealthy person, athletic, normal looking guy, chubby, singer...

Its clear she doesn't just have a type but they have to be needy tbh 

Sam is attractive but I personally don't find Him ttractive. He isn't ugly by any means...on the outside. We don't know if he is ugly inside for sure. I hope Britney wouldn't be with someone like that. 

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