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Has your taste in Britney's music changed?


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I used to think she made the best music out of anyone ever. However, from FF to now, I took a bit of a break from her music and discovered other music and artists. I still think her music is really good, but a lot of her music sounds different to me now that I'm older and my taste has changed. A lot of the songs that used to be my absolute favorites don't sound as good to me now, and I'm falling in love with a lot of her songs that weren't originally my favorites. 

Has this happened to anyone else? 

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I used to really be into edm music so I loved femme fatale and thought scream and shout was a good song. now i cringe at scream and shout - have to remind myself it was good in its time. 

still love FF but i like revisiting her hip hop, vibey songs way more than her huge electro pop songs.

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Nope. I still have some of the same playlist I have had since 2000 - 2006, believe me :nyschool:

About Britney, not really, I mean, I do not love Glory and it isn't my favorite album either (probably the last favorite) but it's just good, and as long as she does what she loves I think I'm OK. I just want her to release more singles and not let his music die as she did with these 2 last albums. You can say all th sh** about Brennda Joanna album but had she released (at least 4 singles) we could have had a great era with great visuals, and good sales of course. All I know is that I don´t want another album of "chill & slow" songs, 1 album is more than enough, I want club dance tracks that make me wanna dance. 

My overall taste in Britney is still the same since 1999 when I saw her for the 1st time, my complaints are about her management in the music industry.

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7 minutes ago, CaliSky said:

with the exception of a new song or two, i don't listen to britney spears music at all. i don't like that type of mainstream pop industry music, at least not since i was a kid. i simply find britney as a person fascinating. 

I feel exactly the same way. Just keep checking the news because of her as a person but I don't listen any Britney's song in more than 2 years. Just listened to Glory 2 or 3 times and that's all 

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1 hour ago, OverprotectedLukey said:

Most of my opnions remain the same (Slave overrated, Oops overrated).

Some of my opnions changed:

Sometimes and Lucky are good songs, i disliked them in the past for being too corny.

I don't like My Prerogative and If U Seek Amy that much.


:tiffsmoke: Shut up.

16 minutes ago, derriereondisplay said:

I feel exactly the same way. Just keep checking the news because of her as a person but I don't listen any Britney's song in more than 2 years. Just listened to Glory 2 or 3 times and that's all 

Leave, TRASH :rude2me:

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It did mostly I think due to growing up. Blackout made me a fan in 07 when I was about 14 or 15. I loved circus and ff. But no I'm 23 and I love blackout still. But itz is in my top faves too now. I used to hate tomh and bom but now I love them so much. I love glory too and I know 14 year old me would not love it as much a si do now.

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