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About Mohd93

  • Birthday 09/13/1993

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  1. Well, one time I tried to quit coffee for a day, and it felt like a month. They probably didn't allow her to drink coffee for a few months so.. few months = 15 years
  2. I know the feeling! I just turned 29 in September and 2003/2004 is when I really became a stan + also was and still obsessed with SMG (Buffy TVS is my favorite show of all time), to the point where I have a framed picture of Britney and BTVS in my room with all the CDs and DVDs. Also, I'm not ready to be 30
  3. Why do people keep telling her it's amazing and drop their jaws on the floor
  4. - Her instagram is usually either boring or shows her in a bad light (same rants, same dances, occasional messages that bring her a lot of hate because they're not expressed clearly, etc.) but I hate to bring it up because I feel like she should be allowed to do what she wants and I have never experienced what she experienced so it may take her to heal and adjust - I actually love her voice, despite the criticism, whether it's a baby voice or her natural voice - "You Got It All" showcase performance is one of my favorites, she sounds so good and I enjoy watching it on repeat - I never liked "Inside Out" - I enjoy her performances and music videos way more than her music alone
  5. I honestly don’t see her starting and maintaining conversation with others or asking a lot of questions to other people (no shade AT ALL, she just seems shy and more introverted in terms of speaking). But how cool would it be if I was wrong about it?
  6. This. I love both of them and I hope there's nothing but love and admiration (still) between them.
  7. Anybody who has the heart to hate on Britney or think she deserves what she goes through is a bad person and no that's a fact, not my opinion I said what I said
  8. well at least one of them knows their place. So I'm not gonna say anything negative about this particular "friend"
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