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  1. Definitely, I’m not trying to call her out for anything, I was just curious what she said in the interview. I can’t imagine having to rehearse your responses and essentially lie as much as she was forced to do. :/
  2. Oh I don’t either, I was just trying to remember what she said in the interview
  3. Honestly, that sounds right now that I think about it. Either way, I’m confused 😂
  4. This is NOTTTT shade, I’m just genuinely curious. In the book, she says she smoked w**d for the first time after the Justin breakup in NYC was she was basically just in her apartment for months. She went out to a club with her cousin, smoked for the first time, broke her heel, went home and stared at the stars. At one point on a talk show, didn’t she say she smoked w**d at like 17? I genuinely can’t remember what she said but it’s driving me crazy not knowing 😂 I know ages/years can kind of run together for her, just curious about it
  5. I think he mentioned writing CMAR when he was heartbroken and in pain or something, but he really didn’t mention anything else about any of his relationships besides Jessica. If I remember right, it was really all more about his career and songwriting/creative process.
  6. Yeah, I absolutely think he did her dirty but I do believe there was genuine love there at one point and hurt on both sides. Another user pointed out that he did want to reconcile for a time after that big breakup (although I think Britney said it was ultimately so he could tell her about CMAR and used that as an excuse to get her to talk to him) and I was surprised she didn’t mention that. She also ended up going to his birthday party the next year and was papped leaving his house in the early morning around the same time. I do think they were in contact at various points after their official breakup and I’m soooo curious what that was all about. Did they try getting back together? If so, it’s interesting Britney didn’t mention it. The book made it seem like once they broke up and he brought her that letter, they didn’t really have much to do with each other and he was happily running all over Hollywood with other girls. Maybe it was just too hard for her to relive it all.
  7. Honestly, this is all a really good point. I remember this interview now, and the photos of her leaving his party in 2003. I’m sure it’s hard for her to delve super deep into it, but the book does seem very cut and dry—they both cheated, they worked past it, he randomly dumped her via text. I guess she never said they didn’t have any contact after the breakup, but it made it seem like it was over, he started running around without a care in the world, and they never really had anything to do with each other again. It’s interesting she didn’t mention they actually tried getting back together further down the road, but maybe she felt like this was unnecessary since it obviously didn’t end up working out. Also, maybe she felt like he was just using her at that time and didn’t want to relive the details/go into it all? I don’t know!
  8. Oh totally! I just meant that she didn’t even really seem to refer to him at all, probably due to legal reasons. and yes, I 100 % agree that she went back and looked at archives and probably used that as a point of reference when telling her story to the writer. She’s so damn strong.
  9. -That she smoked and drank so young. -I figured she lost her virginity to Reg and always thought she cheated with Wade but was surprised she admitted to both. - That Justin knew about the Wade thing and they MOVED PAST IT but then he randomly dumped her through a text and let the world think it was because he was so heartbroken due to her infidelity. - That she went to rehab a lot more times than we thought and for ridiculous reasons. - That she was ok with Justin talking about them having s** because it validated she was a grown woman in the world’s eyes and took the pressure off having to talk about it herself. - That she couldn’t eat chocolate and was so severely judged for her weight by her own damn out of shape father. - That she purposely didn’t dance hard in Vegas so her hair wouldn’t move and she could own a little piece of rebellion against the powers at be. - That she was around other patients at the last treatment facility. - That she was supposed to speak/perform at the Domination announcement. I always figured they purposely didn’t make her due to her social anxiety, but I was surprised that she actually just chose to defy them all and keep walking. - That she’s so aware of her social anxiety and in tune with the fact that her personality and confidence has changed so much over the years. My heart just breaks for her.
  10. My thoughts! 1. I must be incredibly naive because I was honestly surprised she drank and smoked in junior high. I mean, I expected her doing it in high school, but the fact that Lynne would take her drinking in 8th grade when she (Lynne) projects such hyper-Christianity was surprising to me. 2. It’s heartbreaking to see how much hurt she is still holding onto with Justin. I truly think that was “her person.” The fact that he painted her so negatively after he cheated himself and capitalized on tarnishing her reputation to build his career is disgusting. Part of me always thought “ok, he was a heartbroken 20 year old kid with status and money, of course he didn’t handle the breakup well”—but to play the long game like he did when he was just as guilty is honestly gross and this is coming from a former massive JT fan. Also…what was the actual reason he broke up with her? Did anything ever leak about that other than that he sent her a text long after she cheated with Wade? 3. Jamie and Lynne are trash. Shocking. 4. Jamie Lynn’s attitude is almost as bad as her jawline. 5. I love that Britney admitted that she made plenty of mistakes herself throughout her life. RELATABLE QUEEN 6. I do feel like many chapters were rushed and a little incomplete but I mean, of course we can’t expect everything in her entire life and career to be discussed. 7. I feel like she didn’t mention Sam Lufti solely due to legal reasons. 8. Jamie Lynn and Casey were married? What? 9. She very obviously had a ghost writer (every celebrity does) and probably needed heavy editing (you can tell when certain phrases were just repeated from existing articles or interviews) but you can 100 % hear Britney’s voice in this. I feel like she spoke everything out loud and the book was phrased and paraphrased from audio recordings. 10. LOOOVE the acknowledgments. Her wit and dry humor is apparent. 11. So sad that the book includes memories and references to Sam as her husband. I feel like she truly did respect him. I’m honestly a little surprised she didn’t talk more about him, but I feel like the focus of the book was not on her present and more about owning her past. 12. Crazy to imagine being one of the other patients at the last treatment center! Just walking into Britney’s room and telling her you hear voices? How surreal would it be to just walk into a room and Britney Spears is sitting there alone—surreal and eerie. 13. She’s incredibly strong and clearly has a lot of trauma. My heart broke throughout the book. I wish her nothing but peace and healing. 💖
  11. Oh ewww. I get she’s a teenager and moms are embarrassing but come on. At least act a little grateful? And girl, you’re part of the Spears family. You know people are gonna see this. Are you not embarrassed? Honestly, pretty on brand for that side of the fam tho
  12. I have no idea if this has already been posted but an account for Reg Jones popped up on my FYP. In the video, he’s recording a TMZ special where’s he’s being discussed by Harvey and his crew. Basically, he’s agreeing with them that Lynne “poisoned” Britney’s mind and made her break up with him so she wouldn’t be held back and want to stay in Kentwood. Thoughts? alsoooo, homeboy is looking especially ROUGH these days in his other videos lol lawd. And if he said “BIG DAWG” or “STUD” one more time, I swear…the entire thing is so cringey https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR567Q2r/
  13. Entertainment Tonight just got blasted on IG for posting a wedding photo with her home address in it and they took it down. But which pic was that?! Not that it needs to be shared here, but I’m so confused on what picture it is and whyyyy it slipped thru the cracks, especially after yesterday’s dramatic “events”
  14. She looks amazing but genuine question: is she wearing a bikini under this?! In every picture I see of this outfit, it looks like a string from a swimsuit but you can’t see anything else. If so, that is literally the most Britney thing ever. Versace suit mini dress…and a bikini.
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