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Britney posts video of swollen ankle and explains the situation at Chateau Marmont: I know my mom was involved

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4 minutes ago, humstarr said:

There was not need for and ambulance that's why they left. 

What if they were actually called for the body double but they just talked with Britney, and the poor thing is still laying somewhere unconcious. That'd be awkward.

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8 hours ago, mystic falls said:

So basically she twisted her ankle and they tried to do another show like they did in 2008 with her mom calling her and all. Great she can call on their BS now! 

And Exhale was full of trash users condemning her after TMZ "broke" the news. Trash TMZ, trash users here. Shame on you :gerlwat_sunglasses_cigarette_looking_what_blink:

Some of ya'll act like you want her to fail in life :mhmsureny_hmm_thinking_ponder_unsure_what_Tiffany_pollard_ny_New_York_miss_ms_sure:

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31 minutes ago, DarielXO said:

What if they were actually called for the body double but they just talked with Britney, and the poor thing is still laying somewhere unconcious. That'd be awkward.


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, humstarr said:

Its expensive. What is your point here. U r clearly a hater.

There was not need for and ambulance that's why they left. 

They are always trying to exaggerate things when it comes to Britney. 

No I was genuinely just asking how much an ambulance costs? I don’t live in the US. how am I hating? Yesterday really concerned me like everyone else and the majority of people with lots of confusion. 

Edited by Blackout Britney
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8 hours ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:

My god her ankle :wendycry_wiliams_panicked_crying_tears_upset_sad: is huge. Why the parademics didn’t attend her ankle? She needs bandages.

how was she able to walk in the pictures? 

this is too much :wontcry_tears_crying_sad:

I wonder if the ankle injury happened after tbh.  or if she harmed herself to coverup? 

its sad, i feel sorry for her.

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It just doesn't add up.

If Britney was just dancing in her hotel room and twisted her ankle, how would Lynne magically have known about it to call the tabloids and arrange this whole set-up within minutes? And what about the stuff with the body doubles? It's all just so weird.

Idk, I think in this case the simplest explanation is also the most likely: she was drinking and fighting with Soliz, and other hotel guests called the paramedics because they heard screaming/concerning sounds.

And yes, of course TMZ is using it for a smear campaign. That's nothing new, but it doesn't change the fact that Britney's actions are not those of a mentally well person.

This just makes me really sad. I love her, but she is not well. We can't expect her to be at this point, with the years-long trauma and abuse she's been through. She needs profound therapy, probably years of it, before she can find peace again. Until then it'll just be one thing after another. Sometimes people crave drama because it's the only thing they've ever known in their life, so it feels familiar in a way.

I really hope she can heal and find help to heal these patterns.

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4 hours ago, The Femme Fatale said:

Yeah Lynne and the rest of Team Con trying old tactics to get control again, but this isn’t 2007 ****ers, it’s 2024! People with a lick of sense aren’t going to fall for that same song and dance again and it showed today. Nothing happened. There was no fight. There was no lobby freak out. Just Britney being the dancer that she is, just danced in the living room of her hotel room and she did a jump and hurt her ankle.

Idk how many times she’s injured herself from dancing, but it was nothing to warrant a ride in an ambulance to be put on a 5150 hold. Lynne did this to embarrass Britney and try to get control of her again with as I said the same song and dance, and it didn’t work.

Plus Britney has the magic of Instagram where all she has to do is whip up a video and talk normally to shut down these bogus, fabricated fairy tales by her mom and TMZ by proving she’s not mentally unwell and what happened wasn’t a big ******* deal like she did tonight.

Like Janet Jackson has said in the past: “Believe it when it comes from my lips.”

All this drama these past few days reminded me of Janet and this song from Unbreakable. Britney’s on her journey to The Great Forever and these people don’t want her there because she’ll be unstoppable once she gets there, so they’ll do anything and everything to stop her journey, but I know Britney’s a fighter and she’ll triumph over all these nasty people and be at peace with her life.


Yes, this sounds about right. They were probably having a bit of a noisy, rowdy night maybe, but considering male rock stars used to be famous for trashing hotel rooms, it was probably nothing of that magnitude, unlikely to be completely "out of control" as per TMZ. She injured her ankle, there was a bit of noise associated with that and she could have done with some medical attention. Seeing the opportunity, someone rang Lynn (or some other team con scumbag) who called an ambulance and the paps on the hope that it may result in a hospitalisation they could exploit and embarrassing pictures. She panicked and called Rosengart (understandable considering she has said previously one of her worst experiences was being strapped to a guerney in 2008). He called off the paramedics and the hotel probably asked her to leave because there were a bunch of moron paps from TMZ photographing her and disrupting the hotel. She looked disheleved because she had to leave a hotel room in the middle of the night. Most celebs would, but don't have the paps being called on them all the time to capture pictures. This is probably all that happened. Other celebs have done far worse, they are just better at hiding it with slick PR machines. 

Was she probably, completely innocent in it all? no probably not, she was maybe partying, but after 13 years of not being able to enjoy so much as a glass of wine I think she is allowed a little leeway on this as long as she was not hurting anyone..

Is this an example of her having a mental breakdown? No, but there are people in her circle who took advantage of the circumstances to spin that narrative for there own reasons. 

In 2008 I was 29 and remember stuff like this happening all the time with Britney that led to her being trapped in a coservatorship. I look back now in retrospect and realise how many incidents were exaggerated and spun for other individuals benefit (the Spears family, KFed, Lou Taylor).

Maybe she is struggling, maybe she does need some help and she is indeed less than perfect sometimes, but please, please, please take some of this narrative with a pinch of salt. I was there the first time around and, I am ashamed to say, bought into it somewhat. I will not be part of the general publics narrative this time that advocates for her to be locked up and medicated against her will because of media and team con spin.                           

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I have no doubt we shouldn’t trust a single word coming from tmz. Her family is clearly trash and it’s reassuring that she is strong enough to keep them away. 

However… the ankle video doesn’t really explain the pictures. The ambulance definitely seems OTT and I’m worried that she might have a point about their plans, but I hope she isn’t covering for abuse and that this Paul character is out of her life. The writing‘s on the wall and enough is enough. If she’s strong enough to keep her family out, she should also keep obvious leeches and shady people out. 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, britisthecolor said:

How did anyone know or think that she needed paramedics though? 

I don't know but it seems if you question anything you'll be attacked by some fans for doing so.

can't ask questions, can't ask why. you must blindly just agree because you're a "fan" and if you don't you're a fake fan.

Edited by britney_stan
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with all due respect, i really don’t care about your family drama Britney.

It was so obvious what you need have to do. Cut your ties with your family that you accused of being the real reason of your slavery. Don’t post pictures of your mom holding you. Don’t congratulate your sister’s birthday on the very same platform you once told that she was a conniving little b. 
Don’t romantically involve to a felon janitor that all of your fans warned you on a very public celebrity filled hotel. Go to a quiet place and stop feeding the tabloids…




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