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9 minutes ago, BadBunny said:

I mean, she kinda did revamp her image during the FF era to fit the Gaga aesthetic. HIAM and some of the other visuals during that time were very Gaga-esque. 

Tbh I don’t think FF aesthetic is very GaGa esque. It’s actually very conservative fashion wise. Maybe the glittery body suits but that’s about it. 

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21 minutes ago, Barmy86 said:

Britney tried to copy Selena Gomez she went way younger. Glory prime example , gaga also tried with the cure song 

Artpop is literally Love You Like A Love Song 2.0. If Taylor could get 50% rights over Olivia Rodrigo’s “Deja Vu” for one line where Olivia screams lyrics during the bridge because she claims it copied Cruel Summer, then Selena should’ve sued for rights to Artpop. 


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1 hour ago, britneyleaks2006 said:

It was always interesting to me how, when Lady Gaga exploded onto the pop scene, every other pop star scrambled and were desperate to reinvent themselves or upgrade/revamp their style to be more weird or futuristic 

except Britney, who remained authentic to herself and stuck with her signature look. I have a lot of respect for Britney,  for not jumping on the Gaga trend/bandwagon... That's something I really admire about Britney, she didn't just follow what everyone else was doing







I prefer pre-gaga image :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

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3 hours ago, BadBunny said:

I mean, she kinda did revamp her image during the FF era to fit the Gaga aesthetic. HIAM and some of the other visuals during that time were very Gaga-esque. 

i would say the total opposit. ff´s booklet was so bright and white. a total opposit of the dark, black latex aesthetic (and way less dark than itz and blackout). she was like sitting under a spotlight and next to the oceanside

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I agree that britney DID jump gagas bandwagon with FF looks. I remember feeling it at that time. Of course, it was well done, because it still felt britney. And i was happy about that. 

but it definetly was a change from more “normal/realistic” outfits from all her previous work 

besides.. it was not the first time she (or her team) did take notes from other female artists. Maybe i noticied it way more because im latino but Shakira who i had listened for years as a young teen was JUST dying her hair blond and releasing her songs in english to hit the international music business and Britney released slave doing a BELLY DANCE

She was totally drawing frontiers to the newcomer lol It was no coincidence

ps. Of course slave is better than shakiras whole career

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Not her but her stylists, executives, managers etc did. Britney doesn’t has a significant fashion statement, all of her night gowns to daily style were picked by her style team between 99-2004. She haf to pick what she liked from an already selected options. Between 2007-2020  she did not have a choice or has any interest in her costumes. From her recent instagram you can see that she wears the most basic yet try hard cheap retail online clothes. So your answer is kinda no. 
btw gaga isn’t behind the whole Halloween type of look she hd back then. It’s new or experimental designer clothes. Her company allows what she wears or what she does. 
I’m not much of a fan on the current pronouns, be your freak self type of movement they started with lady gaga. People walked around the streets without looking what ever the heck they’re looked like during her peak. 

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