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The View host , Scummy Hostin, questions Britney’s freedom “we’ve seen a free Britney and seen things that are questionable”

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2 hours ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:


With that being said.. the conservatorship was not needed, it was extreme. Something less “strict”  would’ve been better.. a good by-the-book care plan with selfless therapist. She needed good-hearted professional help but the conservatorship ruined it by making it mandatory and depriving. And right now we are witnessing the side effects.. and those side effects is what is making the unaware GP think  “maybe FreeBritney was a bad idea.. maybe the conservatorship was in place for a reason”.

Oh yeah conservatorships shouldn’t even exist for mental health reasons. Now.. I do get why they exist for elderly with illness as they have no self awareness and poor decision making. I think Brit needed a life coach instead which would have been way healthy and less strict.  

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7 hours ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:

You just need to randomly ask your friends, family and co-workers for their thoughts.  

I agree, people are living in a bubble here. I showed my sister her instagram, she knew nothing about what was going on so her reaction was........... :omggg_shocked_hand_old_lady_woman_surprised:

well, it's actually when you see real people react, I mean in real life, that you realize how serious the problem is.


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Does she have a PhD in psychology? Has she examined Britney in person? Because if she is only basing her statement on Britney's Instagram videos, then she should just shut up. There is a difference between giving an objective opinion and making a dumb statement like hers.

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2 hours ago, Alio said:

I agree, people are living in a bubble here. I showed my sister her instagram, she knew nothing about what was going on so her reaction was........... :omggg_shocked_hand_old_lady_woman_surprised:

well, it's actually when you see real people react, I mean in real life, that you realize how serious the problem is.


Real people in real life have real problems and aren't going to be paying much attention to Britney Spears. 

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24 minutes ago, Estrella said:

I will add that what I think Britney is doing is conscious dance. She must have learned it during therapy, and now she is trying to do it in her way.

Conscious Dance, also known as Ecstatic Dance or Movement Meditation, is a form of expressive movement where individuals freely explore their bodies and emotions through dance in a non-judgmental and non-verbal way. The emphasis is often on connecting with oneself, others, and the music without the constraints of choreography or social norms.

While Conscious Dance may involve movements that appear unconventional or unusual to some observers, it's important to understand that what might seem "weird" is subjective and culturally relative. In the context of Conscious Dance, these movements are typically seen as authentic expressions of the individual's inner experience rather than being judged as weird or abnormal.

In this sense, while Conscious Dance may involve movements that are outside the norm of traditional dance styles, they are not inherently "weird" in the pejorative sense. Instead, they are seen as meaningful and valid expressions of the individual's inner world and emotional landscape.



I found that really interesting, thanks for posting! And it does make a lot of sense. 

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42 minutes ago, Estrella said:

I will add that what I think Britney is doing is conscious dance. She must have learned it during therapy, and now she is trying to do it in her way.

Conscious Dance, also known as Ecstatic Dance or Movement Meditation, is a form of expressive movement where individuals freely explore their bodies and emotions through dance in a non-judgmental and non-verbal way. The emphasis is often on connecting with oneself, others, and the music without the constraints of choreography or social norms.

While Conscious Dance may involve movements that appear unconventional or unusual to some observers, it's important to understand that what might seem "weird" is subjective and culturally relative. In the context of Conscious Dance, these movements are typically seen as authentic expressions of the individual's inner experience rather than being judged as weird or abnormal.

In this sense, while Conscious Dance may involve movements that are outside the norm of traditional dance styles, they are not inherently "weird" in the pejorative sense. Instead, they are seen as meaningful and valid expressions of the individual's inner world and emotional landscape.



I didn't know about this, but I always thought that her dances were therapeutic.

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16 hours ago, itsxrichiexbish said:

but not questionable for shakira? or the millions of other americans who smoke in doors. drama queen 

1. Shakira did a typical choreographed arabic dance using fake knives in a beautiful artistic setting. Britney dances with real knives and even cut herself doing so. So NOT the same thing.

2. Britney was DANCING hard with a lit cigarette in a public dance studio with wooden floor. So definetely questionable.

And I don't understand the OP acting surprised at the host, any person would think that Britney's behavior online is questionable. 

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The only questionable things are putting a woman against her will in a mental facility for no reason, her family stealing her money for years and trying to kill her, the justice system being corrupt and benefiting from the c-ship, the doctors lying about her diagnosis just to benefit financially from the situation, and the silence from all the people who witnessed the abuse.

Britney is JUST dancing in her living room, there’s nothing wrong or questionable with that.

I’m not surprised by Sunny Hostin though she’s very traditional and any thing unconventional for her must be weird or concerning. 

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2 hours ago, SonOfSun said:

The only questionable things are putting a woman against her will in a mental facility for no reason, her family stealing her money for years and trying to kill her, the justice system being corrupt and benefiting from the c-ship, the doctors lying about her diagnosis just to benefit financially from the situation, and the silence from all the people who witnessed the abuse.

Britney is JUST dancing in her living room, there’s nothing wrong or questionable with that.

I’m not surprised by Sunny Hostin though she’s very traditional and any thing unconventional for her must be weird or concerning. 

I wondered why she brought up in the middle of a conversation about Wendy. Did she owe someone a favor? Or is she callous? 

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5 hours ago, Gutterguppy said:

Real people in real life have real problems and aren't going to be paying much attention to Britney Spears. 

That wasn't my point. It's not that I care if the GP likes her or not, what I'm trying to say is that being part of a community of fans can make us delusional a little bit and it's when you show random people her insta and see their reaction that you really wonder if Exhalers are not living in a weird echo chamber of being in denial. That's all I was saying.

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3 hours ago, devilsadvocate said:

Did anyone actually watch the clip, she literally said nothing wrong. And said she’s pro free Britney … 

Yes, I watched it. Her comment was inappropriate. She said she used to be Free Britney. Did she ever use her platform to advocate for it? 

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