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Jamie Spears' leg amputated, reportedly not doing well


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Jamie Spears' leg was amputated a month ago after a massive infection landed him in the hospital for several weeks. After five unsuccessful surgeries to contain the infection, doctors decided the best course of action was amputation.

TMZ says Jamie is not doing well, but is hopeful he and Britney can mend their destroyed relationship. They claim Britney is warming up to the idea of a reconciliation. It's a narrative TMZ likes to run with, so take it with a grain of salt. However, Britney recently did hang out with her mom Lynne and brother Bryan for her birthday. Jamie Lynn was reportedly invited to the reunion, but was out of town. 

Earlier this year, reports claimed Britney was open to repairing her relationship with Jamie, but a source close to Britney refuted that, saying "it's just not true." In fact, Britney said on the record she wished her dad would be put in jail for what he did to her during the conservatorship. 


Well…:demi_lipstick_flirt_red_pink_makeup: Karma bites - it’s sad but this is his karma 


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Well, that is unfortunate. But I wound't really say this karma or anything, just an unfortunate thing that happened due to infection, which happens to a lot of people. Nothing to do with him being a horrible father. He still IS team con, he is still siding with Loucifer, his situation shouldn't make us feel any sorry for his horrible actions. Just my opinion.

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Can y’all believe this ****?? I told you!! I can’t even lie to myself anymore about what I’ve been noticing but kept to myself. This is so beyond orchestrated. Rosengart is a “cleaner”, he bumbled the case on purpose to protect the system of abusers while others worked the media to paint the false narrative that this whole thing is nothing more than a little family squabble involving a “cringey aging pop star” who spins around on Instagram every day causing embarrassment to her children.

There will be no trial next year. Everyone will believe Britney is a crazy liar who made all this **** up because she is mentally ill. Jamie is the fall guy. Lou and literally everyone else will get away with their crimes. Britney will pay literally & figuratively for this all to go away legally because “she just wants peace and her family back”.

The Coercive control is REAL!!! I expect Team Care Plan aka Britney’s current handlers to put their pretty little blonde race horse back to work within a year!! Operation Comeback is in full swing. I mean it’s what most of you have been thirsting for despite Britney repeatedly saying she’s done with it. Don’t worry, Cade will get her to change her mind.:oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:

The Free Britney movement wasn’t done in vain but it will be once again be written off as a conspiracy theory by obsessed and overzealous fans. Britney has **** on us and those in the docs too so, there’s that.😑The Britney book, what a crock of **** in many ways!!! There I finally said it out loud!!!

I still hope for Britney to find inner peace. Next time her family ****s her over, publicly smears her, takes her money and strips her of what’s left of her freedom she’s fully on her own to make it out!! Britney and the Britney brand got their LAST coins from me when I bought that book.🙄 She owes me/us nothing and vice versa!! I feel sorry for her but well good luck, Brit, you’re going to need it.:tbh_britney_nod_yes_yas_ftr_for_the_record_vma_2008_circus:

Don’t @ me I’m NOT going to reply. Have a great day guys!!!!


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