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Jamie Spears' leg amputated, reportedly not doing well


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I hope she does whatever feels right in her heart. She should not feel pressured to go see him or feel pressured not to see him. It's whatever She feels she needs to do. I would respect any decision she made regarding her dad.

It sucks he got his leg amputated, but in his case, when you as hard and reckless as he did, things are going to catch up to you someday. I'm surprised he's lived this long. I guess he did have access to a lot of money to keep him from dying sooner.

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2 hours ago, The One and Only said:

The surgeons:


No, but seriously, this is terrible. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy :decisions_britney_thinking_confused_focusing_unsure_xfactor_bw_black_white:

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO pls go sit in timeout and think about your actions:hahaha_tiffany_ny_new_york_ms_miss_cackle_laugh_lol_haha_hehe_lmao:

but on a serious note, that's unfortunate although it doesn't change what he did. why are some people defending him like his alcoholism and reckless behavior didn't just catch up to him...

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3 hours ago, ROCIO said:

This is horrible. To be honest, I think that Britney's father did what he thought it was the best for her. He might have been right or wrong, I don't know, but I hope it's true that they are willing to fix their relationship. 

Said from an account who joined 2 weeks ago lol… Jamie Lynn is that you?

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4 hours ago, icybaby said:

Well i feel sorry for him losing a leg. But he should stop confronting Britney in court. Also people forget the real mastermind behind cship was lou taylor. And Britneys parents were dumb enough to believe her lies and help her agenda. Jamie should be talking against lou in court....but he is not

This is ridiculous.

Being dumb is one thing. To put your own daughter to abuse and violence while ripping off her money that's nothing to do with being dumb. 

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