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So who did Justin cheat on Britney with?

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1 hour ago, MX3 said:

He was out in Vegas when he bragged right? I wonder if we could figure out what celeb was in Vegas around the same time / who now has a family?

I dn if that’s even possible lol prob doesn’t narrow it down much. 

1999-2002 Vegas wasn’t there some awards shows there  around that time! I think it’s xtina definitely at least one of them. 

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Beyonce. She did say she kissed Justin before and he was a good kisser.

Anyway, I was kidding. There’s this angelfire page that compiled all of Justin and Britney’s gossip from 2000-2001, there’s some interesting stuff in here:

9/5/01-Worldpop reports Britney Spears apparently flew into a jealous rage when a Croatian model was booked to star alongside boyfriend Justin Timberlake in the new *NSYNC video Gone.

8/24/01-The Globe's Charlene Tilton reports Justin Timberlake was mobbed by girls at a Hollywood nightspot where they handed him their phone numbers left and right. When Justin left though, he emptied his pockets of the numbers and tossed them in the trash. Didn't they know he had a girlfriend???

7/7/01-The Star reports Britney Spears was spotted cuddling with another Justin, Justin Murdoch, 25, on the night of June 26 at the Standard Bar on L.A.'s Sunset Boulevard.

6/18/01-Beyonce Says Justin & JC Are "Bootylicious." On the radio yesterday (Y017) Beyonce Knowles from Destiny's Child was doing an interview. The people at the station were asking her who she thought was "bootylicious" and she named Eminem, Fred Durst and then she goes "Oh my god and Justin and JC from Nsync!" Then she was asked if she's ever hooked up with her bootylicious boys, and she commented that Justin was a cutie and a good kisser!!! So then they go "Beyonce are you saying there's something going on between you and Justin?" and she goes "Oh my god no! it's not like that. don't get the wrong idea ya'll. It was just once at a party. He's doing his own thing now with Britney....but i was happy cause he's adorable and I am a big fan of his talent. He is a good kisser though. Justin, you go boy!"

3/9/01-Megastar reports Britney and Justin left a LA nightclub after a blonde tried to seduce Justin. A witness revealed, "Britney told her, 'Beat it, honey. I know what you're trying and it's not working.' But the girl wasn't afraid. She told her she was too young for the bar's 21 age-limit and threatened to phone the cops."

3/5/01-Britney's Justin Caught Red-Handed! Just when you thought Britney and Justin had it made as a virginal couple. Seems Britney's boyfriend Justin Timberlake is in her bad books after clubbing with other girls while she was working. Oops! The 'Nsync star partied into the small hours with a bevy of beauties at an ultra-hip Hollywood club while Britney, 19, was away filming her first movie role. One onlooker at the nightspot reveals, "He danced the night away with various beauties. He even danced with one of the girls to Britney's song "Oops...I Did It Again." Another onlooker adds, "He was behaving like a guy who didn't have a care in the world -- let alone a girlfriend." And while cautious Justin made sure he wasn't photographed leaving the club with any of the ladies, one of whom is reported to be a dead ringer for his famous squeeze, he's reported to have had a pocket full of phone numbers. A friend of Britney admits, "She has always feared that Justin had a roving eye. "And she's not going to be happy when she hears about his night on the town, that's for sure."

2/1/01-Was Britney conspiring to cheat on Justin? USA Today's Jeannie Williams reports Spears seemed to be taken with the love interest in her latest music video partner, model Brice Durance, 23, of Paris. The two took part in heavy kissing during filming and Britney later questioned the producer of the Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know video, David Hofflich, about his dating status. Spears was upset to learn Durance was engaged. The video debuts on Valentine's Day.

1/13/01-BRITNEY SPEARS and boyfriend Justin Timberlake have had a huge bust-up ­ because of the pop princess's soft spot for one-time child star Macaulay Culkin. Home Alone star Macaulay was a surprise guest at the after-show party following Britney's London concerts in November. His appearance thrilled the 19-year-old singer. Since then, the duo have been enjoying long phone calls and were planning to meet up again in Los Angeles later this month.
And that has infuriated NSync singer Justin. Despite appearing in public together earlier this week, all is not well between Britney and Justin. They are believed to have had a huge row over the pint-sized actor ­ with Justin flying into a jealous rage. A source revealed: "Justin exploded when he found out that Macaulay and Britney had made plans to meet up in Los Angeles. He quickly got Macaulay on the phone and basically told him to stay away from Britney ­ or else. But Britney exploded when she heard what Justin had done and it caused a big row between them. Macaulay, 20, separated from his actress wife Rachel Miner last August after just two years together. Sources close to the actor believe he has now set his sights on Britney. One friend confessed: "Of course Mac wants to be with Britney. He reckons she's a real babe. What guy wouldn't want to be with her?
"They¹ve been carrying on long phone conversations ­ and he has been pouring his heart out to her over his failed marriage. They sometimes talk for hours." And the pal added: "Mac is definitely out to woo her ­ and he's making progress. Justin has every reason to be worried."

Omg… Macaulay Culkin 😳






Edited by Shaza
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