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Britney being accused of cultural appropriation and racism by Xtinct fans

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Des de que tengo memoria, todos los fans que he conocido de Xtina, todos sin excepción de ninguna, han sido muy malas personas.  No me soprtende que digan cosas así.... pero no reconocen cuando xtina iba pintada con la piel morena que parecia mulata... es de ser hipócrita criticar en otros lo que tu haces... 

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Was this thread and the responses necessary? I'm sorry but it's mostly Britney fans who are always igniting these petty stan wars that should have been left in 2004. There was even a series of tweets made by a Britney fan that garnered at least over 10K likes which attacked Christina during what was the height of SJW culture on Twitter. Also, if you look at that tweet, it initially was ignited by a Britney fan. Shocked but not surprised. 

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People need to chill out with the cultural appropriation crap. 

If you’re doing black face and cruelly mocking another race or culture, then yes, it’s a bad/unkind thing to do. But simply wearing outfits from other country isn’t racist. I’m sure some people in Asia have dressed in American styles before. 

There is plenty of real hate in this world. People should focus on that instead of attacking small stupid things. 

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1 hour ago, ThatsHowIRoll said:

Was this thread and the responses necessary? I'm sorry but it's mostly Britney fans who are always igniting these petty stan wars that should have been left in 2004. There was even a series of tweets made by a Britney fan that garnered at least over 10K likes which attacked Christina during what was the height of SJW culture on Twitter. Also, if you look at that tweet, it initially was ignited by a Britney fan. Shocked but not surprised. 

i’ll never understand… a “britney fan” ummm how did u find breathe heavy… and what continues your stay here? just wondering 

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17 minutes ago, itsxrichiexbish said:

i’ll never understand… a “britney fan” ummm how did u find breathe heavy… and what continues your stay here? just wondering 

I've known of this place since 2011 and am a huge fan of Britney, both as an artist and human. I just don't associate with the Britney Army because many are racist, rude, ignite stan wars with other fanbases and make Britney look bad by attacking others. Did I mention the conspiracy theorists? Just because I'm not posting 24/7 doesn't make any less of a fan than someone who's on here 24/7.

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15 minutes ago, ThatsHowIRoll said:

I've known of this place since 2011 and am a huge fan of Britney, both as an artist and human. I just don't associate with the Britney Army because many are racist, rude, ignite stan wars with other fanbases and make Britney look bad by attacking others. Did I mention the conspiracy theorists? Just because I'm not posting 24/7 doesn't make any less of a fan than someone who's on here 24/7.

most of your comments are rude. also with that mindset, why do you associate with being an american then? other american are racist or toxic… sooo that type of logic doesn’t make sense. everyone has a choice for their actions and beliefs… should claim everyone is bad cuz some bad apples are in a bunch… 😁

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1 minute ago, itsxrichiexbish said:

most of your comments are rude. also with that mindset, why do you associate with being an american then? other american are racist or toxic… sooo that type of logic doesn’t make sense. everyone has a choice for their actions and beliefs… should claim everyone is bad cuz some bad apples are in a bunch… 😁

Lol why are you keeping tabs on me and what are you even saying? You post how you like and let me post how I like. Also I said "many" fans, not stating or claiming "everyone". Appreciate the advice g but please apply some comprehension skills here next time. 

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8 minutes ago, ThatsHowIRoll said:

Lol why are you keeping tabs on me and what are you even saying? You post how you like and let me post how I like. Also I said "many" fans, not stating or claiming "everyone". Appreciate the advice g but please apply some comprehension skills here next time. 

lol cute… i guess we will see then huh 😁

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