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Depression Symptoms Test for Adults: Am I Depressed?

How to Manage an Employee with Depression

For 10 years i been living with major depression. im 28 so since 18 a senior in h.s. *trigger warning* ive attempted suicide three times in my life. 18, 22 and 28 ( 4 months ago) Ive also been diagnosed with anxiety and borderline personality disorder. especially BPD for 3 years now has been very challenging i lost family/all my friends. im gonna be 30 next year. its just sucks i have no kids, no partner, no friends or family. Mental Health is serious and real i feel there is a negative stigma on suicide. if anyone can or does relate feel free to comment.

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1 hour ago, Garrett James said:

Depression Symptoms Test for Adults: Am I Depressed?

How to Manage an Employee with Depression

For 10 years i been living with major depression. im 28 so since 18 a senior in h.s. *trigger warning* ive attempted suicide three times in my life. 18, 22 and 28 ( 4 months ago) Ive also been diagnosed with anxiety and borderline personality disorder. especially BPD for 3 years now has been very challenging i lost family/all my friends. im gonna be 30 next year. its just sucks i have no kids, no partner, no friends or family. Mental Health is serious and real i feel there is a negative stigma on suicide. if anyone can or does relate feel free to comment.

Chin up babe

I thoroughly understand what you feel and sorry you are going through that

wish nothing but the best for yourself and try to focus on the right now and what you put into the world and less about how/ what others do. ♥️ here for you

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Just now, BlurredLover said:

Chin up babe

I thoroughly understand what you feel and sorry you are going through that

wish nothing but the best for yourself and try to focus on the right now and what you put into the world and less about how/ what others do. ♥️ here for you

I Love You Hug GIF by Chubbiversethank you & yesterday on one of my posts i do feel bad i disrespected you for no good reason my apologies.

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Just know these underlying issues don’t define you. Though it may feel that it’s a part of who you are, it’s just an extension. Life isn’t that serious. Have fun! Even if you are in your own company. The grass isn’t always greener. Believe me, even if you find yourself on the other side, you’ll always feel there’s something missing until you start looking from the inside. 

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1 minute ago, ObsessedBritFan1 said:

Just know these underlying issues don’t define you. Though it may feel that it’s a part of who you are, it’s just an extension. Life isn’t that serious. Have fun! Even if you are in your own company. The grass isn’t always greener. Believe me, even if you find yourself on the other side, you’ll always feel there’s something missing until you start looking from the inside. 

Thank you

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My mom is diagnosed with borderline pd, you've inspired me to start learning more about it so i can support her better when she is feeling rough. Our relationship is a rollercoaster but i would love nothing more than see her happy and at peace.


I how the best for you and for me too, I've contemplated suicide a few years ago, i even wrote the letter, but i couldn't do it.  I feel so much better now, i reconnected to friends and spend time with them much more frequently, but i still need to be able to finantially support me and I don't know why i hold back, but i know each month i do better.  PLEASE HANG ON AND KEEP GOING, im rooting for us 💪

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2 minutes ago, F3rzz said:

My mom is diagnosed with borderline pd, you've inspired me to start learning more about it so i can support her better when she is feeling rough. Our relationship is a rollercoaster but i would love nothing more than see her happy and at peace.


I how the best for you and for me too, I've contemplated suicide a few years ago, i even wrote the letter, but i couldn't do it.  I feel so much better now, i reconnected to friends and spend time with them much more frequently, but i still need to be able to finantially support me and I don't know why i hold back, but i know each month i do better.  PLEASE HANG ON AND KEEP GOING, im rooting for us 💪

awe, Yes be there for your mama. my emotions are like a rollercoaster too your mom and myself with bpd just need understanding and some love. im glad you're still alive to this day. thank you for the sweet words and i will try my best!

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10 hours ago, Garrett James said:

Depression Symptoms Test for Adults: Am I Depressed?

How to Manage an Employee with Depression

For 10 years i been living with major depression. im 28 so since 18 a senior in h.s. *trigger warning* ive attempted suicide three times in my life. 18, 22 and 28 ( 4 months ago) Ive also been diagnosed with anxiety and borderline personality disorder. especially BPD for 3 years now has been very challenging i lost family/all my friends. im gonna be 30 next year. its just sucks i have no kids, no partner, no friends or family. Mental Health is serious and real i feel there is a negative stigma on suicide. if anyone can or does relate feel free to comment.

Hi Garret. So, first of all, thanks for sharing this. If it were up to me to leave just one piece of information that would work for everyone, I would say: life is not static, nothing is permanenet nd you can trasmute coal into gold, just be patient with yourself. You are 30 and? You are so young still. Some days you may not care, and that is ok. Let them pass like waves in the ocean. There will also be the days you.do care and love, let the wash you away.

A diagnosis is supposed to guide people to better navigate life with a more profound awareness of what works for them that might not wprk for others, they are an opportunity of self discovery, but they are not a life sentence. I know some things are harder than others, I know I don't know what you feel exactly and I wouldn't dare disrespect your unique experience that belongs only to you, and what you go through might be hard sometimes. Nobody is living what you are, but we are all in this mess of a pool called life. Sometimes we float, sometimes we struggle to bring ourselves out from the bottom. But so does everything and everyonr else in the world.

Anyways, I know there is a physical factor, but not all are antidepressants and pills over pills. There are options.


I.hope.you stay with us for a while, I know in my heart this world needs what you have to offer. Give yourself time to build it up, to cry and laugh the enbs and flows of this place. Remember, nothing is ever what it seems. Maybe, train your eye to see beyond the obvious and forget not, 30 is nothing. Only TMZ, E entertainment and a few morons out there think life stops at 30.

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10 hours ago, Bigno said:

Hi Garret. So, first of all, thanks for sharing this. If it were up to me to leave just one piece of information that would work for everyone, I would say: life is not static, nothing is permanenet nd you can trasmute coal into gold, just be patient with yourself. You are 30 and? You are so young still. Some days you may not care, and that is ok. Let them pass like waves in the ocean. There will also be the days you.do care and love, let the wash you away.

A diagnosis is supposed to guide people to better navigate life with a more profound awareness of what works for them that might not wprk for others, they are an opportunity of self discovery, but they are not a life sentence. I know some things are harder than others, I know I don't know what you feel exactly and I wouldn't dare disrespect your unique experience that belongs only to you, and what you go through might be hard sometimes. Nobody is living what you are, but we are all in this mess of a pool called life. Sometimes we float, sometimes we struggle to bring ourselves out from the bottom. But so does everything and everyonr else in the world.

Anyways, I know there is a physical factor, but not all are antidepressants and pills over pills. There are options.


I.hope.you stay with us for a while, I know in my heart this world needs what you have to offer. Give yourself time to build it up, to cry and laugh the enbs and flows of this place. Remember, nothing is ever what it seems. Maybe, train your eye to see beyond the obvious and forget not, 30 is nothing. Only TMZ, E entertainment and a few morons out there think life stops at 30.

😭 This is beautiful . Thank you ❤️

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On 11/5/2022 at 8:21 PM, Garrett James said:

Depression Symptoms Test for Adults: Am I Depressed?

How to Manage an Employee with Depression

For 10 years i been living with major depression. im 28 so since 18 a senior in h.s. *trigger warning* ive attempted suicide three times in my life. 18, 22 and 28 ( 4 months ago) Ive also been diagnosed with anxiety and borderline personality disorder. especially BPD for 3 years now has been very challenging i lost family/all my friends. im gonna be 30 next year. its just sucks i have no kids, no partner, no friends or family. Mental Health is serious and real i feel there is a negative stigma on suicide. if anyone can or does relate feel free to comment.

Hello there!

First of all, thank you for you trusting us when making this thread, I really do appreciate this and you are really brave for opening up. :) 

Second of all, although younger than you, I feel you. The fact that you feel old is just a social concept, let's start there. You do not have to buy it. Let me give you and example, I was 18 a very few years ago and I had been told (before I turned 18) that I am old enough to start a family; have kids; own a property; own a car; have a great career; whatever. You know, you do not have to buy this, whatever pressure you feel, it is only a social concept. Everybody's journey's different and the fact that some have their life figured out before they turn 25, for example, does not mean it is your case as well. Chill out. You are not here on this planet to prove yourself. You are here to enjoy life actually and to be joyfull and loving being. :) I know that this sounds like a cliche, yet it is the truth. You know, I've almost died this febuary because I attempted suicide and it is only a miracle that I am still alive in this human form. However, this is not the main point, what I am trying to express here is that you are not alone in this "fight" and you can dm me whenever you need. The only thing I can do for you at this point is that I can hear (actually read) whatever is on your mind and be there for you. The way your thread made me tear up because of its honesty and how raw it is is beyond me. At this point I just want to hugh you tightly and let you release your emotions. :) Anyway, do not buy any social concept and listen to your hear because they way you already are is the best way. And whatever people around you say is just their projecton. The creation / god/ buddha / universe / call it how you want never makes a mistake. You are how you are for a reason and you should listen only to your inner self, not any external source that does not reside in your head and does not know you at all. :) Do you know Bashar?


Bashar's knowledge helped me so much, so if you are ready, just give it a chance. :) There's plently of videos on youtube or just dm me if you want me to elaborate on something or if you just want someone to listen to (read) your thoughs. :) Lots of love. Take care. :) 

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2 minutes ago, Groundbreaking said:

Hello there!

First of all, thank you for you trusting us when making this thread, I really do appreciate this and you are really brave for opening up. :) 

Second of all, although younger than you, I feel you. The fact that you feel old is just a social concept, let's start there. You do not have to buy it. Let me give you and example, I was 18 a very few years ago and I had been told (before I turned 18) that I am old enough to start a family; have kids; own a property; own a car; have a great career; whatever. You know, you do not have to buy this, whatever pressure you feel, it is only a social concept. Everybody's journey's different and the fact that some have their life figured out before they turn 25, for example, does not mean it is your case as well. Chill out. You are not here on this planet to prove yourself. You are here to enjoy life actually and to be joyfull and loving being. :) I know that this sounds like a cliche, yet it is the truth. You know, I've almost died this febuary because I attempted suicide and it is only a miracle that I am still alive in this human form. However, this is not the main point, what I am trying to express here is that you are not alone in this "fight" and you can dm me whenever you need. The only thing I can do for you at this point is that I can hear (actually read) whatever is on your mind and be there for you. The way your thread made me tear up because of its honesty and how raw it is is beyond me. At this point I just want to hugh you tightly and let you release your emotions. :) Anyway, do not buy any social concept and listen to your hear because they way you already are is the best way. And whatever people around you say is just their projecton. The creation / god/ buddha / universe / call it how you want never makes a mistake. You are how you are for a reason and you should listen only to your inner self, not any external source that does not reside in your head and does not know you at all. :) Do you know Bashar?


Bashar's knowledge helped me so much, so if you are ready, just give it a chance. :) There's plently of videos on youtube or just dm me if you want me to elaborate on something or if you just want someone to listen to (read) your thoughs. :) Lots of love. Take care. :) 

Season 10 Hug GIF by Friends thank you!!

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  • 5 months later...

Guys, everyone's journey is different, so don't feel pressured to have your life figured out by a certain age. You're not here to prove yourself, but to enjoy life and be joyful. I've been through tough times too, so you're not alone. I'm new aboard and I would be glad to chat, just feel free to DM me anytime. Just remember, you are perfect just the way you are. Have you heard of Bashar? ;)

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  • 2 months later...
  • Super Mods
On 11/5/2022 at 12:21 PM, GarrettJames said:

Depression Symptoms Test for Adults: Am I Depressed?

How to Manage an Employee with Depression

For 10 years i been living with major depression. im 28 so since 18 a senior in h.s. *trigger warning* ive attempted suicide three times in my life. 18, 22 and 28 ( 4 months ago) Ive also been diagnosed with anxiety and borderline personality disorder. especially BPD for 3 years now has been very challenging i lost family/all my friends. im gonna be 30 next year. its just sucks i have no kids, no partner, no friends or family. Mental Health is serious and real i feel there is a negative stigma on suicide. if anyone can or does relate feel free to comment.

Oh wow we're the same age.

I totally understand what you're going through.

When my ex fiance broke up with me when I was 22,

I was SO devastated especially cause he was my first love.

I was so suicidal and depressed.

I attempted suicide 5-6 times and even tried jumping out of my mom's car on the freeway.

I also was hospitalized for severe depression.


I was so depressed, I couldn't function as a human being and dropped out of college for a year and a half cause of it.

However life got better once I went to therapy, it really saved my life.

Now I'm a college graduate with a degree in Fashion.

Life does eventually get better, trust me.


Btw you can message me if you ever need someone to talk to.

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