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Britney responds to Jayden's interview and drags Kevin Federline

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I wish I could enjoy her ripping her loser ex husband a new one… it’s well written and all but it’s one of her saddest posts.Β 

Her family, sadly her kids included, are diabolical. I can’t imagine how bad she must feel, staying in the cship for so long because they threatened they would take her kids away… and now, like she says, Β she suffered 15 years for nothing. They should be ashamed of themselves.Β 

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This breaks my heart πŸ’”. Β Britney loves those boys so much and to see Kevin use them against her shows his true colors. It’s obvious his money tree is being cut down so he’s doing everything he can to hurt her. She’s so much stronger. She will rise from this as well.Β 

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They should be proud to be her Sons, to support her after what she's been through, she gave all for them. Hello your Mother is ****ing Britney Spears and she gave life to you... You don't get to trash an icon like her like that! You lil brat.. Who paid for you to have a great life.? Every celebrity has a lil **** foto shoots so what.i just don't get it! My mind is blown.. So pissed!Β 

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On 9/2/2022 at 10:27 AM, Duff Man said:

It really isnt... time stamp?? ...at 0:51 you hear the older one say "and slams the door" ..i dont hear anything else

Yeah Sean really said "Ahh fk you" before Britney left exactly at 0:51 to 0:52:

There is a definite "k" syllables there before you. He is definitely not saying "and slams the door" as that is a bit too long for the verbatim. And that made sense that Britney ask to be respected because the kids are throwing out "fk you" bomb every time like its nothing.Β 

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