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Brandy Fires Back At Jack Harlow In 'First Class' Freestyle

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The ego she must have :grimace_judging_judge_squint_ew_gross_red_white_annoyed:


Idk what’s more pathetic. Getting pressed about a rapper, WHO was born the same year as when she was at the height of her fame, all because he didn’t know who was related to her, or making some one-sided beef with the number one artist in the country, all for the sake of clout.

Brandy, you’re an R&B LEGEND with co-signs from the greats before you! You don’t need to stoop to this level (although lyrically she killed it :cardi_b_yes_tongue_haha_cocky:

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Can we please stop calling everything that isn’t fully mixed and mastered a “freestyle”? I love Brandy, but there’s no way she came up with all that on the spot….

Not to mention - Jack’s *one hit song* is a glorified Tik Tok trend. If he’s still making hits in 5 years I’ll be stunned. Is he really worth all that effort? Gurl…….

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This makes Brandy look sad. I mean I honestly know almost nothing about Jack Harlow, and I haven’t even seen the interview where he said something about her… but from my understanding, he just said he didn’t know Brandy and Ray J were siblings? I mean Brandy hasn’t really been relevant in like, what, 15 years? I know she was a bid deal for a while, but would kids today know her if they don’t know a lot of 90s/early 2000s music? And Ray J? I mean I grew up in the late 90s and 2000s and all I really know about him is he had the s** tape with Kim Kardashian. Expecting someone who was born when you were at the peak of your fame to know that much about you when you’re not someone like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Britney, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, etc level celebrity is just delusional. 

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