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Britney is getting a lot of hate

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39 minutes ago, nakedsoldier said:

The GP does not hate Britney. Stop spreading this narrative. It's a few Karen's online and all Britney fans do, is tweet, retweet and spread their message, which makes it seem like everybody is hating her. She always had haters, but instead of spreading all those hate comments, we can also focus on the positive ones.

Exactly. There may be a few hate comments but the majority that I see are all positive and love for her. 

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6 minutes ago, One More Time said:

I don’t think so. Everyone is loving a pregnant Britney :gaspney_britney_what_wow_shocked_surprised: Everyone around me and also I consume a lot of media and general people especially the young are so curious about it and surprised in a good way

I only feel good vibes and it’s incredible    :melt_weird_drift_wow:


IRL none of my friends follow Britney...distinctly GPs...and I'm getting lots of excited texts from them about Pregney. I think the hate is coming from Exhale--the toxic Perez, JL, Larry types whose sole purpose is advertise "hot take" videos or to troll Britney fans.

Can the mods please free us from these trolls by deleting the toxic topics and posts from these trolls.  We all know who they are. Their goal is to cause harm. NOT deleting these topics & posts furthers the trolls' agendas at the expense of the real exhale community.

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There will always be haters. That's what happens when you are an iconic superstar. It's sad, but it's the truth. What we can do is be a positive force in Britney's life and send her lots of positivity, making sure she knows she is loved by many more people than the haters who are bored and miserable with their own lives.

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Not really, the german press is really nice to her. 



Sie ist wieder schwanger! Oops she did it again... 

Erst die Freiheit, dann die Verlobung, jetzt Baby-Glück. Endlich wieder richtig gute Zeiten für Britney.


She is pregnant again! Oops she did it again! 

First freedom, then Engagement now Baby-happiness, finally really good times for Britney! 



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Is this your first day in the game? She always gets hate. This is nothing compared to 2007. The only difference is some of us have the balls to not let misogynistic jerk.offs influence our thinking. 

top paying attention to it and stop making threads about what the "public" thinks.

Repeat after me: It does not matter what the dim-witted American public thinks about Britney Spears' personal life. 

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