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Britney posts NSFL photo: "Free woman energy has never felt better"

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Just now, KrisJ said:

Britney’s career: 

1998-2018 (20 years) 

Britney under a conservatorship being controlled with career choices made for her = 13 years 

13 out of the 20 years is majority of her career. Abs that’s being generous and not counting the beginning 2-3 years where she was also controlled 

I'm sure someone was controlling her when she decided how her first music video should go. :jamie_lynn_grape:

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Why is Britney always held to a different standard than her fellow celebrities?

****, Kim Kardashian became famous due to amateur ****, and posts full-frontal ***** nonstop, is the same age as Britney and has a fleet of children, and yet she gets a **** ton of positive comments for being naked her entire "career." Likewise, the former FLOTUS had done a fully nude photoshoot with faux lesbianism, and later a topless one, and yet that wasn't an issue. Why the hell is Britney held to a higher standard than a "FIRST LADY?"

Britney is a popstar, for gods sake, and beyond that, has had not just her body and appearance, but also social media, controlled for basically her entire adult life. Let the woman live; she's hurting nobody. 

And this is hardly new; Britney was previously criticized for being too ***ual even as the likes of Xtina was FAR more provocative and far earlier, and Brit's rehab visits are still cited as reasons why she's "crazy," and thereby shouldnt be allowed basic civil rights or access to her children. Meanwhile, the likes of Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus are all ex-Disney stars, and when THEY enter rehab and talk about their **** and/or mental health issues, they're hailed as courageous and heroic, not incapacitated. 

Not even gonna touch on, say, Johnny Depp, whom the court proved had assaulted his ex over a dozen times via pictures and his own text messages, but his fanbase remains huge and in denial; likewise, Bill Cosby was released from prison for no ****** reason despite drugging and raping women for years on end. Those are criminal actions, and yet they've had freedom Britney never has. 

It's beyond unfortunate her own fanbase further perpetuates these absurd double standards. 

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34 minutes ago, zone said:

People do that.


THANK YOU. One consistent thing about Britney is her nonstop position of refusing to take responsibility for being a "role model," because that's a completely unfair thing to impose upon a total stranger, especially when you then somehow expect them to parent YOUR kids on your behalf.

When an individual is sufficiently focused on their own life, and not constantly looking to celebrities as their personal life coach, then what another adult is posting on her personal social media does not impact your life in the slightest. It's not just Jamie who has a creepy obsession with Britney's body and "virginal image," but apparently still 90% of the fanbase. It's quite alarming; one would hope we've collectively matured over the past 20 years, but I guess not. 

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1 hour ago, Jaime Hodson said:

I really care about her but I feel like I can no longer support her career because there was never a time that she wasn’t being controlled and feel she’s always been in a abusive situation, and exploited as a child. I support her in her healing but do not support this behavior and I’m not really into any of her music anymore it just feels so wrong. I’m a once fan who wishes her the best with her healing journey but that doesn’t seem to be her priority.

Well said! I agree. This conservatorship and abusing damaged her badly. Hope she gets the help she needs.

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47 minutes ago, Body ache said:

I'm sure someone was controlling her when she decided how her first music video should go. :jamie_lynn_grape:

& when she fought for Slave 4 U, vs BOMBASTIC LOVE (!?!?!?) being the first single for Britney. And when she fought for her ONLY-GRAMMY WINNING SONG just to be a single from ITZ, whilst they thought promoting R Kelly was brilliant.

All of the ideas they've been known to cut from her music videos (Hi, MM) have been absolutely terrible; these people have never had a damn clue what they're doing, and why the second the conservatorship was in place, the quality of EVERYTHING declined massively, from music videos to performances to albums to photoshoots to public perception of her as an entertainer. 

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1 hour ago, KrisJ said:

Britney’s career: 

1998-2018 (20 years) 

Britney under a conservatorship being controlled with career choices made for her = 13 years 

13 out of the 20 years is majority of her career. And that’s being generous and not counting the beginning 2-3 years where she was also controlled 

It's undeniable she's always been very controlled, and I'm sure a large part of why her songs emphasized that fact (eg., Overprotected x2, Let Me Be, Cinderella, Not a Girl, My Prerogative, Mona Lisa, etc etc etc).

However, there is a massive difference between the control from a label upon a huge popstar, which everyone big deals with (people like Gaga and Kelly Clarkson have publicly discussed their fights with management and how the singles they want will only be released if they also release/record XYZ, etc) vs the powers her father had over her life and career; SHE HAD HER ROOM WIRETAPPED AND ALL CONVERSATIONS RECORDED, FOR GODS SAKE. Her phone and internet access were taken away if she didn't do what they wanted, and eventually these threats always escalated to taking her boys away, per those who were present.

That's not a reality for other veteran popstars or even the vast majority of prisoners; even they get a ******* phonecall and access to an attorney of their choosing. There's a very good reason ACLU got heavily involved in Britney's case; what her conservators have done is beyond shocking and highly abnormal in every sense, even for this industry (hence, all other celebrities being horrified). 

Oh, not even to mention THE FORCED STERILIZATION that is quite literally outlined as a crime against humanity per the UN. 

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I think it's a little hypocritical when people criticize Britney for this but are also thirsting over a basically naked man on IG :umsaywhat_adele_hmm_umm_thinking_confused_unsure: Also why when it's Kim K doing it, people only say it's trashy but when it's Britney, y'all say she's having a manic episode :parisok_hilton_chewing_gum_pink_phone_Reading: Idk why Britney has always been subjected to a double standard compared to her fellow celebrities 

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12 minutes ago, Bratz***** said:

I think it's a little hypocritical when people criticize Britney for this but are also thirsting over a basically naked man on IG :umsaywhat_adele_hmm_umm_thinking_confused_unsure: Also why when it's Kim K doing it, people only say it's trashy but when it's Britney, y'all say she's having a manic episode :parisok_hilton_chewing_gum_pink_phone_Reading: Idk why Britney has always been subjected to a double standard compared to her fellow celebrities 

Hell, other celebs fully nude selfies (Miley, Kim, etc) result in articles about feminism! 

I mean, even Mr. Purity Ring defended Kim’s Paper shoot:



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It scares me how everyone is again so obsessed with her... she's trending on Twitter like few times a week and people have a lot of hurtful opinions... To be fair she looks lost on those photos BUT it doesn't mean she is. I have tons of photos I look weird and lost on but inside I felt totally okay. The way you look doesn't have to present what you feel inside. And even if she is lost it doesn't mean people can hate on her like the ****? 

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1 hour ago, Jaime Hodson said:

I feel a lot of her overt ***uality comes from a place of trauma and abuse and not a healthy place. The more I learn about her past, the more I see how groomed she was.

Pretty cringe of you to assume anything about her childhood traumas, of which u know absolutely nothing about. Even if you knew every single trauma it is in bad taste/ unethical to try and diagnose her (armchair diagnosis). Your presumption that her ***uality comes from abuse and trauma literally makes me think of the 1950s and people screaming *****. How did her saying she was a "Catholic sl**" make you feel? Haha :tina_judging_side_eye_glance_staring_looking_red::clownery_makeup_meme:

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I love that Britney just does whatever the **** she wants. I love that she pushes boundaries. It's inspiring as ****. Even with the world constantly labelling her as "sick" or "bipolar" or "manic" or "crazy"... It's nice to see that she just lives her life despite it all. People are ******* awful. So much hate. So much armchair diagnosing.. judging.. it's truly sad. She's a human being, being human. If you don't like it, don't watch. If it challenges you, maybe spend more time looking at yourself and figuring out why you feel the need to judge her.

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6 minutes ago, northfacing said:

I love that Britney just does whatever the **** she wants. I love that she pushes boundaries. It's inspiring as ****. Even with the world constantly labelling her as "sick" or "bipolar" or "manic" or "crazy"... It's nice to see that she just lives her life despite it all. People are ******* awful. So much hate. So much armchair diagnosing.. judging.. it's truly sad. She's a human being, being human. If you don't like it, don't watch. If it challenges you, maybe spend more time looking at yourself and figuring out why you feel the need to judge her.

Amen! I don’t get the judgement. The human body is beautiful and has been celebrated by many artists throughout the course of history.  Michelangelo for example.

Britney has always been a badass chick! She’s her own woman and plays by own rules.  That’s why she has been so successful. She’s unique and that should be celebrated.  She’s also a master marketer. Nothing travels faster than gossip and ***uality is the easiest way to offend people. Probably because  we’re  all so insecure with our own ***uality.  Y’all have been played.  Take a marketing class or get some therapy for yourselves before getting so offended with someone as normal or a human body or ***uality.

rock out with your cooch out Britney 

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I reported it. As much as it is her right to express her new found freedom, freedom also has limitations. Yes she is a celebrity but that doesn’t entitle her to be too extreme.

She can do what she wants but as a logical free adult, she should know those boundaries.

I love her but is too much

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1 minute ago, JMNYC said:

Amen! I don’t get the judgement. The human body is beautiful and has been celebrated by many artists throughout the course of history.

Britney has always been a badass chick! She’s her own woman and plays by own rules.  That’s why she has been so successful. She’s unique and that should be celebrated.

rock out with your cooch  out 

Right? Bunch of pearl-clutching prudes who need to assign some "diagnosis" to her just to knock her down so they can feel comfortable with their own unresolved ****. 

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1 minute ago, jecho said:

I reported it. As much as it is her right to express her new found freedom, freedom also has limitations. Yes she is a celebrity but that doesn’t entitle her to be too extreme.

She can do what she wants but as a logical free adult, she should know those boundaries.

I love her but Britney be decent

Ewww. Ur so cringe rickey smiley what GIF by TV One

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4 minutes ago, jecho said:

I reported it. As much as it is her right to express her new found freedom, freedom also has limitations. Yes she is a celebrity but that doesn’t entitle her to be too extreme.

She can do what she wants but as a logical free adult, she should know those boundaries.

I love her but is too much

Thank you so much for saving Instagram! Now I won't have to see any nudity on there. Thank god. You're such a righteous saviour........... 

Also, I'm a logical free adult, but I don't know what boundaries I SHOULD be following according to your worldview.. so please enlighten me, since you are the expert here. 

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