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November 12th court hearing: BRITNEY IS FREE

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1 minute ago, TheBestFan said:

They had this pic gathering dust in a 2 gb flash drive and had the nerve to pinch a 440p screenshot from the Make Me video as the Glory album cover? Thats a death penalty level crime right there!

Britney team, or should i say ex-team had worst taste! Remember that picture where she sits on the bed, they used it EVERYWHERE. Buildboards, perfume boxes, ads.. Like one pic for everything....


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27 minutes ago, blackingouthenegativity said:

Let's watch our demands here. Homegirl's only been free for a few minutes. 

I'll be watching those on Exhale who will start demanding she perform, record, entertain, etc. again.

You may think you're on the right side, but you just resemble a certain ex-conservator when you start demanding what Britney needs to do with HER future. 


Oh for the love of god, get a life it was just a joke. Lighten tf up.

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It's almost midnight here. I'm across the world from all "action" and I just noticed how quiet it is. Even inside me.

After last hearing I was shaking, physically. I staid up late, because I couldn't sleep, thinking.

Today, I'm so calm inside. The fight is over. It's over.

No more waiting for news, no more hoping. It's done, it's gone.

There's more to do, but, that's background stuff, something that could be dealt with later.

No more pain, no more suffering. Now it's time to heal and celebrate.

blinking like a boss GIF by Feliks Tomasz Konczakowski

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