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Little Mix unfollow Jesy Nelson a day after her debut solo single drops


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When Madonna released Madame X, the whole conversation started again. 


It took a gay Spanish guy from harlem.


To say that In today's social media world cultural appreciation is now classified as cultural appropriation, there's no debate.


You can't be a different race and show the world you fell in love with a culture and wanna share it. Cos that's the rules now  .


However in a case of Madonna, she hires the artists, the people she worked with and take them on the road to share their talents which would never happen without a person like Madonna who has that platform to give it to them..


Jesy would do the same, nobody is given that chance anymore that's the problem. 


Society says if your white stay in a white lane. That's it. 



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7 hours ago, kdub87 said:

What does blackfishing mean to you? Jesy and many other girls tan, as has been the case for decades. She’s always been inspired by R&B and Hip Hop, Nicki and P Diddy supporting and appearing alongside her in the video speaks volumes imo. I agree her aesthetic and sound are heavily influenced by black culture but why do you class that as shi**y behavior?  Genuinely interested.

What is it she should apologize for? Be specific. I see her paying tribute and appreciation to the genre and culture. She’s doing nothing derogatory so I’m confused as to why and what she should apologize for? I’m sorry that my personal influence is R&B and Hip Hop and I tan?

I too can understand why Leigh Anne would be hurt as she’s been downtrodden her whole life for her racial attributes and is now seeing a white woman being praised for incorporating them into her aesthetic. But the anger is misdirected, people like Jesy are appreciative of and inspired by the culture, why is this bad? Drag the people that think the aesthetic isn’t as alluring on POC, not the people appreciating it.

Why do we have to ‘cancel’ people for appreciating and partaking in different cultures? No one ‘owns’ a single cultural attribute. It’s her body and she can do with it as she pleases, especially when she’s not hurting anyone.

It’s sad that WOC have been derided for their hair styles, clothing, skin color, lips, butts, you name it. They’ve been pushed down all their lives and made to feel lesser in western society. To see white women emulate and be praised for these features and for them to become the new white beauty standard must be frustrating/infuriating af. But is the answer to say “ok you can’t do that anymore because I get chided for it”? I’d disagree, because the women emulating the aesthetic aren’t the issue.

Imagine saying “I have blue eyes, it’s offensive for you to wear blue contacts” or “my skins naturally dark, I’m offended that you tan to emulate that”. That’s how silly the concept of ‘blackfishing’ can sound at times. Let’s focus on the ones that treat POC differently for their cultural attributes yet praise white women for the same things, those people are the issue. Otherwise it just ends up coming off as petty. 

The reason why blackfishing is so problematic is that it is white people profiting from black bodies and culture and white people feeling they can pick and choose parts of being black without having to face the racism black people do. Now you could say "well what's wrong with us all sharing our cultures", which would be lovely and totally fine if we lived in an EQUAL society, which we may do in years to come, but we don't NOW, hence why it's such an issue. Jesy benefits from white priviledge and she really should know better, yes her intentions are lovely about respecting black culture but it doesn't make any of what she's doing fine.

Ultimately black people are  forced to accept european or western "ideals of beauty" in society, and so many think that blackfishing is just an acceptance of blackness rather than black people themselves. It's having your cake and eating it too for white people.

If you can't see how either of those is an issue, then we are done here.

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15 hours ago, nban2010 said:

The reason why blackfishing is so problematic is that it is white people profiting from black bodies and culture and white people feeling they can pick and choose parts of being black without having to face the racism black people do.

You're correct, white people can pick and choose parts of black culture without facing racism. However the person "picking and choosing" isn't the issue, the issue is that people are racist. Why are you conflating the two? Why are people like Jesy the bad guy in these situations? she's not the one perpetrating racism or discrimination, go after those that are. Your definition of 'blackfishing' just comes off as salty and misdirected. Is it Jesy's fault that WOC are treated as lesser for the same aesthetics? Should she be punished because other people are? The answer is no, no one should be punished for it, thats the REAL issue. Yet your justification Is akin to saying 'if I can't have it no one can' and that gets no one anywhere.

15 hours ago, nban2010 said:

Now you could say "well what's wrong with us all sharing our cultures", which would be lovely and totally fine if we lived in an EQUAL society, which we may do in years to come, but we don't NOW, hence why it's such an issue.

Again, you're generalizing a swath of people without taking into consideration the nuance of the issue. Imagine a white girl wanting braids because she thinks they're beautiful yet being told she cant because black girls are derided for the same hair style, do you see how stupid that sounds? Going after the girl that admires it rather than the people that would deride you for it?  Do you honestly believe your way of thinking is helping to equalize us? To create party lines between cultures, police peoples aesthetic and punish those who dare to embrace attributes of cultures other than their own? Please. No one can lay claim to a culture, thats the beauty of living in a free world.

15 hours ago, nban2010 said:

Jesy benefits from white priviledge and she really should know better, yes her intentions are lovely about respecting black culture but it doesn't make any of what she's doing fine.

Jesy does benefit from white privilege and Im positive she is aware of that having been in a band with a WOC for a decade. However, in what way should she know better? she's done nothing wrong at all. Your argument falls flat on every level as you seem to think the bane of inequality lies at the feet of people like Jesy when in fact she is one of the people embracing other cultures, not deriding them, that makes all of what she is doing perfectly fine. Going after people like Jesy is futile, because people like her aren't the problem. Take aim at the people perpetrating the idea that POC are lesser when possessing the same features and attributes that girls like Jesy adopt. They're the ones at fault. 

15 hours ago, nban2010 said:

Ultimately black people are  forced to accept european or western "ideals of beauty" in society, and so many think that blackfishing is just an acceptance of blackness rather than black people themselves. It's having your cake and eating it too for white people.

Thats just a symptom of being a minority in a predominantly white country. If a Caucasian lived in a predominantly black country, I doubt they'd land within the beauty ideals too. Thats not to say either aren't equally beautiful, but it'd be ignorant to not acknowledge that each country has its own niche perspective on beauty, unfortunately. 

At the end of the day, the whole blackfishing/cultural appropriation movement will fall on deaf ears because of the utter misdirection of the message. People like yourself want people like Jesy to be punished for embracing, adopting and paying tribute to a culture that has inspired her her whole life, all because people born within that culture are punished for the same things. This is in the same vain of why so many people are against cancelling student debt. The people that paid theirs are mad that others will get it free so rail against it because "I suffered so they should suffer too". Has that ever been a solution to any problem? Yes Jesy has white privilege, but y'all sound like you want to punish her for that as if it's something she has control over.

I can imagine how frustrating and enraging it must be to see white women praised for the very same things WOC are admonished for. It's why I can understand Leigh Anne's anger since she too was treated as lesser by 'fans' of little mix for a long time and likely by people her whole life. To see Jesy prevail whilst embracing aspects of her (Leigh Annes) culture that she likely faced criticism for must have been deeply frustrating but to take that out on Jesy is misguided at best.

People are free to emulate, appreciate and pay tribute to any culture they want, thats the beauty of being human and you nor anyone else can do much about it. Sure you can rage online about how she should be cancelled or ridiculed, knowing full well she's attempted suicide over online bullying in the past but hey! as long as she doesn't get to embrace another culture right?

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This might be an unpopular opinion but honestly Leigh-Anne needs to admit that her lack of success compared to the other girls in the band is mainly related to her lack of charisma and strong stage presence. As a black person myself, I have always thought of her as trying too hard to catch up to the other girls. And that’s totally fine as we’re all born differently and excel better at certain things. She shouldn’t have entirely blamed racism for her feeling not being a “fan-favorite”. Look at Scary Spice and how successful she was in the Spice Girls even though at that time there was a lack of representation overall and the racism conversation wasn’t as strong/loud as today. 
I’m very disappointed in Leigh-Anne and how she has been handling the whole situation. In the words of Alyssa Edwards; “Don’t be bitter, just get better”.



As for Jesy, Boyz was a fun project and I loved how she paid tribute to the 90s Hip Hop/RnB era. Nostalgia is always a safe card to play. No cultural appropriation detected. Only love and inspiration from artists like P Diddy. Nicki’s verse was cute and Jesy scored well by having Nicki on the track. But overall nothing innovative. Let’s see if she can bring something new and different to the table like Geri did. 


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5 hours ago, I just want more!! said:

This might be an unpopular opinion but honestly Leigh-Anne needs to admit that her lack of success compared to the other girls in the band is mainly related to her lack of charisma and strong stage presence. As a black person myself, I have always thought of her as trying too hard to catch up to the other girls. And that’s totally fine as we’re all born differently and excel better at certain things. She shouldn’t have entirely blamed racism for her feeling not being a “fan-favorite”. Look at Scary Spice and how successful she was in the Spice Girls even though at that time there was a lack of representation overall and the racism conversation wasn’t as strong/loud as today. 
I’m very disappointed in Leigh-Anne and how she has been handling the whole situation. In the words of Alyssa Edwards; “Don’t be bitter, just get better”.



As for Jesy, Boyz was a fun project and I loved how she paid tribute to the 90s Hip Hop/RnB era. Nostalgia is always a safe card to play. No cultural appropriation detected. Only love and inspiration from artists like P Diddy. Nicki’s verse was cute and Jesy scored well by having Nicki on the track. But overall nothing innovative. Let’s see if she can bring something new and different to the table like Geri did. 


Mel B was the first Spice girl to have a solo UK #1 hit, it's also according to The OCC, Missy's biggest hit there. 


People might get shady especially my Americans in this thread. 

But already Jesy is aiming for a top 3 and Nicki is getting her biggest UK hit since Woman Like Me, there was no way Jesy could stop ed Sheeran and coldplay (who just announced a new massive renewal deal with Parlophone/Atlantic)..


But like @Slayer said. She did good, I don't expect a second massive week, her spotify numbers are shrinking due to the controversy, or Leigh Anne paying people to stop streaming it. 


But With adele season coming, it's either push up, or wait until spring 2022 to release music. 

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On 10/9/2021 at 1:18 PM, Slayer said:

I get what you're trying to say but Leigh-Anne is engaged to a colourist (a man who said he'd never got out with black women) and a man who makes homophobic comments. Funny how Leigh-Anne has a problem now after 10 years and was liking all of Jesy's posts where she is allegedly 'black fishing'. Also funny that its an issue with Jesy when Leigh-Anne's best friend and business partner Hannah is overly tanned and could quite easily be called out for black fishing. Pretty hypocritical to me.

Excuse me, if you are white it is against the law to tan, curl your hair or wear baggy clothes and streetwear, otherwise you are literally Hitl3r and Ku Klux Klan combined, even if you still claim to be white (like Jesy did in an interview for Vulture recently, saying with all of the letters "I am a white british woman"), and is not in any way mocking black people. REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!


Arrested Development Eye Roll GIF


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