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BREAKING: JAMIE SPEARS SUSPENDED - Conservatorship hearing today! - Live updates + streaming link for Free Britney Rally

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3 minutes ago, filmandstage13 said:

So, let me get this straight:

Vivian, Jamie, and co. want to end the conservatorship ASAP now because they are worried AF that a temporary conservator installed by Rosengart would have access to super incriminating evidence that puts them all in danger?

And Rosengart wants to remove Jamie ASAP and do a more gradual termination because he wants to get his hands on all of the otherwise confidential correspondence of Jamie & lawyers to prep for some major lawsuits against any unlawful/unethical behavior?

Unless Judge Penny has some strange curveball up her sleeve, it seems like this is ending either way?  Am I missing something??

Please please let the end of this hellish nightmare be near!  #freebritney


If Jamie gets his way and the conship is approved to be disolved, he will drag it out for as long as possible! And still be on the gracy train, AND get off pretty much scot free!!

We want Jamie removed today so he is forced to turn over all the docs so an inestigation can begin, and, hopefully, jail sentences handed down. And then the conship will be wound down on Britney's terms.

We need this to happen!

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