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More tweets from Lance's husband exposing her management and Jamie Lynn

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10 hours ago, Jo74 said:

Yes, I believe she has that healer's energy too. To come from such a disgusting family as her own of an almost parasitical and demonic energy and yet she retained this higher frequency in her own energy field. That is something within her at soul level and can NEVER be taken away. It can be dimmed and numbed but never eradicated. She is NOTHING like her family tree. It's heartbreaking that she has had to endure such a hard and difficult life but at the same time she's one of the strongest female energies out there right now teaching us even if she's not aware of this. And that is profoundly inspiring. Also, I can think of no other person who has been able to unite left, right, black, white, spirtual, athiest, etc., than Britney right now.

This such a poignant post, I wish Britney herself could read it.

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At the minute I’m working with people who are paranoid schizophrenic’s and I’m telling you right now Britney does not have any of them traits. Whether on meds or not voices can still appear when stressed or anxious. 
Just the stress of Vegas would have been enough for her to hear voices when on stage and going into a complete daze.

**** these people.

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2 hours ago, BeetleAlchemy said:

I agree.  My brother is paranoid schizophrenic and I am his caretaker, so I am around him 25 hours a day, and she exhibits NONE of the same symptoms he has.  Calling her schizophrenic is a total joker, and the fact that her captors think most people are stupid enough to buy that is insulting.  

Thank you 

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21 hours ago, Scrappy said:

I’m having trouble understanding how with ANY of the multiple supposed diagnosis now they made Britney perform for 13 years. This would definitely be conservatorship abuse to force a person with paranoid schizophrenia to perform for the public. And how would that make her susceptible to COVID? It’s more likely she has an STI and they are using it as an excuse. No hate if she does btw: it’s just a medical condition and I don’t see the big whoop.

I'll tell you mentally ill people here in the UK are considered vulnerable (check online if you don't believe it) and more at risk for the COVID-19. I don't consider that thing strange.

Now, if Britney has a serious mental illness or not I don't know but if she does she is indeed more vulnerable.  Nothing weird about that and it's not her team making that up. I can assure you. I mean, they're not making it up that severe mental illness makes someone more vulnerable to the virus. 


"Under current proposals, people diagnosed and living with severe mental illness are classed as a high priority group to receive the vaccine"




https://ibb.co/z85T4rF this link is clear proof of what I'm stating. 


I personally don't believe Britney is seriously mentally impaired. She might have anxiety (that's common after all and totally understandable in her case) but not something like dementia for sure and not schizophrenia either. 

Bipolar isn't enough to deem someone incompetent. There are millions of people with severe mental diseases and they are free to do whatever they want. 

Biggest proof that she's not affected by dementia or anything like that is that she was judging other people's performances at the X Factor but she is deemed unable to pass judgement on anything regarding herself? So she is competent enough to judge other people but magically loses any mental faculties when it comes to herself? Let's remember that to be put into a conservatorship you need to have 0 capacity left to basically do anything... She never needed a conservatorship. If she was a nobody with no money her family would have never bothered. It was all done because her dad wanted to put his hands on her money. 


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On 7/20/2021 at 9:17 AM, HIM said:

As a mother, I would fight tooth and nail for my daughter. Go seek lawyers, go seek a judge and let them know you have witnessed the abuse. I would’ve started a free campaign with my daughters fan base like it is now but way earlier than 13 years

Yep. And Lynne wasn’t passive when Britney got married the first time. According to a lawyer Lynne came flying in and forced Britney to annul the marriage together with B’s management. She wasn’t passive when it came to pushing a 3-4 year old to train hard either, I have seen videos. Pushing to get her on Broadway at 8 years old.

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On 7/20/2021 at 5:12 PM, Stannedforever said:

Isn't this the same person who has used Britney's name for clout since like 2019 and even claimed that Britney is so mentally ill that she didn't even remember Lance Bass and that was why she needed the conservatorship :wyd_wtf_meme_hand_umm_wth_what_the_hell:


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1 hour ago, Markthepop said:

Yep. And Lynne wasn’t passive when Britney got married the first time. According to a lawyer Lynne came flying in and forced Britney to annul the marriage together with B’s management. She wasn’t passive when it came to pushing a 3-4 year old to train hard either, I have seen videos. Pushing to get her on Broadway at 8 years old.

Yeah, don't get the mother at all.

Her defence seems to be that she's scared of the father. Hmmm I don't buy that.

Also, Britney back in her troubled days was seeking to serve her a restraining order so there is something shady about that woman that we don't know. 

I wonder what drove Britney, who initially in her career seemed to adore her mother, to look for such a thing against her. 

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2 hours ago, Glittilicious said:

Yeah, don't get the mother at all.

Her defence seems to be that she's scared of the father. Hmmm I don't buy that.

Also, Britney back in her troubled days was seeking to serve her a restraining order so there is something shady about that woman that we don't know. 

I wonder what drove Britney, who initially in her career seemed to adore her mother, to look for such a thing against her. 

I think all almost children love their parents, we have to when we are small and it is the natural way of relating to them for children. I know many with alcoholic and narcissistic parents who at least as children adored their abusive parents. But who some time after adolescence, around their 20s, just as Britney realised fully how they had failed and abused them emotionally and cut contact. It is a healthy sign, whereas a “golden child” who will never mature into an accountable adult wouldn’t cut contact. 

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Is this all Lance Bass's husband does? His husband isn't in any way relevant so nobody cares. And I specifically remember a while ago (can't remember when) Lance Bass made some statement after talking to Lipless that Britney is 'fine' and there's 'more to the situation than people are aware of' as if the family were doing their best for Britney and acting in her best interests. BS. He's jumping ship now cause of the backlash on his previous stance. Lance B-Lister and his hubby are just seeking attention with these posts.

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