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Shannen Doherty calls out Hollywood for not showing real women in movies or tv..


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Shannen Doherty has called out Hollywood and she has a valid point..


There's not many relatable women on tv or movies anymore. It's all Botox, Instagram filters and other form of Vanity..


But not real women who like Shannen lived life and survived stuff like Cancer and such, but only non relatable superficial stuff..


But it's also a double standard as men don't really get to have superficial stereotypes at all and seem to be more realistic in a fictional show..

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36 minutes ago, Look But Don't Touch said:

They aren't showing real gay, bi people as well but only stereotypes 


We need hot masculine guys that kiss other hot masculine guys


Unfortunately I don't think they ever will, the only closest thing to masculine guy that I saw was really Will Truman from will and grace, but hopefully queer as folk reboot will change that but don't keep your fingers crossed. 


As straight people (executives) only push the queens or fish gays cos it's something to laugh at or become entertainment fodder. 


So I would say no, not right now. Hell even corporate branding markets pride to the so obvious gay as that's what our own media pushed as well. 


So everybody is to blame. I have yet to see any gay magazine or media cover masculine as well just the white twink with the washboard abs. 

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Her post comes off as a bit condescending and holier-than-thou, but I see where she's coming from. It's a vicious system, and you can't really give people crap for succumbing to beauty standards because beauty is one of the major currencies of our world. If you're attractive, a whole new world of opportunities opens up to you. Plus, it probably takes a lot of confidence and willpower not to succumb when you're bombarded with Photoshop, Facetune and filters everywhere you look. If women who didn't grew up with social media feel immense pressure, imagine what it's gonna be like for the girls who've had Instagram beauty shoved down their throats since the age of 10. **** is depressing.

Don't get me wrong, though. I do agree with her and always try to be encouraging whenever I see natural bodies with rolls, scars, cellulite, bloating, etc., both IRL and on the internet because I truly want to see a world where that's normalized. I also think we need to normalize not having social media. In fact, I hear it quite often - people think you're weird for not having social media. But I just don't get the point because you can keep in touch with the people you love through messaging apps. Apps like Instagram just sound exhausting. I don't have to worry about taking pictures everywhere I go. I don't have to worry about looking perfect. I don't have to worry about my life being interesting enough. It's just so freeing, you know? I'm not gonna pretend that the things I do instead of using social media are more productive, but at least they don't give me depression, FOMO, and body dysmorphia.

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But isnt she always complaining about something??

I mean yes she DOES have a point but I feel like her post comes off as resentful rather than empowering.

She's probably upset that she hasnt been relevant since the 90s. 

(NOT hating since I love BH 90210 but just saying)

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8 minutes ago, lili_ballet said:

she has a point however i hate the expression "real women", all women are real and plastic surgery shouldnt be demonized

At one point I don't think it was demonized, I think social media was where it became demonized as that was when it became the standard of beauty today. 


In the 90s and 00s it was praised but just breast implants, I think it gets criticized if they over do to where they look like a different person Audrey o day, Heide Montag Pratt and of Lil' Kim are great examples of how it became demonized. 


Lil kim was psychological cos she didn't love herself cos of an abusive ex made her fell out of love with the girl in the mirror, she loves herself today. 


Audrey and Heidi I think wanted to be vixens and the original look was probably not what they wanted. 

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On 6/8/2021 at 1:21 AM, princessmimi said:

But isnt she always complaining about something??

I mean yes she DOES have a point but I feel like her post comes off as resentful rather than empowering.

She's probably upset that she hasnt been relevant since the 90s. 

(NOT hating since I love BH 90210 but just saying)

She rarely complains about anything. 

I doubt that she cares about being relevant considering she has terminal cancer.

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The fact is she's dying, and thanks to the truth coming out about how she got Fired from Charmed was all due to Alyssa Milano wanting special treatment and Shannen Doherty called her out for the unfair vip treatment. 


The way Rose spilled everything, Shannen was only the villain cos of the 90210 incident, when in reality it was Alyssa who was the villain this time. 


But, nobody cared to ask Shannen's side of the story. 

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9 hours ago, Spicechinodiva said:

The fact is she's dying, and thanks to the truth coming out about how she got Fired from Charmed was all due to Alyssa Milano wanting special treatment and Shannen Doherty called her out for the unfair vip treatment. 


The way Rose spilled everything, Shannen was only the villain cos of the 90210 incident, when in reality it was Alyssa who was the villain this time. 


But, nobody cared to ask Shannen's side of the story. 

Even during 91210 days she was simply a teenager with an attitude. Media blew that way out of proportion and literally bullied her. The fact she stayed in good terms with 91210 creator says a lot. Plus recently stories came out how some other girls from that show were snobs and borderline bullies.

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