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The REAL downturn for Britney


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Too many people fault Kevin Federline for Britney's downturn into 2006, 2007 and her conservatorship till the present.  This is wrong.

If Britney wanted a different life, career and image by 2004, it is more than understandable.  She was strictly controlled and groomed to release 4 albums in 5 years and doing 4 major tours in 5 years.  Not to mention getting injured on a music video for a song she didn't want as a single.  

The problem is why the hell was she still signed to Jive after her Greatest Hits album when her contract was up at that point? Did she re-sign with Jive at some point in late 2004?  IF she did, why?  If she wanted to stay signed with Jive, why did she never re-sign a contract giving her substantial control over her sound, image and music?

Did she have other contractual obligations besides Jive that "ruined" her desire to have a normal life during that period?  MTV? (Perfumes seems doubtful)

MTV, like Jive, probably has something to do with her downturn during those years.

The reason she had no choice but to tour for Circus is because she didn't tour for Blackout.  Jive was going to sue her to oblivion if she didn't tour for Circus, at least according to Robert Baker of Millennium Dance Studios (I thought it was mentioned in that Inside the Dream book, but I can't quite find the quote)  And this seems plausible.  And then there's this:

“Last fall, as The circus Starring Britney Spears tour was being organized, Britney’s camp discovered that because of the star’s troubled history, they could not purchase insurance to cover her tour unless she was still under the conservatorship of her father, Jamie Spears. Until that point, the plan was for the conservatorship to be lifted on December 31, followed immediately by Britney, 27, going into family court with a petition to regain custody of Preston and Jayden. But “the insurance situation changed everything.”


Basically, Jamie Spears did what the label told him to do given the conservatorship's power over his daughter.

Yet the above, and the same Robert Baker saying that her father "saved her life": https://www.msn.com/en-au/entertainment/celebrity/britney-spearss-dad-saved-her-from-death/ar-AAJLBhd?li=AAabC8j&parent-title=did-sophie-monk-just-spoil-the-winner-of-the-bachelorette&parent-ns=ar&parent-content-id=AAshBHb

still doesn't really explain 2011-present.  Which may go back to other contractual agreements besides Jive.

But again, the contractual obligations she had by not "breaking free" by 2004-2005 guaranteed her downturn till today.

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26 minutes ago, Roxxy said:

Are you trying to open up the topic of starting her own label again. :imacat:

Well not just starting her own label, but at the very least re-sign a contract giving her substantial control over her image, sound and music.

I believe her contractual obligations are what led to the state of affairs in 2006, 2007 and the conservatorship-present.

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Britney made the mistake of giving her family opportunities and not organizing her personal and professional life well and being impulsive on a personal level with people who were not worth it and who should never have entered her life.

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Her biggest downturn was when she broke up with JT and he took the advantage of their relationship and made his first hit that changed Britney’s public image.

I will not say anything against jive because even though I wished they allowed Britney to change her voice tone in her 4th album and gave her lack of music control, her jive team was amazing in promoting her in ways RCA could never

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5 minutes ago, Scrappy said:

Her biggest downturn was having an abusive alcoholic for a father. That he became her conservator was a recipe for disaster given the unresolved trauma of her youth. She has gravitated toward losers and it’s no real mystery why.

It's insane that an unaccomplished alcoholic was put in charge of her affairs and nobody in the media thought anything was wrong with it.

Her father- who had zero accomplishments-wasn't even a big part of her life until controlling her finances and life?

People want to say that "he saved" her, but what does that have to do with 2011 till the present?

21 minutes ago, LLuvia said:

not organizing her personal and professional life well and being impulsive on a personal level with people who were not worth it and who should never have entered her life.

I feel her label and lack of parental guidance made this arguably impossible.  Releasing 3 albums in three straight years and a fourth in 5 years, as well as 4 major tours in 5 years, all due to contractual obligations made this a tall task to happen.

Her mother was preoccupied with making her famous, taking her to class after class and even taking her from her family home to go to broadway in new york at age 9. Once Britney got famous, her mom basically left her in the care of being "raised" by people who only care about making money under the glare of massive fame.

That's why I suggested that it was absolutely logical that she wanted a different life/career by 2004 and that contractual obligations (due to miscalculated re-signings) did huge damage.

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17 minutes ago, Blackout2006 said:

I will not say anything against jive because even though I wished they allowed Britney to change her voice tone in her 4th album and gave her lack of music control, her jive team was amazing in promoting her in ways RCA could never

Again, I'm not talking about 1999-2004.  She worked extremely hard through 4 album cycles in 5 years and they thoroughly promoted her.

But she understandably had enough by that point.  She really accomplished all that one could under that type of control.

If she wanted a new life and career, my point is why did she re-sign with Jive after her contract was up after her Greatest Hits Album and/or why didn't she re-sign a contract giving her substantial control over her image, music and sound?  She made far more than enough money in the past for Jive for them to agree to those terms.

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