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Facebook disables Trump campaign ads that displayed symbols used by Na zis

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Facebook faced a lot of criticism recently for refusing to step in and moderate harmful political ads... until now.

The social media juggernaut just disabled ads administered by the Trump campaign that displayed symbols used by Na zis because it "organized hate."

The ads called for supporters to back Trump on his stance against antifa (anti-fascist) as a terrorist group. 

The ads incorporated a photo of an upside-down red triangle, a symbol Na zis once used to mark political prisoners in concentration camps.

How we feel about Trump using Na zi imagery in his promotions? Can anyone defend this? If there's an opposing view from mine I'd love to hear it. Cause I'm having trouble understanding how this could happen in 2020. 

FYI - Google included the word "Na zi" in their ban list, that's why I have to include a space when typing it here. 





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Jordan, this thread is embarrassing [for you]. As are the countless articles by major news outlets circling the internet making this same claim.

Do none of you care to do at least a minimal amount of research on this claim and/or use a minimal amount of common sense?

Will you and many others just bounce on any and every story that casts Trump in a negative light, even if it claims that the sky is actually the ground, clouds are purple glitter, and the moon is a distant coconut?

Id just like to start this off by stating that I am a descendant of survivors of concentration camps, whose nearly entire immediate families at the time were wiped out in the Holocaust. I take everything that has to do with the Holocaust and notsees very seriously, including attempts to rewrite history or trivialize and make entirely distasteful notsee/Holocaust comparisons.

In educations in Jewish schools, we spend full years learning about the Holocaust in our history classes. That said, never have I ever come across this "upside down red triangle".

But of course, Im willing to accept that I dont know anywhere near as much about the subject as there is to know because it is endlessly vast. So I did a minimal amount of online research.

Apparently, in *some* early concentration camps, in Germany alone, red triangles were used to mark prisoners. You know what else was used? Purple triangles. Green triangles. Pink triangles. Black triangles. Etc. 

Are they all notsee symbols in that case?

A triangle is literally one of the most basic, common shapes in the universe. Along with the circle, the square. There are also 7 main colors. One of them is red. An upside down red triangle is very commonly used as a "dislike" symbol/react on an endless array of comment sections on websites. It is also an emoji, as is the upright red triangle. The fact that it was used in *some* concentration camps in the *early* stages of the Holocaust does not in any sensical way make it forever a notsee symbol. Especially considering it is one of the most simple, common symbols in existense.

Striped clothes were also used to mark prisoners. In fact, this practice was far more widespread and used for the majority of the Holocaust.

Are stripes of any color in modern day, whether on clothes or otherwise, considered "notsee symbols"? 

The fact that such a thing even needs explaining is a testament to how far people's blind hatred of Trump can pull them off the deep end and give way for them to believe, or pretend to believe in order to further their aims, *literally* anything.

The ease with which people invoke the Holocaust to make provably stupid claims about Trump is part of what makes the anti-Trump left so absolutely revolting. And Ill say that about anyone who tastelessly and so insensitively invokes the Holocaust to try and further their aims.

I hope the info Ive shared is a wake up call to you and anyone else who has read this claim and believed it. Shame on Facebook and all of the news outlets who so insidiously and undoubtably purposefully spread this disgusting claim.

Perhaps it can give way to some of you questioning more "news" articles in general, since this is far from an anomoly of modern day "news" coverage. Its simply one of the easiest to explain though. So I hope, that even regarding the more complicated and difficult to explain cases of outright media propaganda, that people won't lazy out and choose not to put their heads just a little bit to work.

For all those of you who hate and have no respect for the millions of victims who died and were tortured at the hands of the notsee Holocaust- feel free to downvote and show your true colors- not as fighters for true justice in the world, but as those cynical beings who cannot see an inch past their own blind hatred.

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And I’m sure his team will say it’s a misunderstanding and there’s nothing  meant by those signs in the ad 🙄 Just like throwing a rally in Tulsa Oklahoma (where racists burned down black Wall Street and the biggest racial massacre against black people occurred) on Juneteenth (the day slaves finally received their freedom) while the world is protesting racism (which he has yet to acknowledge aside from calling peaceful protestors thugs). Everything is just a coincidence. 
grigor dimitrov miami open reactions GIF by Miami Open

There is NO defense for this, or anything this idiot does. He’s a narcissist, delusional, crazy, homophobic, and RACIST! 

Also, I cannot WAIT for his niece to release her tell all book in August! I’m sure it’ll spill everything since she can’t stand his 🍑 and I’m going to read every single page

queen bey read GIF
down vote this comment if you’re racist 

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20 minutes ago, DonoDotto said:

Jordan, this thread is embarrassing [for you]. As are the countless articles by major news outlets circling the internet making this same claim.

Do none of you care to do at least a minimal amount of research on this claim and/or use a minimal amount of common sense?

Will you and many others just bounce on any and every story that casts Trump in a negative light, even if it claims that the sky is actually the ground, clouds are purple glitter, and the moon is a distant coconut?

Id just like to start this off by stating that I am a descendant of survivors of concentration camps, whose nearly entire immediate families at the time were wiped out in the Holocaust. I take everything that has to do with the Holocaust and notsees very seriously, including attempts to rewrite history or trivialize and make entirely distasteful notsee/Holocaust comparisons.

In educations in Jewish schools, we spend full years learning about the Holocaust in our history classes. That said, never have I ever come across this "upside down red triangle".

But of course, Im willing to accept that I dont know anywhere near as much about the subject as there is to know because it is endlessly vast. So I did a minimal amount of online research.

Apparently, in *some* early concentration camps, in Germany alone, red triangles were used to mark prisoners. You know what else was used? Purple triangles. Green triangles. Pink triangles. Black triangles. Etc. 

Are they all notsee symbols in that case?

A triangle is literally one of the most basic, common shapes in the universe. Along with the circle, the square. There are also 7 main colors. One of them is red. An upside down red triangle is very commonly used as a "dislike" symbol/react on an endless array of comment sections on websites. It is also an emoji, as is the upright red triangle. The fact that it was used in *some* concentration camps in the *early* stages of the Holocaust does not in any sensical way make it forever a notsee symbol. Especially considering it is one of the most simple, common symbols in existense.

Striped clothes were also used to mark prisoners. In fact, this practice was far more widespread and used for the majority of the Holocaust.

Are stripes of any color in modern day, whether on clothes or otherwise, considered "notsee symbols"? 

The fact that such a thing even needs explaining is a testament to how far people's blind hatred of Trump can pull them off the deep end and give way for them to believe, or pretend to believe in order to further their aims, *literally* anything.

The ease with which people invoke the Holocaust to make provably stupid claims about Trump is part of what makes the anti-Trump left so absolutely revolting. And Ill say that about anyone who tastelessly and so insensitively invokes the Holocaust to try and further their aims.

I hope the info Ive shared is a wake up call to you and anyone else who has read this claim and believed it. Shame on Facebook and all of the news outlets who so insidiously and undoubtably purposefully spread this disgusting claim.

Perhaps it can give way to some of you questioning more "news" articles in general, since this is far from an anomoly of modern day "news" coverage. Its simply one of the easiest to explain though. So I hope, that even regarding the more complicated and difficult to explain cases of outright media propaganda, that people won't lazy out and choose not to put their heads just a little bit to work.

Seriously? The only thing embarrassing on this thread is your ill-informed and ignorant comment. This is most certainly NOT just a triangle. This is definitely what Jordan and every other news outlet said it was. You probably don’t think he’s racist, do you? May I ask if you’re  one of his supporters?

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55 minutes ago, DonoDotto said:

Jordan, this thread is embarrassing [for you]. As are the countless articles by major news outlets circling the internet making this same claim.

Do none of you care to do at least a minimal amount of research on this claim and/or use a minimal amount of common sense?

Will you and many others just bounce on any and every story that casts Trump in a negative light, even if it claims that the sky is actually the ground, clouds are purple glitter, and the moon is a distant coconut?

Id just like to start this off by stating that I am a descendant of survivors of concentration camps, whose nearly entire immediate families at the time were wiped out in the Holocaust. I take everything that has to do with the Holocaust and notsees very seriously, including attempts to rewrite history or trivialize and make entirely distasteful notsee/Holocaust comparisons.

In educations in Jewish schools, we spend full years learning about the Holocaust in our history classes. That said, never have I ever come across this "upside down red triangle".

But of course, Im willing to accept that I dont know anywhere near as much about the subject as there is to know because it is endlessly vast. So I did a minimal amount of online research.

Apparently, in *some* early concentration camps, in Germany alone, red triangles were used to mark prisoners. You know what else was used? Purple triangles. Green triangles. Pink triangles. Black triangles. Etc. 

Are they all notsee symbols in that case?

A triangle is literally one of the most basic, common shapes in the universe. Along with the circle, the square. There are also 7 main colors. One of them is red. An upside down red triangle is very commonly used as a "dislike" symbol/react on an endless array of comment sections on websites. It is also an emoji, as is the upright red triangle. The fact that it was used in *some* concentration camps in the *early* stages of the Holocaust does not in any sensical way make it forever a notsee symbol. Especially considering it is one of the most simple, common symbols in existense.

Striped clothes were also used to mark prisoners. In fact, this practice was far more widespread and used for the majority of the Holocaust.

Are stripes of any color in modern day, whether on clothes or otherwise, considered "notsee symbols"? 

The fact that such a thing even needs explaining is a testament to how far people's blind hatred of Trump can pull them off the deep end and give way for them to believe, or pretend to believe in order to further their aims, *literally* anything.

The ease with which people invoke the Holocaust to make provably stupid claims about Trump is part of what makes the anti-Trump left so absolutely revolting. And Ill say that about anyone who tastelessly and so insensitively invokes the Holocaust to try and further their aims.

I hope the info Ive shared is a wake up call to you and anyone else who has read this claim and believed it. Shame on Facebook and all of the news outlets who so insidiously and undoubtably purposefully spread this disgusting claim.

Perhaps it can give way to some of you questioning more "news" articles in general, since this is far from an anomoly of modern day "news" coverage. Its simply one of the easiest to explain though. So I hope, that even regarding the more complicated and difficult to explain cases of outright media propaganda, that people won't lazy out and choose not to put their heads just a little bit to work.

Yeah, I second this. I’m unsure why these types of incendiary, misinformed and biased “articles” and posts are so frequently appearing on my favorite celebrity gossip site. :tiffeyeroll:During the Obama era I remember none?? Now, a red triangle is a symbol for a word that Google is censoring (why it's censored, I’m not sure; ignoring history doesn’t change it)...and everyone who votes conservative is racist and evil.  

It’s getting aggravating now. People want entertainment to distract them from the constant tension in the world. An occasional political post here diversifies the pallet, but too many of them harm the integrity of the site. It’s a turn off. Let’s move on. :hillary:

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omg you guys are harsh... I mean I've been passionate about other topics here too, but I want to read your replies so I learn more about this but I feel like I'm squinting my eyes because you're lashing out in every line...

But I guess I kinda get the overall point of the replies: Trump is vile, but pointing out minimal or ridiculous or simply false accusations is just cheap propaganda against him, which overall weakens the original purpose.

I like Jordan (EXCEPT WHEN HE TYPED "BEYONCÉ" IN MY THREAD), he's a sweet guy, treat him nicely...

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22 hours ago, DonoDotto said:

Jordan, this thread is embarrassing [for you]. As are the countless articles by major news outlets circling the internet making this same claim.

Do none of you care to do at least a minimal amount of research on this claim and/or use a minimal amount of common sense?

Will you and many others just bounce on any and every story that casts Trump in a negative light, even if it claims that the sky is actually the ground, clouds are purple glitter, and the moon is a distant coconut?

Id just like to start this off by stating that I am a descendant of survivors of concentration camps, whose nearly entire immediate families at the time were wiped out in the Holocaust. I take everything that has to do with the Holocaust and notsees very seriously, including attempts to rewrite history or trivialize and make entirely distasteful notsee/Holocaust comparisons.

In educations in Jewish schools, we spend full years learning about the Holocaust in our history classes. That said, never have I ever come across this "upside down red triangle".

But of course, Im willing to accept that I dont know anywhere near as much about the subject as there is to know because it is endlessly vast. So I did a minimal amount of online research.

Apparently, in *some* early concentration camps, in Germany alone, red triangles were used to mark prisoners. You know what else was used? Purple triangles. Green triangles. Pink triangles. Black triangles. Etc. 

Are they all notsee symbols in that case?

A triangle is literally one of the most basic, common shapes in the universe. Along with the circle, the square. There are also 7 main colors. One of them is red. An upside down red triangle is very commonly used as a "dislike" symbol/react on an endless array of comment sections on websites. It is also an emoji, as is the upright red triangle. The fact that it was used in *some* concentration camps in the *early* stages of the Holocaust does not in any sensical way make it forever a notsee symbol. Especially considering it is one of the most simple, common symbols in existense.

Striped clothes were also used to mark prisoners. In fact, this practice was far more widespread and used for the majority of the Holocaust.

Are stripes of any color in modern day, whether on clothes or otherwise, considered "notsee symbols"? 

The fact that such a thing even needs explaining is a testament to how far people's blind hatred of Trump can pull them off the deep end and give way for them to believe, or pretend to believe in order to further their aims, *literally* anything.

The ease with which people invoke the Holocaust to make provably stupid claims about Trump is part of what makes the anti-Trump left so absolutely revolting. And Ill say that about anyone who tastelessly and so insensitively invokes the Holocaust to try and further their aims.

I hope the info Ive shared is a wake up call to you and anyone else who has read this claim and believed it. Shame on Facebook and all of the news outlets who so insidiously and undoubtably purposefully spread this disgusting claim.

Perhaps it can give way to some of you questioning more "news" articles in general, since this is far from an anomoly of modern day "news" coverage. Its simply one of the easiest to explain though. So I hope, that even regarding the more complicated and difficult to explain cases of outright media propaganda, that people won't lazy out and choose not to put their heads just a little bit to work.

The only disgusting thing in this forum is you and the rest of Trump supporters. You are always supporting the most disgusting comments. And I’m not just talking about this specific thread/topic. :comingthru:
Right wing people are... just gross:bedtime:
Fascist alert? :frenchy:

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I don't know about the upside down to triangle thing being a na z symbol , it has a lot of other much more ancient interpretations like for example the womb /the female gender Symbol , but I would not be surprised if trump would actually be a na z back in the day , not at all , I actually think personally he would be a very good na z, he has all the qualifications to be one - racism, ignorance, inhumanity and more . :mj:

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22 minutes ago, DonoDotto said:

Trump campaign in response:


Exhibit A:


No need to add even another single word.

*Edit: Hmm, what an interesting turn of events, behold:




So I guess this officially makes Antifa a notsee hate group 🙄

Wow! Someone did their actual research before jumping on a bandwagon! Again, glad you’re here don. Let’s close this thread shall we, since it’s so obviously FAKE NEWS? 🙏🏼🙌🏼🎉

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First of all, I’ll just say that I myself have joined threads with less than compassionate comments, and called members out for being uneducated, ignorant or misguided in my eyes, and I’ve apologized in the past for making those comments. 

I actually agree that this whole situation is a stretch, and that drawing comparisons between the Trump administration and the Na Zi regime is reckless and dangerous. Mass manipulation through media is something we ALL have to be wary of, regardless of our political affiliations. 
I think Trump is an idiot, and I believe in many ways he’s a reflection of this country’s shadows. He’s a capitalist, first and foremost, and a ruthless businessman, who’s priorities seem to reflect a massive, self-loathing ego.
I also recognize he’s a human being, and that he endures an obscene amount of hatred, coming at him from all angles, and that kind of energy toxifies the mind, the body, and the spirit, and I personally don’t believe ANYONE deserves that. 

So, I would encourage everyone, including myself, especially when navigating the political posts on this forum, to check their emotions at the door, and be patient with one another. When we respond aggressively, and weave our comments with condescension, tell people that they or their ideas are embarrassing, ignorant, stupid, absurd, etc, we ALL lose. People become unreceptive when their guards are up.

Let’s be more mindful shall we? Take a few minutes to ponder whatever it is you have to say, and speak from a place of mindfulness. We can share ideas and educate one another, and even completely disagree, without attacking one another. 
I believe in the integrity of this incredibly special, crazy little community. Let’s please hold each other up, even through our differences, as daunting as they may be. 
Love you ALL 💚💚💚

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19 hours ago, OnlyFacts said:

And I’m sure his team will say it’s a misunderstanding and there’s nothing  meant by those signs in the ad 🙄 Just like throwing a rally in Tulsa Oklahoma (where racists burned down black Wall Street and the biggest racial massacre against black people occurred) on Juneteenth (the day slaves finally received their freedom) while the world is protesting racism (which he has yet to acknowledge aside from calling peaceful protestors thugs). Everything is just a coincidence. 
grigor dimitrov miami open reactions GIF by Miami Open

There is NO defense for this, or anything this idiot does. He’s a narcissist, delusional, crazy, homophobic, and RACIST! 

Also, I cannot WAIT for his niece to release her tell all book in August! I’m sure it’ll spill everything since she can’t stand his 🍑 and I’m going to read every single page

queen bey read GIF

I’m not going to get into the politics/ civil rights matters here because I almost deleted my account here last time I did, but why did you get three down votes ? Everything you said was factual! 

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23 hours ago, ThisMeowBiteback said:

I’m not going to get into the politics/ civil rights matters here because I almost deleted my account here last time I did, but why did you get three down votes ? Everything you said was factual! 

Because some people on here are delusional and don’t want to hear the truth, especially when it’s coming from an eloquent, educated, biracial gay man. My name is only facts for a reason 

The Tea Gossip GIF by VH1
Down vote this comment if you’re racist 

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On 6/19/2020 at 12:06 AM, DonoDotto said:

Jordan, this thread is embarrassing [for you]. As are the countless articles by major news outlets circling the internet making this same claim.

Do none of you care to do at least a minimal amount of research on this claim and/or use a minimal amount of common sense?

Will you and many others just bounce on any and every story that casts Trump in a negative light, even if it claims that the sky is actually the ground, clouds are purple glitter, and the moon is a distant coconut?

Id just like to start this off by stating that I am a descendant of survivors of concentration camps, whose nearly entire immediate families at the time were wiped out in the Holocaust. I take everything that has to do with the Holocaust and notsees very seriously, including attempts to rewrite history or trivialize and make entirely distasteful notsee/Holocaust comparisons.

In educations in Jewish schools, we spend full years learning about the Holocaust in our history classes. That said, never have I ever come across this "upside down red triangle".

But of course, Im willing to accept that I dont know anywhere near as much about the subject as there is to know because it is endlessly vast. So I did a minimal amount of online research.

Apparently, in *some* early concentration camps, in Germany alone, red triangles were used to mark prisoners. You know what else was used? Purple triangles. Green triangles. Pink triangles. Black triangles. Etc. 

Are they all notsee symbols in that case?

A triangle is literally one of the most basic, common shapes in the universe. Along with the circle, the square. There are also 7 main colors. One of them is red. An upside down red triangle is very commonly used as a "dislike" symbol/react on an endless array of comment sections on websites. It is also an emoji, as is the upright red triangle. The fact that it was used in *some* concentration camps in the *early* stages of the Holocaust does not in any sensical way make it forever a notsee symbol. Especially considering it is one of the most simple, common symbols in existense.

Striped clothes were also used to mark prisoners. In fact, this practice was far more widespread and used for the majority of the Holocaust.

Are stripes of any color in modern day, whether on clothes or otherwise, considered "notsee symbols"? 

The fact that such a thing even needs explaining is a testament to how far people's blind hatred of Trump can pull them off the deep end and give way for them to believe, or pretend to believe in order to further their aims, *literally* anything.

The ease with which people invoke the Holocaust to make provably stupid claims about Trump is part of what makes the anti-Trump left so absolutely revolting. And Ill say that about anyone who tastelessly and so insensitively invokes the Holocaust to try and further their aims.

I hope the info Ive shared is a wake up call to you and anyone else who has read this claim and believed it. Shame on Facebook and all of the news outlets who so insidiously and undoubtably purposefully spread this disgusting claim.

Perhaps it can give way to some of you questioning more "news" articles in general, since this is far from an anomoly of modern day "news" coverage. Its simply one of the easiest to explain though. So I hope, that even regarding the more complicated and difficult to explain cases of outright media propaganda, that people won't lazy out and choose not to put their heads just a little bit to work.

Wow, you dig so deep to justify Trump's racism and how he emboldens racists and yet all do is prove the point.

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