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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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Just now, PokemonSpears said:

and I insist, she should question Jamie about his medical issues and demonstrate he's capable of being a conservator, especially now that he's the only one

is it not public knowledge that he's a former alcoholic? how can they think he's even fit to take care of another human being?
watch Britney becoming Jamie's conservator on September 18th:hype:

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4 minutes ago, falka said:

Granting smaller wishes now would look more promising for future development :notfeelinit:

I don’t think there’s levels to it. There should be. But it sounds like it’s prison. You can’t just leave when you want to go get Starbucks and then come back. 

I do believe she was given a lot of freedoms she wasn’t suppost to have during these 11 years. I wonder if they’ve been taken away recently.

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25 minutes ago, colormefresh said:

This stupid ***** lived in a mansion Britney built for her in Louisiana.

This dumb ***** got cast at Nickelodeon because of Britney.

This **** had a “documentary” for her new album and the only reason it got put on air was because Britney made an appearance.

She’s getting on my nerves acting like a “self-made woman”, while she’s selling tummy teas that don’t even work for her.

I sound so vicious, but I’ve always wanted her to fall back. Her daughter almost died because she was such a dumb *****.

She needs God/Lou Taylor in her life


can you stop beeing so dumb, please? :nyheadache:

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