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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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8 minutes ago, smouthwick said:

Exactly right.  The lawyers who don't work for Britney, but in behalf of her "best interests" filed it claiming that Lufti was interfering with the conservatorship.  What does that tell you?

Perhaps, that’s why Jamie was in court, isn’t it? That’s why he was so angry, it seems. 

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7 minutes ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

I don't have big hopes with Lynne. Her movements confuse me a lot. 

-Lynne making team with Sam, would not look good in the court. So the refund, could be an adviced movement from her lawyers.

-At the same time, I don't know what to think anymore, but it would be so sad if she just wants to join team c-ship. But why now and after the support to FreeBritney?

My head hurts, tbh.

To be fair I don’t buy any of that lynne and Sam stuff. Sounds like a big made up story to distract us. There’s no proof for that :whatitellu:

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8 minutes ago, Intheblue said:

I’d like to remind everyone that the narrative was 


Vegas cancelled because Jamie Spears is close to death and Britney was so worried that she decided to stop all work and take care of him .... 

Britney was under so much stress dealing with her close to death father that she needed to go to an extended wellness retreat , while Jamie Lynn would fill in for her duties of caring for sick Jamie ...


its crazy how that was her teams media plan. It’s such BS now! Like I can’t even 

Thank you thank you...like how dare they act like we are the crazy ones with all these conspiracies. They lie lie lie and then some. To be honest, we shouldn't have been surprised. If you do your homework on her entire career they have lied about things since the beginning even teaching Britney how to lie. Britney needs justice! The fans need justice!

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13 minutes ago, I Always Sing Live said:

maybe she knows associating with Sam is a bad idea and is playing it off so that Team B aren't suspicious.. I mean, the fact that she liked so many posts and hired her own independent lawyers by herself still makes me hopeful.. :britstare11:

Who has she hired by herself?  In conservatorship, the protected person usually is not allowed to sign any contracts.  Attorneys for her are appointed by the court to work, not for her, but in her best interest.  

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1 minute ago, germanguy20 said:

To be fair I don’t buy any of that lynne and Sam stuff. Sounds like a big made up story to distract us. There’s no proof for that :whatitellu:

Sam did Tweet that he was having second thoughts about Lynne a few days ago which could very well go hand in hand with her rejecting both him and his money.. :thinkney:

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1 minute ago, Dream With In a dream said:

can you imagine if lynne just wants the cship how much abuse shes actually gonna get... :airpls:

Until Britney is free or at the very least is able to speak about how she really feels regarding the conservatorship specifically...

Image result for no one is safe gif

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1 minute ago, smouthwick said:

Who has she hired by herself?  In conservatorship, the protected person usually is not allowed to sign any contracts.  Attorneys for her are appointed by the court to work, not for her, but in her best interest.  

Lynne, not Britney.. Lynne got her own attorney through the governor of Louisiana.. or am I getting this wrong?? :britstare11:

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Just now, Mr_Steven_Spears said:

Lyne is britneys last hope to get out of this if Lyne just becomes another co-conservertor and does noting to end it britney is trapped in this forever :crying2: 

I have faith that Lyne is doing the right thing but I don’t know what to think god knows how britney is feeling :sobbing:

Lynne being Co-Conservator or lead conservator doesn't mean it will be bad. It could be a way for her to make it easier for Brit to do what she wants, fight with Jamie. Work towards ending it etc. It's not all doom and gloom! <3 

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10 minutes ago, Jack Spears said:

This is what I don't understand? She has an Iphone. We've seen her COUNTLESS times with it and now suddenly a flip-phone? Maybe it's one of her phones she has she it can't be monitored? 

maybe the iphone is her boyfriend's mobile? idk

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3 minutes ago, I Always Sing Live said:

Sam did Tweet that he was having second thoughts about Lynne a few days ago which could very well go hand in hand with her rejecting both him and his money.. :thinkney:


2 minutes ago, Soni said:


Very true! But she also hired a lawyer and she wouldn’t need to do all this if she didn’t want nothing more than doing anything with Sam. 

fingers crossed :evilpatrick:

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13 minutes ago, Jack Spears said:

This is what I don't understand? She has an Iphone. We've seen her COUNTLESS times with it and now suddenly a flip-phone? Maybe it's one of her phones she has she it can't be monitored? 

I was thinking the same and why has she been seen holding her phone lately? Did she purchase the flip phone or was it given to her? 

It's obvious that Britney hasn't recently expected the paparazzi (Hollywood Pipeline) that's been hired by her team. I'm starting to believe that Britney's unaware of what's going on and since she's being monitored the message hasn't reached her.  

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14 minutes ago, Pfefferminz said:

Perhaps the restraining order was granted because of his history with Britney and his shady past with celebs like Courtney Love and Lindsay Lohan.

According to what's out there in the news, the attiorneys argued that SL was interfering with the conservatorship and poses a threat to Britney.  Don't forget, these attorneys aren't working for Britney.  They've been appointed by the court to argue what they believe to be in her best interests.  Totally different ball game.  Their opinons aren't the same as proven facts yet their arguments will be the basis for the judge's decision.  Nobody is representing what Britney actually WANTS because in their opinion what she wants might not be the same as what's "best" for her.  They aren't obligated to do that.  I think all conservatees should be able to hire council of their own but that's not how it works.

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