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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 minute ago, Dream With In a dream said:

ikr it dosent take 4 months to get medication right, and if it does then surely to god jamie has no f**king clue what hes doing.

Exactly the C Ship makes it seem like Britney can't do absolutely nothing on her own.

She can't make ha own decisions.

On top of that whatever is going on with Britney they make it appear that she has something no one else in the entire world has.

Yet she's a star on stage, working, being a mother. making money and more.

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7 minutes ago, MaPlayz said:

I understand that we all rightfully feel disgusted by the shady dealings of Lou, Larry, Jamie etc. But the one thing we cannot forget and MUST FOCUS ON is what they have done to Britney's mental state and how they've used a conservatorship to exploit her mental health for financial gain. 

Let's just assume for one second that Britney really IS incapable of handling her own affairs, which I not only doubt but in fact wholeheartedly disagree with.

The goal of the conservatorship is supposed to be to get her to a point where she's able to handle her own affairs again, right!? I mean, that's what the whole thing is supposed to do in her case. She's not dying; she's not an Alzheimer patient who forgot her name etc. So the whole thing was SUPPOSEDLY done to protect her from any harm while she's SUPPOSEDLY getting better, right?

Britney has said that she suffers from anxiety, and even though she's never been diagnosed, she's been reported to have bipolar disorder. Furthermore, it's been reported that her spending habits were extensive in 07. So.... how could a normal person becoming her conservator help her with all that? My guess would be the following:

ANXIETY & BIPOLAR DISORDER: 90% of the time these issues are AT LEAST improved with extensive talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. 

RECKLESS SPENDING: A business/personal finance course which might help the person understand how to manage at least her day-to-day finances, in case she ever needed to herself. 

Now... Has she received either talk therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy?? Has she ever taken a class to help her learn what it takes to have her finances in order? HAS SHE ACTUALLY BEEN ALLOWED TO DO ANYTHING BESIDES BEING PARADED AROUND FOR SHOW AND MONEY PURPOSES ONLY TO THEN BE LOCKED UP AGAIN AND SHIELDED FROM THE WORLD??

Chances are, NOPE she hasn't. What they've effectively done is create a bubble, tell her she's crazy, locked her up, kept her from having any normal day-to-day interaction with human beings and, most notably, **** her to the point where she can't even remember the simplest things or follow a train of thought at times. We're not talking taking a Xanax here and there to take the edge off an anxiety attack. We're talking heavy and brain-structure-altering anti-psychotics. And ALL THAT without ever being formally diagnosed!!!! What they did to her is beyond imagination!! 

This is in no way, shape or form a conservatorship that helps her get back on track and deal with the issues she supposedly has. In fact, I'd argue that if anything, the conservatorship has CREATED mental issues for her - and understandably so. Any SANE person would lose it under these circumstances. I honestly wouldn't be shocked if she never had ANY real issues to begin with aside from anxiety and depression from being abandoned and betrayed by every human being she's ever loved. 



This!! Everything you said I believed to be true!! She didn’t have an issue as for mental issues is concerned until  this took place 

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3 minutes ago, IconicShow said:

Exactly the C Ship makes it seem like Britney can't do absolutely nothing on her own.

She can't make ha own decisions.

On top of that whatever is going on with Britney they make it appear that she has something no one else in the entire world has.

Yet she's a star on stage, working, being a mother. making money and more.

Beyond that she's somehow capable to manipulate others. How can someone be so mentally ill that they can't have access to a smartphone, but can manipulate others?

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23 minutes ago, Catalin said:

 TMZ every day for the past month: "Britney checked herself into a mental health facility because she’s distraught by her dad's illness"

 TMZ now: "Britney Spears' mental health is at risk and it's all because her ex-manager, Sam Lutfi"

Team cship is borderline senile. Let’s put them all under cship and throw them in the loony bin :raven: 

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3 minutes ago, IconicShow said:

Yet she's a star on stage, working, being a mother. making money and more.

And not any kind of work, but performing in front of thousands, meeting dozens of strangers for M&G, appear on live television, teach dance lessons to a bunch of kids (didn't a member of here attend one of her classes? :o ) going on tour, giving interviews, and being the president of some random company 

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1 minute ago, Goneforever said:

Beyond that she's somehow capable to manipulate others. How can someone be some mentally ill that they can't have access to a smartphone, but can manipulate others?

Well according to Jamie in legal documents sometimes she gets to have her phone and sometimes not.

According to Jamie, he allegedly feels as though one un monitored text could be harm, and un repairable harm to Britney.

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Remember when E wasn’t bought out trash about this cship?


The attorney who persists in representing Britney Spears, despite having been given instructions to the contrary, is still on the court's case.  

New York-based lawyer Jon Eardley filed a new batch of documents Monday related to his appeal of the legality of Britney's conservatorship, including a declaration from a UCLA law professor that supports his theory that the 26-year-old pop star never received proper notice—as mandated by state law—that her father was seeking control of her estate. 

A Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner named Jamie Spears and attorney Andrew Wallet coconservators of Britney's estimated $100 million fortune on Feb. 1, a day after she was committed to the neuropsychiatric ward at UCLA Medical Center for observation.  

Since then, Commissioner Reva Goetz has ruled that Britney was not fit to hire her own counsel and, most recently, allocated a $1,500 weekly spending allowance for the "Toxic" singer and a $2,500-per-week stipend for her dad while he's managing her affairs and authorized Jamie and Wallet to sell some of Britney's cars. The conservatorship has been extended until at least July 31. 

Meanwhile, professor William McGovern stated in a declaration filed Monday that Britney should have been personally served notice of the court proceedings occurring while she was in the hospital because her case was not one where the rule of offering at least five days notice did not apply. In Britney's case, she was not facing imminent substantial harm. 

Because Britney wasn't notified, due process law dictates that Jamie's heightened status should have been good for no more than 30 days, the declaration says.  

Britney's right to pick her own lawyer was infringed upon by the appointment of her father as conservator, which allowed him to restrict and limit her visitors and who she can contact, McGovern continued. 

He stated that he arrived at his conclusion after reviewing Goetz's temporary conservatorship order and corresponding documents filed by Jamie and Lynne Spears. 

After a federal judge refused to remove the case from probate court, Eardley appealed the conservatorship and Jamie's court-ordered allowance on Mar. 11, despite U.S. District Judge Philip Gutierrez's previous finding that he had "no authority" to go to bat for Britney. 

Meanwhile, documents released Wednesday shed some light as to why Jamie's camp is looking to liquidate his daughter's vehicular fleet, which includes two white Mercedes, a white Mini Cooper convertible and a black Audi. (View related filings.) 

Apparently Britney owns seven rides of various shapes and sizes and unloading the cost of maintaining, insuring and storing the vehicles will "save substantial expenses to the conservatorship estate."  


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19 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

yeah, the dates don't match up with the tour, but she did go to a party where Michael Jackson attended too in 2008, didn't she? Wasn't that time when Neyde was born? :idkney: I don't recall any picture of them together, but it's the only time I can think of them being in the same place after the conservatorship. 

I honestly have no idea with regard to the party, but the Circus Tour wasn’t even announced until December 2008. So the timeline is very tight, and the extenuating circumstances alone make it highly unlikely.

I mean, her team subjected Iggy to a **** sweep before she could even have salad with Britney. And that was a decade after her breakdown, not months. And MJ was NOT a celebrated figure at that time; it wasn’t until his death he reclaimed the respected status. Thus, it would’ve been horrible PR for her to be involved with him.

Finally, why would Team C let him actively encourage her to leave the industry right as her comeback was starting? That doesn’t align with the accepted narrative of her being very strictly monitored and controlled at that time. It’s simply illogical. 

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Guys I know this sounds stupid, but I've been thinking.. do you think 2007 events were orchestrated by Jamie Spears and Lou?


As in, do you think they also had TMZ in their bags back then and they were the ones that payed TMZ to show Britney as crazy?


It makes sense if you think about it, they orchestrated the whole 2007-2008 "Crazy Britney" story just to take over her finances. TMZ and all other paparazzi were drilling Britney to the ground.


If there's anything we learned, is that Jamie has the paparazzi in his bag. Perhaps he had them in his bag back then.


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TMZ reports conflict between the parents while other contradict it and report there's no issue between Jamie and Lynne.



Britney wants more freedom, and we're told she is using Lynne to get her way. There has been a long-standing conflict between Lynne and Jamie. We're told Lynne is deferential to Britney, while Jamie is walking a tightrope ... trying to give Britney freedom, but understanding too much freedom can trigger the type of episode that almost killed Britney in 2008.

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6 minutes ago, Monsah said:

Guys I know this sounds stupid, but I've been thinking.. do you think 2007 events were orchestrated by Jamie Spears and Lou?


As in, do you think they also had TMZ in their bags back then and they were the ones that payed TMZ to show Britney as crazy?


It makes sense if you think about it, they orchestrated the whole 2007-2008 "Crazy Britney" story just to take over her finances. TMZ and all other paparazzi were drilling Britney to the ground.


If there's anything we learned, is that Jamie has the paparazzi in his bag. Perhaps he had them in his bag back then.


honestly yes.. i dont think she is crazy i think she has anxiety.. and thats about it.

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8 minutes ago, Anitta Elusive Chanteuse said:

Jamie's camp is looking to liquidate his daughter's vehicular fleet

Okay, I really thought that said “looking to liquidate his daughter’s vehicular FEET” and I was so f**king confused.

But then I was like, well since her phone is a flip phone, is her car one wherein you have to use your feet for mobility, a la “The Flintstones?" That way she can’t ever drive over the speed limit!


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4 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

I honestly have no idea with regard to the party, but the Circus Tour wasn’t even announced until December 2008. So the timeline is very tight, and the extenuating circumstances alone make it highly unlikely.

I mean, her team subjected Iggy to a **** sweep before she could even have salad with Britney. And that was a decade after her breakdown, not months. And MJ was NOT a celebrated figure at that time; it wasn’t until his death he reclaimed the respected status. Thus, it would’ve been horrible PR for her to be involved with him.

Finally, why would Team C let him actively encourage her to leave the industry right as her comeback was starting? That doesn’t align with the accepted narrative of her being very strictly monitored and controlled at that time. It’s simply illogical. 

Well in 2009 he was supposed to be on big tour as well and I think if he would have stayed alive who knows who's comeback would be bigger his or Britney's as his This Is It tour was completly sold out and he had selling records at that time. 


MJ and Britney they both spoke about each other only in positive way and MJ was talking how sweet gilr she was after his concert of celebration of his carierr when they sang The way you make me feel. 


So who knows maybe they met and well it would be smart advice to follow ?

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