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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 hour ago, Pfefferminz said:

 We'll never know if Sam is another K-Fed unless Britney marries him and bears his child. 

One thing for sure, he's being used as a pawn to bring normalcy in this bizarre saga. 

Thank you for saying that!That photo is clear that it is to be related to the photo of Britney's yoga..Sam is still an accomplice as it was on Valentine's Day or the day of the the publication of instagram of "Me Time".

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1 hour ago, THE BAJAN VIBE said:

Ok. I'm not sure what I hear on that video. But it's a curious case.

Miley Cyrus' manager is Adam Leber right now. But, in the Bangerz era, Larry was working with her, I guess. He even gave interviews about her. 




So yes, it's 'curious' that her transition from Hannah Montana to that 'person' she was during Bangerz was around the same time. I mean... it's curious at least. Miley is in a very good place right now tho.

What do you mean the transition? 


1 hour ago, Commotion said:

I never thought Larry could've had something to do with that, but maybe they tried to build a comeback story with Miley? Have her get her Blackout moment in Bangerz and then have her come back for her Circus moment in Younger Now. Problem is Britney's Blackout was organic and it was panned in its day, then the promotional circle around Circus was well done

It seems like she doesn't like any of those two eras anymore, maybe that can explain it.

Younger Now was not a marketing scheme.... she didn’t even try to promote it she later said she just wanted to make the album to prove she could write a whole album by herself 

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1 hour ago, Meaner03 said:

so team cship decided to stay quiet for today ? they still shook by  Miley  support to the movement i guess .


It’s not even 10:00 AM in Los Angeles yet. The day is young. Endless opportunities remain for us to be fed more lies, read contradictory headlines by “sources close to the ‘Toxic’ singer,” and receive yet another IG pic/video of Britney looking miserable. 

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13 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

Agreed! She was NOT okay mentally, but she was absolutely not incapacitated. No, I don't know her, but I will reiterate what I've said many times: I live in one of the largest cities in the country with millions of people from highly diverse backgrounds. I've seen individuals who are incapacitated and unable to care for themselves walking around the streets. Britney needed major help, but not a permanent conservatorship.

Absolutely agree with your two posts.That was! ..she needs understanding, disconnection,  unconditional affection from her family and maybe consult with a good psychologist, with good  protection of team and family with this help it would never have happened 2007.

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On 5/5/2019 at 7:30 AM, Inherzone said:

So, Miley is the only one BIG celeb

who did that? 

wheres madonna? jlo? xtina? lady gaga,JuStIn? :juggingu:

Well to be fair, out of those artists, only Madonna and JT have collaborated with her, and we all know B and JT have essentially had zero interaction since like 2003, considering they've always strategically avoided each other at award shows. 

Madonna won’t say anything unless it somehow benefits her.

Gaga isn’t even on the same label and they’ve never done anything together professionally, and Xtina has gone through hell with RCA herself (plus they also haven’t seen each other in well over a decade, and their only collaborations were as preteens). 

Miley is on the same label and has collaborated with her post-conservatorship, so it makes sense she’d be the one with the actual knowledge of what’s going on. 

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Britney is still alive. We still continue to hear from her. Her demand is so high that in the few months of her “break” a world wide trending movement began. She is still young and pull off her core “being ****” and continue great success. Btw I love all sides of her not just the ***. I do wonder if this was all planned prior to the attention she got. Maybe she would have been more public on IG. She’s being really quiet but that only adds mystery to the whole situation. She’s making people anticipate her next move even more this way. Larry is that you using her for sales again? Anyways try and remember the good through this bad and weird time. That’s all. 

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2 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

Can't wait for non-vulgar comments as innocent as "I can't wait for Britney to have freedom and be able to make her own decisions again; I love you!" to be deleted from "her" Instagram.

Try resending that exact same post, but substitute “God Bless” with “I love you!” That way the message still gets across, and it makes it through the hypocritical religious extremist filter. :mhm:

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3 minutes ago, rawbrit said:

so surreal :scalped: she's so sweet! :bpout:

I just clicked on her IG and literally LOLed at the stupidity of the description:

“I’m a multimillionaire, retired. Please respect my privacy!”


But I am glad her 400 followers will now be aware of the movement. :mhm:


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