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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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5 minutes ago, LiquoriceBabe said:

Lol this exactly what all defrauders say “you don’t understand”, coming from someone having witnessed similar situations.

What “we don’t understand” and that do is that the c-ship is not there for her, but for her money, that’s it. 

I wonder if anyone would try and dispute the premise that if Britney was not rich and just Britney from across the street, she would not be in a c-ship. 

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3 minutes ago, Shadow2003 said:

Yes, this entire thing is very weird. She's apparently too ill to:

  • drive a car without supervision
  • use a phone without supervision
  • meet her friends without supervision
  • invite her SO over without permission
  • she must take medication

...among other things. Despite this, she can:

  • record and promote new music
  • go on world tours
  • spend large amounts of time with her kids (who she has no custody over)
  • be the president of some company
  • be interviewed (although, with her management's supervision)

I find it really confusing that she needs someone with her whenever she wants to do some really simple things due to her apparent 'unstable mental state' but can also go on world tours, which require months of preparation, thought and stress and even more stress when the performances come.


This. It seems they want her secluded. 

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11 hours ago, bboy said:

So her team really have planned a comeback :orangu:

They did from the very second they decided to scrap Domination; remember how immediately after it was canceled, the creative directors were already tweeting #Stronger as an obviously new residency title?

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10 minutes ago, Mutya said:

What do you guys expect for the 10th? I’m so anxious and afraid of everything going wrong.

Expect, i really don't know, this date came out of nowhere, and with a new judge that only took the bench earlier this year, so it is really hard to know what can happen .

What i wish though is the right for Britney to hire a lawyer, and from then the right to fight the c-ship by all means if she wants to (which i do not doubt) .

I mean in this c-ship she is there on her own against 10 - 12 jamie's lawyers that she pays for, and the only lawyer she has this gross Samuel Ingham has no interest into seeing her getting out of the c-ship .

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Just now, Goneforever said:

I wonder if anyone would try and dispute the premise that, if Britney was not rich and just Britney from across the street, she would not be in a c-ship. 

I highly doubt it. It makes sense - she is a rich person, so putting her under conservatorship would (possibly) resolve her problems and bring some profit to the conservators. What profit is there really to make from your average, uninteresting, next-door Jane?

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1 minute ago, Shadow2003 said:

I highly doubt it. It makes sense - she is a rich person, so putting her under conservatorship would (possibly) resolve her problems and bring some profit to the conservators. What profit is there really to make from your average, uninteresting, next-door Jane?

That exactly illustrates why this is not for the benefit of her but for her handlers/ 

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1 minute ago, LostInAnImage said:

They did from the very second they decided to scrap Domination; remember how immediately after it was canceled, the creative directors were already tweeting #Stronger as an obviously new residency title?

I mean she is the queen of comebacks. I think they had it all planned out, she was to go to the facility, have some cute articles about loving her Dad, and how hard it was him getting sick on her mental health etc. Then the Podcast happened, and it ruined it, making the whole fanbase question what they are buying into. 


I don't really think there is a going back from this by at least half the fan base, as it seems pretty split outside this forum. 



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12 hours ago, Shadow2003 said:

I highly doubt it. It makes sense - she is a rich person, so putting her under conservatorship would (possibly) resolve her problems and bring some profit to the conservators. What profit is there really to make from your average, uninteresting, next-door Jane?

This is exactly the same topic people from the NASGA discussed on TV “if she wasn’t a millionaire, would she be in a c-ship? I don’t think so”. 

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7 minutes ago, Goneforever said:

That exactly illustrates why this is not for the benefit of her but for her handlers/ 

And like it was mentioned before, the circumstances pose a conflict of interest because Britney has not the right to choose her counsel and fight it. Therefore, it’s up to her conservators to do it, but then again, it’s her conservators who are getting profits from it.

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1 minute ago, chrisryan said:

I mean she is the queen of comebacks. I think they had it all planned out, she was to go to the facility, have some cute articles about loving her Dad, and how hard it was him getting sick on her mental health etc. Then the Podcast happened, and it ruined it, making the whole fanbase question what they are buying into. 


I don't really think there is a going back from this by at least half the fan base, as it seems pretty split outside this forum. 



Larry only knows 2 ways to market an artist . over sexualize young ladies , and sell comeback .

He is ennjoying every second of this mess, thinking about the comeback story is gonna make, and think about all the money he is gonna add to his Rudolph Family Trust (and yes this is really his trust name company :jj:)

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Just now, LiquoriceBabe said:

And like it was mentioned before, the circumstances pose a conflict of interest because Britney hasn’t the right to choose her counsel and fight it, therefore, it’s up to her conservators to do it, but then again, it’s her conservators who are getting profits from it. 

It can truly be used as a definition of conflict of interest. 

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8 hours ago, Moonlitescape said:

“At the very least this will help with ticket revenue when we re-announce Vegas.”

This is disgusting tbh, Larry should feel ashamed but i doubt he does, he only cares about money... :rihit: well at this point what am i gonna think? that he was aware that the "Domination" tickets weren't selling? he KNEW, so they got the "brilliant" idea to force Britney into that place so that we'd have thought "OmG sHe WeNt ThRoUgH aNoThEr BrEaKdOwN yEt ShE's StIlL hErE1!1!1"? Dear Larry, this isn't 2008 anymore :blurp: and let me tell you something: your disgusting plan "didn't worked" :evilpatrick: #FreeBritney this woman has gone through soooo much already, Just leave her alone! :badthoughts:

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8 minutes ago, Goneforever said:

It can truly be used as a definition of conflict of interest. 

It fits perfectly.



Ethics and Conflict of Interest

by Michael McDonald

You’ve seen the headlines, “Politician caught in conflict of interest ” or “professional denies conflict of interest allegations. ” You probably were thankful that you were not the subject of the newspaper story. But you also may have wondered what exactly is a conflict of interest, why such conflicts are ethically significant, and what you can do to avoid being in one.


I define a conflict of interest as “a situation in which a person, such as a public official, an employee, or a professional, has a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective exercise of his or her official duties. ” There are three key elements in this definition. First, there is a private or personal interest. Often this is a financial interest, but it could also be another sort of interest, say, to provide a special advantage to a spouse or child. Taken by themselves, there is nothing wrong with pursuing private or personal interests, for instance, changing jobs for more pay or helping your daughter improve her golf stroke.

The problem comes when this private interest comes into conflict with the second feature of the definition, an “official duty” — quite literally the duty you have because you have an office or act in an official capacity. As a professional you take on certain official responsibilities, by which you acquire obligations to clients, employers, or others. These obligations are supposed to trump private or personal interests.

Third, conflicts of interest interfere with professional responsibilities in a specific way, namely, by interfering with objective professional judgment. A major reasons clients and employers value professionals is that they expect professionals to be objective and independent. Factors, like private and personal interests, that either interfere or appear likely to interfere with objectivity are then a matter of legitimate concern to those who rely on professionals — be they clients, employers, professional colleagues, or the general public. So it is also important to avoid apparent and potential as well as actual conflicts of interests. An apparent conflict of interest is one which a reasonable person would think that the professional’s judgment is likely to be compromised. A potential conflict of interest involves a situation that may develop into an actual conflict of interest.

And it became more concerning since the c-ship was made permanent. Before that, there were regular hearings, whereas making it permanent changed that. There’s no accountability. 

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4 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

apparently most of her videos saw an increase in views on April 26th :yaknow:


I saw that NAG was close to 30k a day or smt

But idk if streaming her videos rn is ok tho?

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1 hour ago, Dream With In a dream said:

any1 remeber this?


Come throoough, Rapney! Thanks for sharing, I've never heard this song before. :flawless:

24 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

when did she start following this page ?

Crazy how she now shows how against c-ship she is but at the same time how powerless she seems to be.  If Lynn is that powerless, imagine Britney 

She's definitely powerless. Even Larry can't publicly discuss the c-ship:


Full thread:


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