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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

Here's something that concerns me...

The attorney who left the tip to Britney's Gram, as well as other sources who changed their tune once they had to cover for "Team" Britney, say Brit skipped doses of her medication throughout the day and sometimes straight up didn't take it at all. I know firsthand just how bad withdrawal from heavy meds can be physically, mentally, and emotionally. I also know what it's like to experience crippling mood swings, anxiety, etc. from withdrawal, only to be told they're all symptoms of your "underlying disorder" popping back up because you're not on meds anymore (even though you never experienced some of those symptoms before, or at least not anything even remotely close to that level of misery). Many people are told by their doctors that they'll have to be on the meds forever because the doctors assume the symptoms are from you reverting back to your "natural chemistry" (even though the chemical imbalance theory has never been proven :well:), and they don't understand withdrawal.

I HOPE this isn't happening to Britney. It's just another thing they can use against her to paint her as a lunatic in need of a conservatorship because she's too much of a danger to herself and others to make decisions on her own.

I see you're still... not buying it. :jj:

In all seriousness though, very well said.


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We need a tell book in Britney’s “own” words. Unfortunately,  I don’t  that will never happen until she passes but  I still  don’t think we will get the complete truth because  all her handlers will still be milking her from her grave.  

What a massive, emotional  price Britney has payed for fame.  :( 

I think there is a lot of truth to what you wrote....



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Larry probably got uncomfortable because the prior year (2007), Jamie credited him for making Britney entering rehab. Which means her father had nothing to do with helping his daughter to get her life back on track. 

Britney Spears's Father Says She Was 'Out of Control'

In an e-mail to the New York Post’s Page Six column, Jamie Spears defends Britney’s former manager, Larry Rudolph, whom she reportedly fired April 13.

“When Larry Rudolph talked Britney into going into rehab, he was doing what her mother, father and team of professionals with over 100 years of experience knew needed to be done,” Spears writes. “She was out of control. Larry was the one chosen by the team to roll up his sleeves and deliver the message, to help save her life.

“The Spears family would like to publicly apologize to Larry for our daughter’s statements about him over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, she blames him and her family for where she is at today with her kids and career. Larry has always been there for Britney. For this, we will forever be grateful to him.”


Spears, who checked out of Promises Malibu Treatment Center in March after a month-long stay, told Page Six via her rep: “I am praying for my father. We have never had a good relationship. It’s sad that all the men that have been in my life do not know how to accept a real woman’s love. I am concentrating on my work and my life right now.”

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3 minutes ago, Dirk said:

she doesn't actually need to speak up about her issues, she just to be true to herself and be authentic

who cares about the little mysteries of her life.... just us exhalers, her brand is bigger than this forum, no need to give those details, no one cares.

I agree. 

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6 minutes ago, Anitta Elusive Chanteuse said:

How in the world is it not abusive to strip someone’s right for trusted legal counsel? Especially when having conflicting interests with the people that are supposed to look after you?


“As long as she is bringing in so much money and as long as the lawyers and conservators are getting paid, there is little incentive to end it,” said Elaine Renoire, president of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, an advocacy group. “Usually, the conservatorship just keeps going unless the conservatee makes a fuss or the family does.”

Is Britney Spears Ready to Stand on Her Own?

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4 minutes ago, NotBuyingIt said:

And yet people think we are conspiracy theorists. Despite there being MANY examples of this **** going on daily.


Seriously, this quote is EVERYTHING. My heart truly aches for Britney.

And this is why we, her fans, are making a fuss:

“Usually, the conservatorship just keeps going unless the conservatee makes a fuss or the family does.”

Britney can't fight on her own. She can't even hire an attorney. And her family is... I think Mama Spears and Jamie Lynn are afraid of Papa Spears. I don't know anything about Bryan other than he's Britney's brother.

Hell, Larry can't even speak about the conservatorship.


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