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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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10 minutes ago, Intheblue said:

How about if this whole cancelling domination /  mental hospital / Britney gram thing was a marketing ploy for the next era ... like what’s the most epic way to get her rid of her conservatorship . Plant all these theories and raise public interest and bam

.... new era ... 


i guess a book or interview could’ve done the same thing lol. Just a rando thought

If it was, it blew up in their faces lol. We will need someone to pin all of our anger on for taking advantage of Britney. Maybe Jaime is ok with that? Will any of the fan's accept her original team if she retains them even after the conservatorship is over? 

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2 minutes ago, chrisryan said:

If it was, it blew up in their faces lol. We will need someone to pin all of our anger on for taking advantage of Britney. Maybe Jaime is ok with that? Will any of the fan's accept her original team if she retains them even after the conservatorship is over? 

they might have to officially release rebellion + make Britney go on tour with the OHT choreographies + make her sing the entire Emotions album by Mariah Carey live :mhmnod:

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2 hours ago, PokemonSpears said:

We need a compilation of all the iconic phrases this movement has given us:


  • "A little me time :)" - Lou Taylor Britney Spears
  • "When there's a lot of money involved, nothing would surprise me."  - Sharon Osbourne
  • "Hey ho, Larry Rudolph has got to go!" - #FreeBritney protest
  • "Born to Make You Money" - Gram Girl at the #FreeBritney protest
  • "University of Britney Spears" - That fan from the protest
  • "...and her dad just looks creepy as hell, how about that?" - That same fan from the protest
  • "What would Jesus do?" - Lynne Spears
  • "Go **** a duck" - Britney Spears (allegedly)
  • "U woke 4 Larry red nose liar?" - David LaChapelle

I know there are more because I had been planning to do this post since several days ago lol but I can't remember right now

Wait! When did he say that about Larry? 

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3 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

 We've only seen Spears professionally successful when surrounded by a team that keeps things in order. She has yet to prove herself capable without it.

Because she has yet to not be constantly surrounded by a team of people that "keeps things in order" to prove herself...

i didn't manage to read through the whole biased article. But damn, that quote you posted @breatheheavy says it all. It's so f**king mean and i'd rather a free "unsuccessful" Britney to whatever this is. 

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I think we saw some of the brainwashing they put her through, and I don’t mean alien like brainwashing, I mean the repeated mantras you tell someone until they buy in to it, when in interviews she went on and on about how on stage she’s a character and not her true self. Divorcing Britney Spears the product from Britney Spears the person. But it’s still “Britney Spears”... it’s still YOUR name on the awning. Without a voice or any real hand in to her own affairs, it should be renamed to something else.  Maybe just “Spears” so Jamie can claim he did it all himself.  Might as well since he likes to pretend he was the president who made it all happen.

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10 minutes ago, Intheblue said:

How about if this whole cancelling domination /  mental hospital / Britney gram thing was a marketing ploy for the next era ... like what’s the most epic way to get her rid of her conservatorship . Plant all these theories and raise public interest and bam

.... new era ... 


i guess a book or interview could’ve done the same thing lol. Just a rando thought

No. Her team is not that clever and Britney is not fame thirsty.Being popstar is not her priority. I don't think that she is gonna approve this kind of promo. 

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