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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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2 hours ago, jordeezy said:

Funny how he says "even in 1999".... I have told this story on the forum several times before but the guy that I knew from Kentwood told me that when he and Bryan were kids, Bryan would always brag that "one day his sister would be rich and famous" and their family would be outta there or something like that.  It all seems so planned, like they knew Britney would be pushed to stardom by the machine from a very early age.  But how? 

I don't think they knew. But they did everything for Britney to become famous. They got her singing and dancing lessons instead of paying for food. They pushed her into wanting to be a star. Didn't Lynne even say they were relying on her to make money and Britney knew that?

So they didn't know know but they knew 

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I was 10 when bomt came out and even back then people hated on Britney. It wasn't like that with others popstars like NSYNC or whatever. If someone didn't like them, they just didn't like them. If someone didn't like Britney they were always vocal about it. I've wondered for the longest time why that was the case.

I remember it got worse in 2002 and people took sides (Justin or Britney). And a lot of ppl were over her.


I don't understand why the general population is over Beyonce tbh or rihanna. They've been around for like a million years.

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59 minutes ago, colormefresh said:

Britney called him out on stage during POM for cheating on her so idk. :ehum:

Britney is not responsible for her actions, as it legally stands.

 With everything discussed in this 900 page thread, you think them telling her she had to say that is off the table?

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I literally called it! I said her team was behind then Make Me leak, who else would leak it? They think we’re so stupid. Trying to give us years later what we’ve always wanted, but we can see through their shady ways! 

Also it makes so much sense now that they scrapped the video! Britney in a cage was a big no no for them. 

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3 hours ago, Meaner03 said:

all the calvary chapel all over the world are linked by mercy minisitries . A big homophobic cult .

Here you can see Lou Taylor as a donor for an action at the name of the cavalry chapel of brentwood where her husband is a Pastor



It is also interesting to notice that all the companies under Jamie Spears name share the same adress with the calvary chapel of Brentwood 

That’s for tax purposes, it’s not a huge bombshell. But I see how it looks.

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34 minutes ago, HarajukuGyal said:

This has been brought up already but we need a f**king plan of action, I'll just say that we should start considering making another protest outside court the day of the hearing but actually decently plan it this time so we don't leave anything unsaid. The turmoil we've created is at this point is considerably big, some publications already know that there's going to be a hearing that day so imagine what could possibly happen if other media outlets caught wind that there's also going to be a protest held at the same time and at the same place? It would be f**king huge. Then we would expose everything we've gather at this point without forgetting a single detail and cutting straight to the chase without any stan twitter lingo bullshit so we can finally get the message across once and for all. We would only need influential people among the fanbase circle to spread the word so more people would attend and convince those that already went to the first to attend this one too if possible so those who might have watched it last time recognize their faces. I mean it can't be that hard right? :wendycry:

I totally agree! We have established our intent which is a great step forward, but we need some cohesiveness in regards to our way of acting online. I am going to write a document regarding this. i can’t come up with a plan of action though, but i would love to help!

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Just now, FrenchFingerTips said:

I totally agree! We have established our intent which is a great step forward, but we need some cohesiveness in regards to our way of acting online. I am going to write a document regarding this. i can’t come up with a plan of action though, but i would love to help!

same here 

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On 4/27/2019 at 8:36 PM, Meaner03 said:

Adam Streisand was the first to be denied to be represent Britney, and Eardley the second one . 

The court made sure that no lawyer could ever represent Britney to fight the c-ship . 

That's NOT right or fair. Everyone deserves to be fairly represented. Its unlawful. I hope the courts get exposed. 

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2 hours ago, Body ache said:

I like lucado the best, just wish he didn't cheat on her. Maybe Jamie paid him to pose with some girl and used that to show Britney that he cheated because Jamie was too scared of David because of his connections with law.

This is probably true! I sounds like something he would do 100%

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1 hour ago, Pfefferminz said:

I just noticed that the song's 15th anniversary falls on the same day (May 10) as the status hearing. :britannoyed:

Everytime - Wikipedia

On March 9, 2004, the treatment of the music video for "Everytime" was released online. It portrayed Spears as a star hounded by photographers, who eventually kills herself by taking prescription ***** and drowning in a bathtub. The suicide scene was perceived to be Spears's response to the rumors that suggested she suffered from a mental disorder. After news of the concept broke, it was criticized by a number of organizations in the United Kingdom and the United States. Director of child protection charity Kidscape, Michele Elliott, said, "This is absolutely outrageous, totally irresponsible, completely stupid. If even one child follows her lead she will surely be held responsible. What is she thinking of?". She also commented the release of the music video could cause an increase in suicide rates, comparing it to the death of actress Marilyn Monroe in August 1962. MTV News' "You Tell Us" also received numerous letters from upset viewers, who criticized Spears saying they perceived the ending was a glamorization of suicide. On March 12, 2004, Spears announced through Jive Records she had removed the concept, "due to the potential for a fictional accidental occurrence to be misinterpreted as a suicide". She also clarified it was not her intent to present suicide in any sort of positive light. 

"Critics took note of the video for its religious references to The Passion of the Christ, Kabbalah, and stigmata, as well as for predicting Spears's future struggles with fame."


Oh, I did not know about that! I guess we'll have to find a simple way to celebrate it after the protests and court hearings.

Also, speaking of the quote from Wikipedia, it shows something that annoys me a lot:

The "wOn'T sOmEbOdY tHiNk Of ThE cHiLdReN!" thing.

I hate how whenever a pop star does / wants to do something even slightly controversial, some critics might say:

"WeLl, If  A cHiLd WeRe To FoLlOw ______'S ExAmPlE, hArM cOuLd Be DoNe aNd the blame would be on _____!!!"

No, a pop star isn't just suddenly every child in the world's parent. It's the actual parent's job to teach their kids what to do and what not to do.


Sorry for this off-topic rant, I just wanted to say this. :embarrassed:

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