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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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On 4/25/2019 at 5:14 PM, ILikeChillinWithYou said:

Recap from page 700-800 for all those who can't keep up or came late or for those who forgot what happened 100 pages ago:


Disclaimer: expect periodical awakenings of thirsty exhale gays and their foot fetish comments for PokemonSpears/ Jordan/ Sam Lutfi and poorly orchestrated Pokemon/ Breatheheavy/ email puns that roughly translate to an escape from their monotonous sad lifestyle.

On page 700, exhalers continued their discussions from ther previous pages when The Blast subtly exposed Lou and her weird religious ways. There are also many "congratulations on 700 pages" posts.

On page 705, you can see an embedded tweet by Cardi B about Piece of Me, posted by Joey Orfino

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There are also mild ***** posts on Jordan's Instagram pictures. Trust me when I say This is just the beginning. On page 707, PokemonSpears finally responds to all the comments on his infamous feet

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On page 710, Land comes through with another breakthrough post about screenshots of a conversation with Lou, who has been accustomed to a variety of nicknames now, all related to satanic rituals or exorcisms

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The spelling error of "Hapoy" in Lou's message apparently turns out to be a big scandal for exhalers, which is discussed throughout 3 pages.

On page 711, Colormefresh comments "If Lou resigns, will y'all calm down" which receives repurcussions from other exhalers. This dies dowm in the very next page.

On the same page, Joey Orfimo provides news from ET online with direct links. Find them enclosed in the spoiler below:

Exhale is bored throughout pages 710s so they revert back to the same ol' Lou and devil comments as no new tea has been spilled. Out of boredom, people even start sharing their zodiac signs, to which Dayvindazone accompanied by other members react to with posts which have Lou and Exorcism in the same sentence. Surprisingly, this time BJ hate is not brought up.

On page 718, Sam Lutfi's public rant on Perez Hilton is embedded by Applejack, which receives positive support at first but then changes to mixed reactions as people realise it was Sam Lutfi they were supporting, who is called a "liar", "leech" and other unusual nicknames.

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Zodiac signs discussions continue, but most people are focused on Sam's tweet. Some members suddenly side with Sam to other's surprise. Exhale loves it when two people they don't like fight with each other, in this case Perez and Sam. Somewhere in between, Jordan's *** comes in as a heated topic, although no one is sure of its relevance in the thread.

As pages through 720s progress, people complain that the thread got boring as there is no news. The thread was only supported by Lou and exorcism discussions along with ***** comments from hungry exhalers during the difficult times. Major contributors of the thirst comments include What You Need and Dayvindazone. If anyone's interested, the thirst comments are the most alove in pages 727 and 728.

On page 727, Dream Within a Dream confirms that Sam L just sent him brand new emails and it is about Lynne Spears to Jamie. This sends exhale in a frenzy as they questioned how Sam could have gotten hold of their personal emails. When everyone tells Dream Within A Dream to leak them, Sam apparently told him not to leak them yet. Exhale is divided between people whotrust the emails and people who don't. Amidst all this, ItShouldBeOffiTunes is focused on nothing but Sam's *****. If you trace back, be prepared to see hundreds of posts about Sam's "thing". 

I'm extremely sorry but now it seems the link is deleted and I don't have access to it. Trust me, I didn't read them too. All i can provide now is to quote this small segment of a conversation Dream Within A Dream had with Sam about the emails.

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Please refer to @d4niellr’s Twitter for the email as I cannot provide the links directly because I don't have a twitter account. I am yet to read them. Very sorry.

The zodiac war thrives on to many pages.

On page 744, exhale comes to know of Brenda J Penny who is judge for Britney's Conservatorship since April 2016. Reva Goetz stopped working on Britney's case in 2015.

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For more information on her, I suggest you look into this link: https://ballotpedia.org/Brenda_Penny

On oage 745, Dream Within A Dream linked us to new court reports by Radar Online. Fomd them on the spoiler below:

Following this, Radar Online released another article claiming Jamie actually wants his daughter "free".

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"The court has called for a hearing regarding Britney Spears‘ conservatorship amid her mental health crisis, according to documents obtained exclusively by RadarOnline.com.


The troubled pop star’s conservatorship is set to be discussed before a judge on May 10, 2019 — just over a month after she checked herself in to a Los Angeles facility.

While it’s normal procedure to have status hearings, court sources tell Radar exclusively due to her dad Jamie‘s health woes and Britney’s own well-being, and the fact her father is also now the sole executor of the estate — this could be a very important hearing.

Readers know it’s been over a decade since a judge granted Britney’s famous father conservatorship over the singer, but sources previously told Radar exclusively the “Stronger” hitmaker is eager to “get control” back over her fortune.

The informant revealed Jamie wants nothing more than for his daughter to get her independence back — but a source insists that the timing must be right.

“Britney’s dad told her that his goal ever since taking away her control was for her to get to a place where she can take over her fortune and no longer need a conservator,” revealed a source. “That was the game plan from day one.”

 Pals say although it’s been a “rocky road” since Jamie was granted conservatorship in 2008, “she feels she is ready to take the control back.”

- RadarOnline


Embedded tweets from IfUSeekAmy_ on page 747 suggests that there is a court appointed attorney for Britney's case.

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Exhale discussed deeply over these new found reports throughout pages surrounding 747. The reports also suggested that Britney doesn't exactly have to be present at the hearing. This saddens some members as they point out this dampens most of their hopes. They feel the hearing would be more eminent with Britney's presence. 

Also a hot topic on exhale at that moment was Brenda and her authenticity as a lawyer. People rest their hopes on her as they term the previous judge Reva as a 'corrupt flop'. Brenda becomes an overnight sensation in exhale and the her picture is used by almost every members on their post. To give you an idea of her popularity on exhale, go to page 748. Some members even made Brenda's picture their avi, as in Ryan9999's avi.

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Brenda is hailed as a true saviour as she ordered a status hearing for Britney's case. Claims that Reva Goetz put Britney into this mess and denied her her freedom repeatedly and suddenly Brenda is asking to be updated about her is brought up. Exhale becomes all about Brenda in the pages 748 - 758.

Surely enough, exhale shows its caliber as Judge Brenda is turned into a meme

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Brenda is all exhale talked about, literally all. It was a Brenda Joan forum for almost 30 pages. If you want to have a good laugh, I suggest you go back to pages 748 and those preceding it. Accompanying are some BJ hate to no one's surprise.

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Amidst all this Dream Within A Dream promotes Dayvindazone and I Always Sing Live to post their real pictures, to which Dayvindazone consents and I Always Sing Live provides a 3rd grade picture. Enclosed below is Dayvindazone's picture:

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On a personal note, I cannot imagine this as the same guy who goes on and on about big D's:yesokay:


In summary, the May 10th hearing will be judged by Brenda.

btw April 24th was Britney Spears Day in Kentwlod, Louisiana and November 5th is Britney Day in Vegas. So belated Britney Day from Kentwood.

On page 579, Embedded IG post shows that Felicia liked a #freebritney post

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On page 671, members discuss on the new Wendy Williams Show hot topic on Britney. Wendy has swayed a little bit from her first opinion but tries to remain neutral nevertheless. Most reactions on exhale are negative.

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Starts at 9:15

On page 762, I Always Sing Live finally gives in to Dream Within a Dream and Dayvindazone and posts his current picture

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On the same page, Cwazy points out that Fe unliked the IG post that was pro-movement. This creates confusion among the members but it is not talked about much, as no theories on why she did so arose.

Pages 674 and 675 are a reunion function for long lost exhale members who came back. They are welcomed with open arms by older members like Dark Knight. They reminisce about the nostalgic old threads and days about POM and other things.

On pages 767, What You Need and Dignified Love revives the thirst discussions from the dead. It's the same ol' things, nothing much- Leak *****, meat, *** etc. Classic exhale ***** comments.

On page 768, Nels64 releases an official notice to Britney and her team and asked other members for their opinion on whether it should be shared. He experiences positive reaction mostly.

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Almost everyone is on board on making the notice viral. People praise the post for the following three pages, suggesting minor word changes and small things.

On page 771, people revert their attention to Lou's instagram post with a little baby Ivey, JL's youngest child. It apparently made some people uncomfortable.

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On page 773, Jordan (breatheheavy) contradicts the notice previously put forth by Nels64 with his own quote fir the notice as well as suggesting drastic changes. He receives support too as he proclaims that he wouldn't make the notice viral in its present state.

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The thread lost its momentum marginally as no new tea was spilled through pages 770 and beyond.

On page 776, Joey Orfino posts the new TMZ article signifying the point that Britney is doing much better, but her medical regime stopped working for her comdition. They also report that Doctors will continue to work with her on getting the medicines right.

Quick link: https://www.tmz.com/2019/04/25/britney-spears-released-mental-health-facility-medicines-meds/

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Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Britney's mental state is much better than it was when she checked in.


As we reported, the singer was distraught over an illness her dad was battling ... made exponentially worse by the fact the meds she'd been taking for her mental illness stopped working.


Doctors were trying to find a new combo of meds, but they couldn't get the mixture right and it was doing Britney more harm than good ... to the point she stopped taking them. Our sources say doctors still haven't figured out the right formula and call it, "a work in progress."


The sources are quick to say, Britney did NOT check into the facility to get her meds right ... it was to get her head straight. We're told she's doing "a lot better" in that department, but the doctors continue to work on the cocktail of meds. A lot of people commented on the pic of Britney with her boyfriend, Sam Asghari, on Easter Sunday, where she looked a little off.


Our sources acknowledge, she's still having difficulty, but nonetheless is in a better head space. We're told she could leave the mental health facility as early as today but definitely by week's end ... and she's almost certainly going home.


Doctors will continue to work with her on getting the medicines right. Short story ... mental illness is difficult, but she's doing okay.


Exhale goes back to the green-pee days as members transform into scientific doctors, discussing various medicines ideal for her condition, the symptoms you can observe and the side effects which can occur.

On page 777, Dignified Love brings up the topic of Britney's acting. He is supported with valuable points referring to the Rachel McAdams role in Notebook as well as her comedic roles.

As people who just logged on started their conversation on Sam's emails on page 781, Goku goes ballistic and tells everyone to stop talking about Sam as it would make the fans look crazy. He affirms he doesn't trust the emails completely. Others argue that Sam is pro-movement but most people agree with him in citing Sam L as a bad influence.

Dream With In A Dream comments that the podcast would come in today on page 783. People ask him what time as they prepare for exhale to blow up after it. But they question about when and where the podcast would come up.

By page 784, most posts are about newly awake members asking for a recap on Queen Brenda.

On page 786, we come back to the PokemonSpears appreciation thread with major contributors listed as Dream With In A Dream and Dayvindazone with What You Need joining later on

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Lou's satanic rituals are talked upon again on pages 788-789. People continue to share their personal stories with the thread and of them trying to explain who Lou is to their friends amd family. Exhale is calm.

Just then, news about deadly tornadoes hitting Kentwood area arose, with 5 people dying.

Andiiecee points out on page 789 that Britney had a "beware" sign on the background of one of her IG videos. Many members are shocked that they didn't realise this earlier on

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When Exhale is bored, PokemonSpears is back. Newly scripted thirst comments on pages 790 and forwards. Many people use his avi as an emote which gains much popularity. Then on the same page, discussions on Madonna's new video is brought up, with all the thirst comments now directed at Maluma.

Finally people start to speak up against all the thirst comments, with support from Urbanney and Goku on page 794.

The podcast issue has caught on so much relevance in pages 795 and the preceding ones. Nobody seems to have a clue about when or where the podcast is going to be released, although Thursdays at 6 on SoundCloud is the usual platform.

On page 796, Tess Barker, one of the podcast girls tweet is embedded by Goku. Everyone praises it for the quote's wisdom.

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On page 797, people talk about the new leak of Trouble cover/intro from VMAs 2007 performance. Positive reactions from everyone.

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Reports on Britney's court appointed lawyer arises on oage 798. They go against him as people are worried if all the effort will go down with corruption from his behalf.

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The thread hits 800 pages as everyone rejoices!


I never thought I'd be able to finish this, it literally took me 3 hours to do this. Halfway through i got bored and thought of cancelling everything but I had to keep my promise to you guys!:roflney: I have put my everything into this post, so I hope I didn't disappoint.

This is the most I've ever invested on exhale and I'm very emotional rn:crying1:

Hope i was of help! Have a nice time ahead on here!:bigkiss:

PS: I'm thinking of creating a summary thread seperately, with recaps posted evey 50 pages or so. What is your opinion? Should I do that or keep summarising and posting on this thread itself?

Thank you so much. ♡

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8 minutes ago, chitchatney said:

She has been suffering so much in silence, it breaks me heart. Her asking about wanting to be in a cage on Make Me is awful but what really caught my attention and broke my heart was her saying she wanted to die in Every Time. Things haven't been okay for a long time. This is scary and worrying, and I can only hope she never gives up on fighting. 

That makes me so sad :wontcry: I remember at the time the vid was meant to be her comitting suicide in the bath? But there was outrage when people heard that so they changed it? At least that's what I remember. So sad. If she had complete control I guess her artistry would be a lot darker.

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18 minutes ago, eomarnunez said:

We can also ask to the "Hold it Against Me" director, I think the video speaks for itself and some news sources talked about how "boring" was Britney on set, she didn't look happy or excited at all filming the video, he might have some tea as well...

This happened the year prior to the FF era:


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45 minutes ago, FameAfterdark said:

She shows all the symptoms of someone that has been hexed. I remember her talking about someone doing voodoo to her in that poem. It seems like Britney always conquers her life when she gets heavy into spirituality, once she walks away from it it’s like she loses control of herself again.   Britney Spears the one we all know and love still exist. She’s being manipulated by someone. Someone is doing some dark magic to her , it’s someone close to her. It’s related to money purposes also. I’m not sure who it is but its some form of dark magic.  Do y’all think that Madonna would do something like this to her?  I mean Britney literally CANNOT dance or anything how she used to and GAGA can’t release another album for the life of her but yet has so much success in other fields.  Madonna doesn’t want anyone to take her crown possibly ? Something doesnt want me to believe it’s Madonna but everyone who gets in touch with this lady literally they’re careers start failing , it’s weird !!

If someone was hexing her it'd be Lou, she literally does exorcisms and throws salt around and ****! She also loves Stevie Nicks (I do too but I'm not into witchcraft :demi:

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2 hours ago, Meaner03 said:

all the calvary chapel all over the world are linked by mercy minisitries . A big homophobic cult .

Here you can see Lou Taylor as a donor for an action at the name of the cavalry chapel of brentwood where her husband is a Pastor



It is also interesting to notice that all the companies under Jamie Spears name share the same adress with the calvary chapel of Brentwood 


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why are fans offended when people compare their shaved head with Britney?:jj:

he's not mocking her mental stability or being mean.

it's just a reference :brityawning:


it's like "I want Britney's abs" or "Britney's messy hair" it's bc it's iconic and relevant.


also not a very good look on him and he did great in  Malcolm in the middle :whatitellu:

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I think he's very respecting of Britney and being decent colleague!

he's not some random @fiacuzziphotography that takes pics, he's very well respected director so he's words have certain weight tbh.
Sometimes it's hard to speak up when you don't know 100% facts:notreally:but you have the gut feeling that something is wrong.

especially both of them, being creative/artistic. I dunno, you can tell when something's off and the person is not the same :ehum:

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Just now, sibode said:


Why does he write "the video/song wasn't released..."? Is there a different version of the lyrics?
I know I'm too suspicious, but in the video she doesn't sing "you're the spark that won't go out", but other...

... Too much?

Yeah I also hear something about fire? Not sure though... but they just might have had 2 versions with different lyrics for this part. Or they changed it afterwards.

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