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Britney: Piece Of Me Ending Party and A Happy New Year 2018 (Official Thread)


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1 hour ago, riccus said:

Last night was kind of an receipt of this idea.People knew she was lip synching for most of her career. And If I hate someone lipsyncing on stage I would cut my relationship with her immediately. Unfortunately people started to make  negative remarks about her. 


Dude ...Hate is not a healthy thing. She kip syncs, she's out of her breath  most of the time.What people want   from her  ?  I'm watching the same performance with my own eyes...I'm like , yo I need to share how amazing it was with my fan friends...And I got " there is gum in her mouth , she was bad at lipsyncing , her face looks odd , that dress ugh"and twitter goes " do you guys see the green thing that must be her microchip "..


I'm just like so done with this ****... Sometimes I'm like "why do I wanna share my joy with people , they're gonna try to tarnish it anyway."

stopped reading there


there will always be haters no matter how good or bad a person does. and some are legitimate criticisms, none of them are coming from jealousy

if you can't be happy with people having different opinions than your own, then you won't succeed in life

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