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Britney lyric/quote for my senior quote ???

noah fence

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How about either "Never lose your passion to dream"

or "Who cares what people think, just believe in yourself, that's all that matters"

or "I don't like defining myself. I just am"

or "You'll never see it my way because you're not me"

Personally I would use

"I'm way too focused to let anyone stop me" 


"I find it funny that people find me so interesting" - Britney Spears

Can't really think of a lyric from one of her songs that would be appropriate and not seem strange in a yearbook:gross:


maybe "Love me hate me say what you want about me" as long as you leave out the next line lol


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36 minutes ago, Chaoscontrol said:

Came here to post this XD 

edit- 'I go through life like the karate kid' is a good one too :) 

I forgot about the Karate Kid quote!!!!!!- I totally vote on that, EPIC yearbook quote. If I could go back and make it mine I would :pumped:

I actually genuinely wonder what I wrote in my high school bio now


EDIT: I wish I never looked for my high school bio it's so embarrassing man :triggered:

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