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Did Make Me mv ruin Glory era?


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I mean, why people lost their interest so fast? When they premiered Make Me the numbers were nice, it was #1 on iTunes, G-Eazy is/was (I dunno) very popular so it has everything to become A HIT. People lost their interest just when the video comes out... do you think that for people the video was really THAT important that is simply ruined everything? Obviously the original one is better but I don't think it's THAT great so I'm not seeing people praising the original version either.

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29 minutes ago, G L O R Y said:

I mean, why people lost their interest so fast? When they premiered Make Me the numbers were nice, it was #1 on iTunes, G-Eazy is/was (I dunno) very popular so it has everything to become A HIT. People lost their interest just when the video comes out... do you think that for people the video was really THAT important that is simply ruined everything? Obviously the original one is better but I don't think it's THAT great so I'm not seeing people praising the original version either.

Yes. The minute I saw the video I got so turned off by it that I stopped caring about having another video or era. I got really angry at the idea that she even THOUGHT it was okay to release something that disgusting. That's how grossed out I was. I'm pretty sure other people felt the same. It was a despicable music video and she deserved to tank. Sorry, but the video had no redeemable qualities. I don't care how good she looked. No. Just No.

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The whole era was a mess. Starting with the announcement of the single in the first quarter. No word from team Britney so by the time MM actually came out the original hype was gone. Add on the video fiasco which we were hyped for and very little promo. Then the album messy release with no performances from the album tracks. Just promoting Vegas which is a ******* mess.

Nothing had the chance tbh 

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Make me mv was atrocious and it ruines fans expectation.
Vma performance was mediocre and boring at least.
She did some tv promo, but the performances were forgettable.

Make me mv set the tone for another disappointment.
Sp never had a real chance to be a hit, Make me could have done it if supported properly (but we know our girl right)

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Everyone I know knows that the last song Britney sang was Womanizer or Scream & Shout :(

No one knows her now, or what she's doing, in fact everyone I know probably doesn't know or care or about Britney Jean OR Glory :(

She needs to do something, that will have everyone like :urite:

And I'm not talking about raunchy music videos, I'm talking about PROPER involvement with everything. Great TV appearances, great performances, great promotion, tour and music videos and the list goes on. The way she is performing in Vegas right now with the jerky spasms and everything is actually painful to watch :( 

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1 hour ago, If I'm Dancing said:

POM holds Britney back! :mhm:

BRITNEY holds Britney back!

Yeah there may be other factors and people that contribute to how and why her career is the way it is, but it is imho Britney who has brought this on herself whether she intended to or not. And I don’t say this to be mean to her. Maybe she really just can’t help it. I’m sure there’s a reason for it all that we aren’t privy to. 

Yes the MM 2.0 video contributed to the Glory era’s downfall. It seems like fans threw in the towel after that. If you take into consideration everything that transpired the previous era then it’s easy to understand why *some* fans now are so fed up. 

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Absolutely, the video we got isn’t interesting nor does it have any replay value or anything that would surprise or grab your attention. It’s boring. That hurts streaming.

Not to mention, Britney’s two TV performances of the song left a lot to be desired. There wasn’t enough pizzaz to keep the song afloat for more than a week.

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Everything about MM is what screwed the era up besides the actual song it's self because it's flawless! They just randomly dropped the song in early July when there were no great opportunities for her to promote it, they should've released it in May like it was rumored and had her perform it at the end of her BBMA performance! If they had done that the song would've had a top 10 debut.....I mean it made it to #17 with no promo at all so imagine if she had done it at the BBMA's.

Then the whole video debacle, which I'm most certain is RCA's fault....whatever their issue was with it they should've just had those certain scenes cut/reshot....not scrap the whole thing and start over after they spent all that money. The other problem video wise was it needed to drop the day the single was released which was prob the original plan since they shot it in June but because it got canned it ****** everything up. 


The era should've gone like this 

Sunday May 22nd : BBMA debut of MM/ single released to itunes

Monday May 23rd: MM video released  (original with minor tweaks)

Weeks following: radio interviews/ small promo activities

Mid June: Private Show commercial/ song release

First week of July: album pre-order (Clumsy as pre-order track)

First week of August: 2nd single release (Slumber Party) with video

2nd week of August: Glory is released (with no competition and debuts at #1)

End of August: VMA performance of Slumber Party and MM 

October: 3rd single/video release (If I'm Dancing)

January 2017: 4th single release (DYWCO with video of POM performances because RCA is cheap) 



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It's not that it ruined the era, but that it didn't bring interest. Some of you think the original would have made MM a hit but in reality, that video was shitty too. It was tacky, all over the place, almost desperate (let's not even talk about the scene were Britney and G-Eazy are ''having ***'' :gross:). It would have been a better video but the era wouldn't have been successful with it either, it's all about promoting and Britney likes to treat her singles and albums like ****, all the promo she did was a couple of interviews where they talked about her kids and mentioned glory for 5 seconds then move on to a date with a lizard. It's embarrasing. :tiffdrink:
And as much as I like Slumber Party, it had no chance of being a hit as she never performed it for promo, insted she performed DYWCO. That was smart. :byebitch:

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I know a good video and perfomance can make everything look better but... I never liked Make Me, though I loved those guitar sounds and some verse, as I read once: no one was going to sing along with her "Make me OOOOOOH OOOOOH OOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" let alone that weird voice, like, serious? lol. It's curious that I've seen comments criticizing Till The World Ends because the same, at least that was cool at that moment. Sorry, I guess no one got their feelings hurt and understand we might not like the same. :woopsie:  

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