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Guest BreatheOnMoi

17 more show till 2017 is over as well. 

Basically, 17 more shows till our president is kicked out of office as well, etc etc. 

Wow. So many great things to come :crying1:

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4 hours ago, Anita **** said:

So just out of curiosity from a newbie, what happens when Britney is not active? Does the forum go into hibernation? :idkney:

Hopefully, she does something big and memorable on the last show that will have us something to chew on for months :forkit:

It's pretty much like it is right now, very quiet with barely any interesting topic to read/discuss/contribute to. :chershade:

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11 hours ago, Anita **** said:

So just out of curiosity from a newbie, what happens when Britney is not active? Does the forum go into hibernation? :idkney:

We start arguing, someone makes threads about her worst songs and says he likes them, the threads become weird ("Does Britney fart?" is a perfect example) and less people will visit this cult site. In other words, as it is now.

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12 hours ago, Anita **** said:

So just out of curiosity from a newbie, what happens when Britney is not active? Does the forum go into hibernation? :idkney:

Hopefully, she does something big and memorable on the last show that will have us something to chew on for months :forkit:

It will remain just like it is right now, nothing fun and exciting is happening at the moment and people will still find stuff to complain about until her next residency is announced and we'll have another epic meltdown to celebrate :mcry:


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