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How could this happen? :(


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How did she go from this 

yes it IS a good performance, she still has that fierceness, and swag that Britney always had, and rhythm and fluidity. They could’ve prerecorded tho :cinderellaney:

to this

like so much energy wasted, and wtf is she spinning 3-4 times dueing Toxic chorus in the same amount of seconds:sassybrit: it’s Like I’m watching someone completely else

Where’s the rhythm? The swag? The Britney?

can someone explain? :( 

also Lets be thankful for circusney :lemmetellu:

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I don't see a good performance on Circus, she didn't move like she used to but she had a really good staging and she looked like Britney. After Circus she completely changed and got worse and now she has improved a lot tbh but still needs to improve

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3 minutes ago, IDKBT said:

I don't see a good performance on Circus, she didn't move like she used to but she had a really good staging and she looked like Britney. After Circus she completely changed and got worse and now she has improved a lot tbh but still needs to improve

to be honest, I actually enjoyed the Peepshow segment of TCSBS. Minimal choreo as she was just walking around most of the time, but at least she wasn't strutting some unnecessary gestures or dance steps. the abundance of props and dancers did its job in obscuring the fact that Britney can't dance well. also the costumes didn't look cheap, and lastly the segment opened with Marilyn Manson's Sweet Dreams. :myjam: worked well for me. i'd choose that over any of POMney's shitty performances :nydisgust: 

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That's what I'm asking since Circus... WHERE DID BRITNEY'S LOVE TO DANCE GO??
I agree with some comments... That Circus performance choreography wasn't good, but she was FEELING IT!


The "Fire cracker" move is something she'd never do nowadays! THat was fluid... Now she doesn't even move her back!


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11 minutes ago, BritBreakitDown20 said:

pomney is more confident though and thats a big step! she is more fluid in her choreos but she doesnt care about executing them properly though :lemmetellu:

POMney is more confident than Circusney??????????? Are you for real sis??


Femmefatalney < POMney < Circusney < M+M'sney < Onyxney 


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1 hour ago, IDKBT said:

I don't see a good performance on Circus, she didn't move like she used to but she had a really good staging and she looked like Britney. After Circus she completely changed and got worse and now she has improved a lot tbh but still needs to improve

But she still "moved" like Britney. The Britney strut is still there. Her swag, her mannerisms.

Now she just skips and runs everywhere very spaz like.

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Circusney looked like Britney Spears putting less effort but still Britney Spears now she looks different, and I'm not talking about her face, I'm talking about the way she moves, the way she walks across the stage... just everything seems like another person... :(

I still enjoy her performances though :jumpney:

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