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No matter how bad bj was

Guest $elfish

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2 hours ago, It'sSamB!tch said:

You sick person!






Jk, I looked them up when they just leaked:milkney: nothing special tho:staysalty:

ugh he owns a stick **** :ipass: the really long but thin one that basically ******* pokes you in the bladder and you dont feel joy at all :ipass:

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13 hours ago, Doug said:

I live for whites embarrassing themselves on bad rap videos full of other whites in rental cars and cribs.



7 hours ago, falka said:

Artists of all races have rented mansions/cars for videos:giggleney:


i think what doug means is that in the jake paul video he's trying to flex his "wealth" and be showy whereas in slumber party per say the mansion goes more with the video concept:tiffhair:

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13 minutes ago, me.against.the.b00ty said:


i think what doug means is that in the jake paul video he's trying to flex his "wealth" and be showy whereas in slumber party per say the mansion goes more with the video concept:tiffhair:



I get this... but there are different kind of videos. You can look on music video like a form of art, like a movie really. You can actually be able to said that low budget movies are known for depicting actors in their private clothes/homes/cars  :riha:For me it's funny, like video documentation for insurance in case of future burglary. 

I have no idea, Rap is just too raw for me, They have their own rules and bragging is a must for some. Could this Jake P guy mock this kind of showing up stuff? Don't know, don't care.:coffee:


I just noted that all races (not all people) do similar ****. :walkonby:

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15 hours ago, Arckangel said:

I actually like the song (the vocals are good, and I was expecting much worse based on what the OP wrote); not everything is meant to be so serious! And I don't get that "cultural appropriation" nonsense; it's a general comment I'm making not actually based on yours. 

What about the Beastie Boys? Two of their main genres were hip hop and rap rock, and they started out in 1981. Did anybody back then accuse them of cultural appropriation? What about Jimi Hendrix? Some of his main genres included rock, psychedelic rock and hard rock. Was he, at the time, accused of cultural appropriation? What about The Jacksons? They did do some hard rock. Was it cultural appropriation? It's all nonsense.

Oh honey, I won't even get started because I don't have the time, but you really should research a bit about the subject by a POC's point of view. Back them the discussion wouldn't pop up but cultural appropriation is nothing new, Elvis himself was a product to appeal to white masses and his music was heavily based on black culture, in a time when black people were treated like trash.


Ps: I'm not trying to be rude or anything, it's a really insteresting read 


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9 hours ago, me.against.the.b00ty said:


i think what doug means is that in the jake paul video he's trying to flex his "wealth" and be showy whereas in slumber party per say the mansion goes more with the video concept:tiffhair:

Also some people can take a joke. Like some white people gt offended by anything when they're doing the most offensive things :triggered:


12 hours ago, Dynasty said:

ugh he owns a stick **** :ipass: the really long but thin one that basically ******* pokes you in the bladder and you dont feel joy at all :ipass:

Come get this snickers 

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19 hours ago, Dynasty said:

ugh he owns a stick **** :ipass: the really long but thin one that basically ******* pokes you in the bladder and you dont feel joy at all :ipass:

This was my exact thought. it's the kind that just pokes you and hurts the whole time. :ipass:

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I have no idea what's going on except for a rap song that's worse than the Hoverboard rap guy (how is that possible?), Britney possibly collabing with this dude (I'm gonna nervously laugh that one off and ignore it), and his **** being long but also being a pencil ****.


I hope I've summed this thread up well for the next commenter.

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