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I think Britney is starting to imitate Sam...


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We all know that Britney duplicates her boyfriends personality once they been together for a while.

First she became a fitness freak... and then for all i know Sam is a ********* so im starting to understand why she said that her asian fans should beg for her.....


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8 minutes ago, PussyLova said:

We all know that Britney duplicates her boyfriends personality once they been together for a while.

First she became a fitness freak... and then for all i know Sam is a ********* so im starting to understand why she said that her asian fans should beg for her.....


that was part of the show....she did that to hype the crowd for the encore.....almost every singer does it :byebitch:

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Just now, PussyLova said:

First she became a fitness freak... and then for all i know Sam is a ********* so im starting to understand why she said that her asian fans should beg for her.....

Where are you going with this? She's says and does random things on stage:


That time she wished everyone a Merry Christmas...in MARCH!


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7 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

I don't agree with the last part but yes she does start to dress and act like her boyfriends.

Virgina Tech (whatever) shirts still haunt me back when she was with David. 


Every couple I know does that, borrow things from each other :quirkney:

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1 hour ago, Nocturney said:

Probably but still it was weird and kinda arrogant of her to say. :squintney:

ya'll clearly don't know Britney :notatall:

of course she was joking, she's always teasing the crowd like that, even in recent shows in Vegas, plus I don't think she said they should beg, she said something like "they could do better"

I can't believe the reaction Exhale had over this, first of all, believing she didn't know her mic was on, as if she didn't hear herself through the speakers, and secondly, believing she's some kind of rude ******* that would talk like that to her audience

Sometimes I wonder if ya'll really know who you are "stanning for", from your out of this world expectations of her shows, outfits, music, to the reactions you have over her comments/posts/lack of posts about certain events, etc it's like your Britney and my Britney were totally different persons

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