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Would you rather Femme Fatale didn't happen?

it's so much Better

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26 minutes ago, kin said:

I don't like the album/era but i prefer to listen to her music rather than nothing :tbh:

I know what you mean... I think I would also agree - but not in this particularly case, no...

17 minutes ago, itsjames said:

It also worsened the common thinking post 2007 tht britney was 'not really there'. I love ff album tho dont get me wrong. ;)

Definitely. Totally. It was what had most negative impact on her image. I know for a fact it did.


15 minutes ago, TheCharmedTributes1 said:

I feel like people keep mixing ALBUMS with BRITNEY SPEARS. Those are 2 different entities, even though the first is a product of the other. Anyway, my point is: Femme Fatale was an AMAZING album imo. Critics loved it, gp ate all singles up, most of the fans loved it, it delivered some strong club bangers and some of her best bodies of work imo (Inside Out, HATLM etc...) plus the music videos were here best to date. It brought dubstep back into mainstream and many other pop acts followed - Rihanna, Beyonce, Flo Rida etc... Even Skrillex said it himself that Britney was the one who did it first.

Now, her personality, her appearance and her performances are the other thing. She seemed disconnected from her material, most of the time it felt like she didn't even want to do what she was doing and her performances were bad. Or definitely not up to her standards. But that isn't something that is a part of album - most of the gp just hear a song and they mostly don't care who is singing it, as long as they dig the sound, which with FF they did.

To cut this short - no, I'd definitely keep FF in her discography. It's one of her best albums imo. :)

Uhum, I know what you mean - even tho I don't really agree. If FF hadn't happen Britney would had time to lay off - simple as that. Of course records and the singer are not the same thing, what it is involved between them it's what matters: her time, her health, her being, her being a mom, etc. What I mean is: I think she was not ready to have another album so fastened. FF was really rushed after Circus - so, in that sense, I would rather she had time to lay off. Specially being the case where I do think she had a serious breakdown of sadness and depression at that time. And yes, it's my opinion - I don't know her - but being a stan since BOMT it was what I felt (and what many other stans felt...).


14 minutes ago, Dexmorgan89 said:

I completely disagree, FF was an exceptional Pop Album and its success with limited promotion speaks volumes. :slayney:

I can get that! :)


9 minutes ago, Million Billion said:

Hell NO! 


the album is great, the tour was great too (better than walkney at the Circus tour thb), the music videos were amazing, she got a #1 single and album, it kept her relevant for a little longer. She was a very serious and more mature girl at the time but it doesn't mean she was sad, depressed or one of those delusional moods you think she was as if you deeply know her. 

I would answer but you being rude simply turned me off. :)

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2 minutes ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

*****, sit. TTWE and IWG were her biggest radio hits ever, HIAM and S&M were #1 hits for her, the FFT was one of the top-selling tours of the year, and the album itself was not only #1, but the most illegally downloaded album of 2011. :lessons: Not to mention that era spawned three Vevo-Certified videos, including one of her most viewed overall (IWG).

I get how sucessful was that. That not my question. It doesn't matter how selling it did... I'm talking about Britney. The person I stan... for her I do think it was really hard and BAD...

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Just now, BrittonJeanSpears said:

*****, sit. TTWE and IWG were her biggest radio hits ever, HIAM and S&M were #1 hits for her, the FFT was one of the top-selling tours of the year, and the album itself was not only #1, but the most illegally downloaded album of 2011. :lessons: Not to mention that era spawned three Vevo-Certified videos, including one of her most viewed overall (IWG).

Preach, sis.

Educate those *******.


Go stream Slumber Party and stop these treads that won't do any good. We can't erase any era, not even BJ or PG.

It was part of the rebirth of Britney in all her Glory.

Do you think she was sad and painfull to watch? How would you know if she would be better at home? Do you know if FFT or POM was kinda terapeutical for her? 

We don't know and we will never know for sure


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Just now, it's so much Better said:

I get how sucessful was that. That not my question. It doesn't matter how selling it did... I'm talking about Britney. The person I stan... for her I do think it was really hard and BAD...

You act as if she can't be a diva with an attitude and a temper. You honestly think the woman we saw during the In The Zone and Blackout eras would do ANYTHING she didn't want to? Have you not seen her corner to corner grins during Femme Fatale Tour performances? She hated the promotion, OBVIOUSLY, but to think that she was miserable throughout the era is just ridiculous.

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6 minutes ago, BrittonJeanSpears said:

You act as if she can't be a diva with an attitude and a temper. You honestly think the woman we saw during the In The Zone and Blackout eras would do ANYTHING she didn't want to? Have you not seen her corner to corner grins during Femme Fatale Tour performances? She hated the promotion, OBVIOUSLY, but to think that she was miserable throughout the era is just ridiculous.

By my standarts you are really being contradictory, so I don't get your point. But we could try to agree to disagree, honey. It doesn't hurt. You think I'm wrong and I think you are too wrong to be talking for real... so... :squintney:

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7 minutes ago, it's so much Better said:

I would answer but you being rude simply turned me off. :)

Sorry if I sounded rude to you, it wasn't the intention but NO! I wouldn't erase anything from her career, not even the BJ album. Having so much time off the music industry wouldn't have helped that much. No matter how much time Britney takes, 80% of that time would be about trips to Hawaii :quirkney:

we would have gone from Circus 2008 to BJ 2013.

From a business perspective: FF album was a good seller, her 7th world tour (when will xtincta?), 3 top 10 hits, 1 #1 single, 1 #1 album, Video Vanguard award, 3 certified music videos....

Personally, she was very shy at the time but it doesn't mean she was sad or anything like that. She was engaged with an older guy than her so I guess it made her feel like she had to act more reserved, but that's just a personal assumption. Music is what keeps her motivated, she has changed over the years but the desire to be on stage is still the same since she was on the Mickey Mouse Club, she had enough money to retire and keep a private life away the music industry, just look at this, does she look sad? :gloss:


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2 hours ago, nels64 said:

I don't think it helped her though. As we learned from a recent interview as well she had told Larry and Adam that she didnt want to tour anymore in 2009 and then they sent her on FF. I think she needed way more time to recover from the breakdown. 

Circus was something she clearly wanted to do. She wanted to show the world she was okay and that she wasn't a crazy person. But FF undid all of that work. It made people think she was a robot, she couldn't dance anymore. Her anxiety was through the roof. She just wasnt ready. 

She wasn't necessarily miserable but she wasnt mentally ready and you can tell. She just needed time with her family and ****. And dont even get me started on the whole Jason mess.  

It probably would be a lot different than the Glory we got. But I'm just saying in terms of her having more control etc. 

You guys aren't even thinking this through. Vegas was not ready for Britney in 2011. Britney has wanted to be in Vegas since she was with Keven, but in 2011 there was no place for a show like POM. It just wasn't what Vegas was yet, so even if she didn't want to tour, she wouldn't have had POM because Vegas wasn't there. 

Also, I feel like it's mostly newer fans that weren't around during the FF era saying to replace it. The hype around Britney was electric. The way people tuned into MTV just for teasers of the HIAM video was amazing. She was really a superstar. The hype when FF leaked was outrageous. She needed an album in 2011 to cement her comeback and I think Britney even knows this. I really think we wouldn't even have Glory if not for FF because she would have faded if she had done Circus and then took a long time off. 

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People who are mentioning the success of the album don't understand that the era killed her career longevity. What was there after Femme Fatale exactly? Did you see how Work ***** kicked off compared to Hold it against me's debut? It made her completely uninteresting overall. That album was just Jive leeching off her remaining relevancy and hype before splitting and disappearing.

The album wasn't even an astrominical success, not even 2M copies sold WW.

That era was a big damage to her image. Look at her contemporary, Beyoncé, she spent her time building her image and audience in 2011 while Britney was sadly forced to sell out. Guess who is still getting #1 albums in 2016? :beyfedup:

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No, I like the album... It's not her best but it isn't her worst. For me, it's kind of "meh". But the singles + one or two songs are AMAZING.

The promo and the tour... Awful. :eheeek: She was literally a robot with no expressions, no feelings, it was horrible. It was really hard to watch her interviews/performances. Like alexdaily said, that tour ruined her image worldwide, it was that bad. I think it was a mix between her meds and that maybe she doesn't liked the album that much (since her original work was scrapped). But FF with a decent promo and tour (Like Circus) it would have been HUGE.


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