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Private Show For Single 3?


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16 hours ago, ruubjah said:

I don't know, even though TTWE was a huge hit for her internationally, I think she should've dropped TTWE, IWG and Criminal as singles. And just release HIAM, Inside Out, DDB with Nicki or Sabi, to me it doesn't matter, because I like the "vegeteblues" girl :shameless:, and then SIWAK

No sis I think everything played out good except for Criminal being released but even then she should have still released Inside Out for 5th and to close the era 

16 hours ago, confidentnotcocky said:

Boo, no:ponderney:


But as it's Christmas soon, the commercial should be on rotation on our screens, they need to do this.


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12 minutes ago, Spearsfan said:

It basically has a video already. No thank you...

Especially since you either love it or hate it. There is little in between.

i love it but it would be a tragic single. 

I need a full video of Private Show and I agree you either love or hate it

I think CYM needs to be a single too!

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