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Am I the only 'NEW' Britney Spears fan? (My Story)


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I've only rediscovered Britney around mid August right before the release of Glory. I thought it would be fun/amusing to listen to the "This Is:" playlist they had of her on Spotify while I played LoL. I was never a fan of hers before that. In fact, the only song I genuinely liked from her was Sometimes and it was more for the nostalgia feels (still my favorite btw). I've never been a pop music fan either. In high school I listened to 90s alt like Weezer and Green Day or emo stuff like MCR, PATD, or FOB. In college, I listened to a lot of indie/folk stuff like Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Edwarde Sharpe+Magnetic zeros, etc. When I started working my desk monkey job I was listening to recent hip hop stuff like Future, Young Thug, and Travis Scott.

After I heard Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know and Anticipating from the playlist I couldn't get enough of Britney. I listened to BOMT and OIDIA all the way through and loved every second of it maybe not Dear Diary so much. Then I decided to look up her old music videos on YT and I absolutely fell in love with her. You see where this is going. I listened to Britney, ITZ, and Blackout just in time before she released Glory and my life was changed forever. Her albums just got better and better! (I hadn't heard BJ at this time, or Circus and FF for that matter). I even bought a japanese version of Glory just so I could listen to Mood Ring - the first physical copy of music I've bought since 2004. 

I am basically obsessed with her (stanning? is that the right word?) and my gf thought it was cute at first but now she thinks it's a little weird. My coworkers thought it was funny but the other day one of my friends said it was getting a little creepy lol. As a straight guy that works in IT it's really hard to find other fans that love her as much as I do, especially without being called gay/love etc. and I am so glad to have found this community and see that there are many out there who share my love for the Queen, the one true God, the Holy Spearit herself, Britney Jean Spears.

Sorry for the word vomit, but any other 'new' fans out there? How did you become a fan? I wanna hear your stories! 

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12 minutes ago, BabyCan'tYouSee said:

I've only rediscovered Britney around mid August right before the release of Glory. I thought it would be fun/amusing to listen to the "This Is:" playlist they had of her on Spotify while I played LoL. I was never a fan of hers before that. In fact, the only song I genuinely liked from her was Sometimes and it was more for the nostalgia feels (still my favorite btw). I've never been a pop music fan either. In high school I listened to 90s alt like Weezer and Green Day or emo stuff like MCR, PATD, or FOB. In college, I listened to a lot of indie/folk stuff like Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Edwarde Sharpe+Magnetic zeros, etc. When I started working my desk monkey job I was listening to recent hip hop stuff like Future, Young Thug, and Travis Scott.

After I heard Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know and Anticipating from the playlist I couldn't get enough of Britney. I listened to BOMT and OIDIA all the way through and loved every second of it maybe not Dear Diary so much. Then I decided to look up her old music videos on YT and I absolutely fell in love with her. You see where this is going. I listened to Britney, ITZ, and Blackout just in time before she released Glory and my life was changed forever. Her albums just got better and better! (I hadn't heard BJ at this time, or Circus and FF for that matter). I even bought a japanese version of Glory just so I could listen to Mood Ring - the first physical copy of music I've bought since 2004. 

I am basically obsessed with her (stanning? is that the right word?) and my gf thought it was cute at first but now she thinks it's a little weird. My coworkers thought it was funny but the other day one of my friends said it was getting a little creepy lol. As a straight guy that works in IT it's really hard to find other fans that love her as much as I do, especially without being called gay/love etc. and I am so glad to have found this community and see that there are many out there who share my love for the Queen, the one true God, the Holy Spearit herself, Britney Jean Spears.

Sorry for the word vomit, but any other 'new' fans out there? How did you become a fan? I wanna hear your stories! 


8 minutes ago, Erreur 2 La Nature said:

So glad that Britney's getting a few more fans that discover her old and her new music ! And welcome to exhell :letitburn:

Also, we're all gay men and straight girls so you're going to discover that you're gay too, soon, really soon :hype:

Not true.


There are also straight men on here.


Don't worry sweetie. Welcome :wannadie:

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why tf is it creepy? as long as you don't shove it in everybody's face your friends and gf should just relax tbh. even if you do they should be glad you're passionate about something at least. hopefully it's not just a phase like your previous music choices :dorkney: 

and i can't believe those spotify playlist actually works lmao

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1 minute ago, JustLoveBritney said:

How old are you? Love that Britney's got more fans coming in. I'm 15 and have adored Britney since 2008, so don't take that question in a creepy way please:gloria:

I am 24. So my earliest memories of Brit was when she came out, I was around 8 at the time. Didn't really pay attention to her at her peak around 03/04 but I always thought she was super hot I might've rubbed a few out to Toxic MV . Then I heard she shaved her head (it was on the news) and thought she was a crazy person 

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Just now, BabyCan'tYouSee said:

I am 24. So my earliest memories of Brit was when she came out, I was around 8 at the time. Didn't really pay attention to her at her peak around 03/04 but I always thought she was super hot I might've rubbed a few out to Toxic MV . Then I heard she shaved her head (it was on the news) and thought she was a crazy person 

Oh okay... erm, glad your passion for her music has rekindled again:shameless:

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10 minutes ago, GetBack98 said:

Nah I'm sure there are a few others but slay a bit


So what are your top 3 albums of hers? :comingthru:

In The Zone, Blackout, and Glory. Although I do like listening to FF just because the songs are catchy. I know it sounds less 'Britney' than her other albums but it's still fun. 

My favorite 3 songs from her are Sometimes, DLMBTLTK, and Anticipating in that order. I guess I like her older singles better

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3 minutes ago, BabyCan'tYouSee said:

In The Zone, Blackout, and Glory. Although I do like listening to FF just because the songs are catchy. I know it sounds less 'Britney' than her other albums but it's still fun. 

My favorite 3 songs from her are Sometimes, DLMBTLTK, and Anticipating in that order. I guess I like her older singles better

Honey, where is her best song Lonely? :wannadie:

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Just now, Erreur 2 La Nature said:



a comic, absurd, or incongruous quality causing amusement:
the humor of a situation.
the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical:
He is completely without humor.
an instance of being or attempting to be comical or amusing;something humorous :
The humor in his joke eluded the audience.
the faculty of expressing the amusing or comical:
The author's humor came across better in the book than in the movie.
comical writing or talk in general; comical books, skits, plays, etc.
humors, peculiar features; oddities; quirks:
humors of life.
mental disposition or temperament.


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