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When did the GP turn on Britney?


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She had full GP support during Circus which is why it opened with 505k. She had the chance to keep the GP on board with Femme Fatale and she lost it, but it's not her fault. Her heavy medication affected both her bubbly personality and performance skills which alienated the GP from her.

Femme Fatale only selling 780k was a sign of an upcoming underperforming era (GP loss) but the content of the Britney Jean era (lead single especially) made it a complete disaster. Britney Jean was the second era where the GP saw her as an awkward woman who sang heavily auto-tuned songs and who wasn't an amazing dancer either. She presented nothing new with Work *****, this song was a mistake and it wasn't even of TTWE level for the GP to appreciate. Her eighth album should have been a complete reinvention not that. The lead single of B8 should have been a song that gained back the GP who was over her after FF.

But at least FF was successful and did not harm her status as a big popstar. BJ flopping made her look "over", "done", "hasbeen", which put the GP off her even more.

I think she would've been better off not releasing Britney Jean at all and then come back with Glory 5 years later. The GP needed time to forget about her messy image of FF. She would be huge right now.

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19 minutes ago, Shadow. said:

This has been going on since her split with Justin and everyone thought she was a cheat. It gradually got worse with her relationship with K-Flop. Britney has always had a love/hate relationship with the GP so the comments don't shock me and they shouldn't shock you :quirkney:


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15 hours ago, --- said:

people have hated britney since inception of her brand

Exactly. People root for her but she has always been slammed as untalented, trashy, or stupid. I've been a fan since the beginning and she was always slammed in the media and by the general public. Despite her declined popularity she's still considered the ideal popstar so when they want to attack pop music, they automatically think of britney. She's also an easy target because she won't bite when they try to antagonize her.

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17 hours ago, Aymama said:

This but to answer your question, I think it was around the femme fatale era when the GP really stopped rooting.. The live performances and the tour I think were the cause.. And then X factor put another nail in the coffin :grimace:

Well, to be fair... X Factor did give us the only live vocals we'd hear until Carpool Karaoke. :uknowit:

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13 hours ago, I'mAMomNow said:

Just read this in another thread, which I thought was interesting in the context of this one. 

In the bridge of If I'm Dancing, she states that her chakras indicate trust and security, whereas her partner wants trust and openness/communication.




She said her chakras are PINK and red, and I highly doubt this chart is standardized for every psychic who claims to see chakras and auras, so i don't think Britney's interpretation was the same as this website's.

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10 hours ago, D_Britfan said:

No they really didnt, the internet was super basic back in early 2000s and was no where near as easy to access either. You had to really work to spread hate back in the day. Theres more noise because britney is putting herself back in the public eye this era duh, no one was bothered about defaming her when it seemed like she had dropped off the face of the earth in vegas.


LMFAO you clearly have no idea what you were talking about.

Before breatheheavy there were the eFG Boards and I assure you completely - that site was FARRRRRR bigger than anything this site could ever aspire to be in terms of users and frequency of posts. Her performances were all beamed worldwide thanks to the Internet BEFORE YouTube made it convenient. Forums were EVERYWHERE. People commented by the hundreds on every single online article vs. today when its nothing but a ghost town. People searched everywhere for places to download illegal music and hers was at the forefront. Millions of fans every day jumped on MTV.com forums to vote for Britney to be #1 on TRL. Not to mention Britney pretty much singlehandedly created online gossip rags and kept them in business like x17 TMZ Perez Hilton BEFORE social media was invented, and last but not least, Britney was the #1 Google search term for nearly a DECADE.


If anything, the internet has become more basic because now everyone just flocks to Facebook & twitter, types out 140 characters and that's it. Compared to that, from 1999 to 2009, the entire internet were practically writing theses and dissertations on Britney's every single move.


And guess what - in another 10 years, all of these posts will exist in a virtual graveyard, those tweets and hashtags will be archived and secretly sold to advertisers, new platforms will come up that will make most current social media like Vine, instagram, whatever obsolete, and an entire generation's thoughts will become completely irrelevant - and Britney, if she herself is willing, will still be here going forward.


Literally nothing said on the internet matters, because its all replaceable. Britney and her impact is not.

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38 minutes ago, makemeslay said:


LMFAO you clearly have no idea what you were talking about.

Before breatheheavy there were the eFG Boards and I assure you completely - that site was FARRRRRR bigger than anything this site could ever aspire to be in terms of users and frequency of posts. Her performances were all beamed worldwide thanks to the Internet BEFORE YouTube made it convenient. Forums were EVERYWHERE. People commented by the hundreds on every single online article vs. today when its nothing but a ghost town. People searched everywhere for places to download illegal music and hers was at the forefront. Millions of fans every day jumped on MTV.com forums to vote for Britney to be #1 on TRL. Not to mention Britney pretty much singlehandedly created online gossip rags and kept them in business like x17 TMZ Perez Hilton BEFORE social media was invented, and last but not least, Britney was the #1 Google search term for nearly a DECADE.


If anything, the internet has become more basic because now everyone just flocks to Facebook & twitter, types out 140 characters and that's it. Compared to that, from 1999 to 2009, the entire internet were practically writing theses and dissertations on Britney's every single move.


And guess what - in another 10 years, all of these posts will exist in a virtual graveyard, those tweets and hashtags will be archived and secretly sold to advertisers, new platforms will come up that will make most current social media like Vine, instagram, whatever obsolete, and an entire generation's thoughts will become completely irrelevant - and Britney, if she herself is willing, will still be here going forward.


Literally nothing said on the internet matters, because its all replaceable. Britney and her impact is not.

Yup, there may be more internet users now but dedicated forums for everything were HUGE back then and they have died since the rise of social media.

I really miss those days especially when it comes to humor and videogame forums lol.

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On 9/5/2016 at 8:02 PM, Jdub318 said:

Is it just me or has anyone else been witnessing all the negative comments about her? Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. People really want her to retire and it makes me sad :embarrassney:


i think that vma performance really hurt her reputation :( 


I don't know why but it just seems like a lot of people are hating on her. It makes me sad as a fan. I've always loved Britney on top and slaying everyone but it feels like she's a has been. Does anyone else feel this way? :angietea:


I really think it goes back and forth tbh. I think a lot of people love pulling celebrities off their pedestal, watch them scamper back up and they can keep pulling them down again and again. Bloodsport.



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On 9/5/2016 at 9:37 PM, fucknfurter said:

People are going to say that there have always been extreme haters of Britney since the BOMT days, and that's true. It has always been, and it always will be, cool to hate Britney. But the majority of the public was obsessed with her up until her forty-eight hour marriage to Jason Alexander. That's when the first real shift started. And when she got with Kevin, it didn't get any better. And then of course there's 2007 -- and while people may have been accepting and welcoming when she came back with Circus, the majority of the public made fun of her in 2007.

Still, she was sort of a favorite again in the public eye and people supported her return and called her stronger than ever, but it started going downhill during the FF era. Britney Jean did not help it any. And with the promotion stopping and her being out of the mainstream eye, for the most part, for two years... yeah. That's where she stands right now.

I'm ashamed of myself that I wasn't more understanding back in 2007. It wasn't like my mentality was the mentality the general population had when Charlie Sheen was going through his rough spell a few years ago. It was very curious the reaction Charlie received* and I really have to credit Charlie for me being able to pull that celebrity plug for me. I only pay attention to the professional aspect of people I like now. Anything else would seem like gawking at animals at the zoo. 

It's painful seeing somebody you like go through a very rough time. You really want to see them be okay, be happy, etc. 

*I think the reactions were opposite tbh. I think the general population in Britney's case amounted to throwing rocks at her. Charlie's reaction was the one I think the gp was very amused by what he was doing. I think they thought of it almost like a tv sitcom: "Just what is this crazy guy gonna do next? LMFAO!" And if I'm not stepping over a line, I think people were ready to applaud if the worst case had happened to Charlie. Almost treating it like it was a stage show, ya know? "Everybody stand up and applaud, somebody just completely melted down in front of us!" "Yay! Let's do this again!":dontlike:


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People have given me **** for loving Britney since she first tapped that pencil against her notebook. Yes, I feel like more and more fans have given up on her in recent years, but I honestly couldn't care less about that. It doesn't make Glory any less enjoyable to listen to, and I'll never stop loving her. She will always be my #1 Queen whether her album sells 1 copy or 1 million...no one can take that away from me :mcry:

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On 9/5/2016 at 10:39 PM, zuzzka said:

try to read comments about other celebrities - haters are everywhere

That's also true. It's just really unfortunate when you run into one that REALLY hits below the belt. I was on youtube for another favorite singer of mine and somebody was making fun of the way he died. He pulled out and a bus hit him and killed him. It's not funny. We ended up having a peaceful conversation, surprisingly enough. And there were things that even I was thinking about that this person was saying. If you're too shitfaced to drive, please call somebody to come and drive you home instead of trying to do it yourself. Yeah, I realize how reckless it was and he was putting himself in danger AND other people in danger anytime he was driving shitfaced. But the guy died, whether you like somebody or not--why laugh and make jokes about being "wrapped around a bus"? :grimace:


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Since she was 17 :tiffeyeroll:

Its sad because shes such an angel, but since she lipsyncs like Janet and Mariah (2008 -2013) shes criticized. 

Oh and Celine :tiffeyeroll:

Oh and Bleache :tiffeyeroll:

But no one makes a deal about the 4 Lipsyncing. 

And ***** Rihlapse and Britneys evil step mother Madonna need to lipsync.   :tiffsmoke:


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I feel like Britney will always be used as punching bag by the GP. She's just not taken seriously. I LOVE my girl to DEATH and I am not bashing her, I'm simply stating fact. She could sing any song LIVE somewhere and people will still make fun of her and say no wonder she lipsynchs. She could dance her freaking glorious butt off and still be accused of being stiff and a shell of her former self (like the comments on the BBMA performance). It's sad because she deserves so much more respect than what she receives, but I really don't think there is anything she could do that will change the GP's opinion of her. She tried the mature mom persona for BJ and that didn't work. She's brought back her **** confident attitude and that hasn't helped. People will always see her as the lipsynching pop star who had a breakdown and shaved her head. They just can't see past that because people are cruel and small-minded. They think it's "uncool" to like Britney so they bash her because that's what everyone else does. Its a vicious circle. I mean even her own "fans" turn on her on the daily.


That's just my 2 cents :bthink:

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39 minutes ago, MannequinMann said:

I feel like Britney will always be used as punching bag by the GP. She's just not taken seriously. I LOVE my girl to DEATH and I am not bashing her, I'm simply stating fact. She could sing any song LIVE somewhere and people will still make fun of her and say no wonder she lipsynchs. She could dance her freaking glorious butt off and still be accused of being stiff and a shell of her former self (like the comments on the BBMA performance). It's sad because she deserves so much more respect than what she receives, but I really don't think there is anything she could do that will change the GP's opinion of her. She tried the mature mom persona for BJ and that didn't work. She's brought back her **** confident attitude and that hasn't helped. People will always see her as the lipsynching pop star who had a breakdown and shaved her head. They just can't see past that because people are cruel and small-minded. They think it's "uncool" to like Britney so they bash her because that's what everyone else does. Its a vicious circle. I mean even her own "fans" turn on her on the daily.


That's just my 2 cents :bthink:

its so unfair too, because Justin Bieber is a ******* tool who treats his fans like **** and hotel employees and his own team members like they are his slaves, and all he needs to completely reinvent himself is a fake image about being sorry, a hit song like What Do U Mean? and to sit his *** down on the couch and get "roasted" by a bunch of "comedians" about how his ex-girlfriend is a dirty Hispanic and how he is banging the maid or whatever, and boom, all is forgiven.


This world is ******* trash and frankly Britney is too much of an angel to live amongst this filth.

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